Vid: Bush Says Pre-1967 Is Necessary - It’s The Dealbreaker
I’m not sure what the heck is up with that. Watch the video. Does he mean pre-1967 Jerusalem? Or all of pre-1967, which would include the Golan Heights and thusly doom Israel (you can lob a missile into any town in Israel from up there). This certainly means giving up the Temple Mount and letting the Al Aqsa Mosque be in permanent control of the Palestinians.
Do you know what sits directly under the mosque? Wow, just…wow.
Bah! Won’t happen…watch.
He also says Pre-1967 Is Necessary - It’s The Dealbreaker. @ the link - The poster of the video states:
Not exactly sure if he means pre-1967 Jerusalem? Or all of pre-1967, which would include the Golan Heights and thusly doom Israel (you can lob a missile into any town in Israel from up there). This certainly means giving up the Temple Mount and letting the Al Aqsa Mosque be in permanent control of the Palestinians.
After watching it, Im not sure either.…e-dealbreaker/
January 10th, 2008 at 8:30 amWrong again GW. The sand monkeys own 99 and 99/100 per cent of the land in the ME. Israel owns the rest. And you want to take away their spiritual capital? Got two words for you: Fook You.
January 10th, 2008 at 8:37 amthe Syrians have always claimed that recovering Golan was the condition for peace on their side ;
now, I don’t see Israel giving Golan back ; if they do, then there will be many tears and sorrows, like our compatriots had when they left Algeria
January 10th, 2008 at 8:42 amI like George Bush personally. I voted for him twice. I get frustrated with him and abhor the kowtowing to those I know evil and the capitulation on issues I feel that desperately need to be addressed. But I generally still support George Bush, believe he means well, is a brave patriot and wants what is best for everybody - even the lefties, though they show no appreciation for his effort. Hard to knock the man for believing like that.
I didn’t watch the video. But forgetting the strategic emphasis of the Golan Heights and elsewhere, if President Bush is in anyway suggesting America accept Jews having little or no control of Jerusalem or giving up any more land, I will forever be off the boat and will consider myself on the other side.
As hokey as this may sound to the rest of the world, especially the secular neo-pagan, Jew hating types, I absolutely believe this: you ask Israel and the Jews to negotiate about Jerusalem in any form, woe be to America. We’ve been warned.
January 10th, 2008 at 9:29 amThis would be a mistake. Personally, I think this is all just lip service; all Presidents of the United States seem to be required to attempt “Peace in the Middle East” at least once. The Israelis would be digging their own graves if they implement this.
January 10th, 2008 at 9:53 amI hope it’s just lipservice. Otherwise, he’s really gone off the rails. Contrary to what Olmert the appeaser wants, it’s never going to happen. Actually, the wars between England and Scotland went on for hundreds of years, and they had more in common than Palestinians/Israelis. It might take a few hundred years to settle this thing…
January 10th, 2008 at 11:43 amIt’s so good to see Bush standing firm against rewarding terrorism. Regrettable, though that he (nor any of his hacks in State) have taken the time to learn the history and context of UNSCR242, which was drafted to allow for the negotiation of borders (rather than dictating a retreat from all lands occupied in the aftermath of the 1967 war) because Israel’s pre-67 war borders were NOT DEFENSIBLE! What makes Bush think they are now? A return to a country with a significant section that is less than 10 miles wide will mean that Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem will all be within kassam and katusha range.
I fear that by making this statement publicly, Bush means it. And Olmert is spineless, stupid and arrogant enough to go along with it.
Get rid of Olmert!!!!
January 10th, 2008 at 12:03 pmUnfortunately, Israel signed her destiny long ago using the blood of her prophesied Messiah on the parchment of deicide.
I’m certainly not the best suited to open a can of theological worms but that singular act seems to be one humongous elephant in Israel that few if any ever acknowledge.
IMO there is only one chance Israel has to ever live in peace. And that is to do what their ruling-class ancestors failed to do some 2 millenia ago - recognize and worship their long awaited Christ.
Never in the history of man has any one group ever been hated by so many for so long. That fact by itself should give some indication there is more going on here than just neighbors failing to settle a long-standing dispute over a small piece of land.
“Behold your habitation shall be left unto you desolate.”
January 10th, 2008 at 12:31 pmDear Phil N. Blanx,
FUCK OFF AND DIE, you antisemitic swine.
To whoever moderates, if you don’t post this, please at least delete the blood libel. Fer cryin’ out loud.
January 10th, 2008 at 2:12 pmI can only hope and pray that President Bush has made these demands on Israel knowing full well that the Paleostinians will NEVER renounce terrorism and that Israel won’t have to give up a thing.
January 10th, 2008 at 2:26 pmI love and support the President always, but Israelis have fought and died for this land in ‘48, ‘67 and ‘73 and they should not and cannot cede one inch of Jerusalem to the Musselmen! (much less the Golan Heights).
