Video: Point To Make Regarding Their Version Of Hormuz Incident

January 10th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

“Request present course and speed?” Good Freakin’ night…these guys are worse than amateurs.

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11 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Yeah, saw this when I logged on this a.m. …

    I like the United States Navy “director’s cut” better. Too much left on the editing floor with the Iranian cut …

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    omg! you have to be kidding me lol thats the worst acting job ever. He wasnt pushing the button when he requested present course and speed. then after the filming stopped he said you blow up now :mrgreen:

  3. REN

    Without a time line, a frame of reference, this is almost totally useless.

  4. Bash (the infidel)

    What I find…I don’t know, amusing? funny? comforting?

    Is that if your navy has to “request course and speed” for anything, then they would really be better off water-skiing.

    They should know present course and speed of any craft, in the air or in the water.

  5. drillanwr

    Bash -


    I was thinking the same damn thing!

    I totally missed the part where their gas station purchased paper map blew out of the boat … :lol:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    WTF? What’s that suppose to prove? That the Iraniacs are piss poor film makers, sailors and just generally, a sorry ass bunch of nuts? Screw them and their film. Let em use that film to wipe their ass with.

    Next time shoot the piss ants.

  7. shortfuse

    I have said for months now that we should have turned right into Iran and messed those bastards up long ago. And this wouldn’t be going on now.
    When do we stand up and say “FUCK YOU-you get bombed now and you blow up.”
    We always wait to react–let’s act once and see how it works.

  8. CBL

    Doesnt matter if they have their present speed and position CIWS Phalanx would have shredded those boats.

  9. Trindam

    That little film is so short it proves absolutely nothing. Not to mention even on that short of a film, it shows at the end one of their boats haulin ass away from the direction our ships were.

    What was that guy doing then huh?

    I also agree with REN, there isn’t much of anything that can be used as any sort of time reference. Hell, that could have been from a day or two ago as far as you can tell from it.

  10. martymar

    So Iran says the audio was fabricated but yet it sounds just like what these guys had in thier audio but just on the other end. And it’s true I didn’t see him key his mike in his last “transmission”. LOL that’s so funny. Fuck them assholes. Lying pieces of shit.

  11. jim

    Even if it was said, that warship does not respond to a speed boat, pretending to be a navy, without a flag, in hostile waters, on their course or speed.

    So they still look like a comedy…something like “1941″ with Slim Pickins.

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