Ron Paul’s Past Coming Up To Haunt?

January 9th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


One reason why I would never run for POTUS is all the people who would just dig and dig into my past…dude, you don’t even want to know…

But The New Republic has been doing a lot of digging and apprently Ron Paul published a newsletter for years called the Ron Paul Freedom Report, and according to the guys that did the digging, the newsletter has some pretty extreme views to say the least.

KKK support, anti-Semitism, the whole Conspiracy Theory gammut of yarns etc etc…

The Ron Paul camp tried to distance him from the more disturbing things that appeared in the newsletter, by saying he didn’t write everything that went in there, and also there were many articles published in that newsletter that he never even saw.

But evidence seems to point to the contrary.

Hot Air and Ace have been compiling a lot on the whole thing, check it out.

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5 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    And who didn’t know that Rhue Paul was a fooking phreak? Cue the Twilight Zone Theme maestro…..

  2. Top Ward

    Finally, a good photo of the true man behind the curtain.

  3. A.S. Wise- VA

    Yup, he is not suited for the Presidency. Anyone wanna wager how long it takes the Paulnuts to get their marching orders from their “Supreme Webserver”, and post a foaming-from-the-mouth piece here? Heh heh heh! :lol:

    Oh and I really started getting alarmed when my leftist college professors started quoting and agreeing with Ron Paul that the hajjis had legitimate reason to be pissed at us. I said it once, and I’ll say it again, Ron Paul’s base isn’t as much that of bonafide libertarians, as it is kook leftists. This is shameful I see it on my facebook all the time. They want to see us embarrassed and defeated abroad.

  4. A.S. Wise- VA

    Yup, he is not suited for the Presidency. Anyone wanna wager how long it takes the Paulnuts to get their marching orders from their “Supreme Webserver”, and post a foaming-from-the-mouth piece here? Heh heh heh! :lol:

    Oh and I really started getting alarmed when my leftist college professors started quoting and agreeing with Ron Paul that the hajjis had legitimate reason to be pissed at us. I said it once, and I’ll say it again, Ron Paul’s base isn’t as much that of bonafide libertarians, as it is kook leftists. This shameful blame American-first campaign is taken far beyond even the smears Hildawg has dealt, if you can believe that!!! I see it on my facebook all the time. They want to see us embarrassed and defeated abroad.

  5. jhr

    I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    The right to be secure in one’s home… hanging on by a thread
    The right to bear arms… for how much longer…

    I haven’t heard another candidate even mention the constituion.

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