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
From one Christian to another, that kind of theology is contrary to God’s word. Sorry that I have to disagree publicly.
While I do diverge from my Jewish friends about the arrival of messiah, it was and is for all of man. They don’t call our faith Judeo-Christian for nothing. Without Israel and the Jewish nation, our faith is meaningless. And that covenant with Abraham, the renewal of Israel as dictated by the prophets, and the promise in Genesis 12:3 still holds and will until the end of time. The Lord didn’t bring Israel back for her destruction but to keep covenant.
As for the irrational hating of the Jews, it only shows there is obviously something very special about the Jews; not that they are cursed. God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts. Don’t subscribe to persecution being God’s sole indicator of a curse; many times God uses persecution to provide a blessing we simply do not understand in the present.
If you think about it, the Jews are the canary in the cage for we Christians. As an Evangelical who has made it my personal mission to befriend Israel, I think it is worth remembering Christ’s death was attributed to no one man but for the sins of all of us.
January 10th, 2008 at 2:42 pmNo he is not saying pre-1967 boarders. In fact he is saying the opposite. Yes he said an end to the 1967 occupation. However he said Israel must have defensible boarders. The Pre-1967 war boarders will be changed.
January 10th, 2008 at 3:34 pmI personally support the state of Israel because it pisses off haj the mustifoon in the Islamic world. I belong to the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews. I’m not sure how God views the Jews. Paul did say that the Gospel is first for the Jew and then for the Greek. So there’s still something special about the Jews.
And Israel is the bulwark against haj in the ME. So I still support them. If I could I’d find a way for all the Jewish diapora to do Aliya.
But I digress…
No amount of territorial concession by Israel will buy it peace. It is the common refrain in haj’s world that the jihad will continue until every Jew is pushed into the sea.
It was Fatah and gay-boy Arafat’s goal to ratchet up the pain through the first and second intifada in order to force one concession after another from Israel in order to gradually take Israeli territory from them…one chunk at a time.
Fatah is a pussy. Hamas and Hizbollah, Syria and Iran will not stop their intifada just because Israel makes some sort of one-sided peace deal. Ever heard of hudna? Think of Tet New Year 1968…and you’ll get an idea what hudna really is.
Ohmert is also a pussy. Don’t care about his past. He’s a pussy now. Fuck him. He’s wrong too.
Jerusalem belongs to the Jews…even the false prophet figured that one out. The Golan Heights is Jewish land…
In reality all the land from the Nile’s east bank to the border of Azerbaijan, and Iran are Jewish land which was stolen from them by the Arabs, Persians, Greeks, Romans and everyone else in-between.
So Fatah, the PLO and Syria can go straight to hell.
Don’t expect any peace deal…it ain’t going to happen…not without the cooperation of Hamas and the hizzies…And you can bet the house that those two irhabi groups will NEVER declare peace with Israel.
In any event, Shalu Shlom Yerushalayim.
January 10th, 2008 at 6:02 pmDan
you have the right to support Israel, but your reading of antic history is kind of “evangelical” oriented ;
here is a map of the medes empire :
seems that the Babylonians were there before the Persians ; the Babylonians brought the jews in captivity to Babylone.
now, another map :
Only under Cyrus, the Persians conquierred the whole Palestine and Babylone, freed the Jews from Babylone ; he even help them to rebuilt their temple?
ever heard of Cyrus cylinder ?
“The worship of Marduk, the king of the gods, he [Nabonidus] [chang]ed into abomination. Daily he used to do evil against his city [Babylon] … He [Marduk] scanned and looked [through] all the countries, searching for a righteous ruler willing to lead [him] [in the annual procession]. [Then] he pronounced the name of Cyrus, king of Anshan, declared him to be[come] the ruler of all the world … I am Cyrus, king of the world, great king, legitimate king, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four rims [of the earth], son of Cambyses, great king, king of Anshan, grandson of Cyrus, great king, king of Anshan, descendant of Teispes, great king, king of Anshan, of a family [which] always [exercised] kingship; whose rule Bel [Marduk] and Nebo love, whom they want as king to please their hearts … I did not allow anybody to terrorize [any place] of the [country of Sumer] and Akkad. I strove for peace in Babylon and in all his [other] sacred cities. As to the inhabitants of Babylon … I abolished forced labour … From Nineveh, Assur and Susa, Akkad, Eshnunna, Zamban, Me-Turnu and Der until the region of Gutium, I returned to these sacred cities on the other side of the Tigris, the sanctuaries of which have been ruins for a long time, the images which [used] to live therein and established for them permanent sanctuaries. I [also] gathered all their [former] inhabitants and returned [to them] their habitations”
that was the first human rights charter :
the people returned to their homeland, could practice their own religion…
January 11th, 2008 at 4:00 am