Bashman Vid: The Islamization of America

January 8th, 2008 Posted By Bashman.

[flv:/vids/bash35finalavi_384K.flv Click here for more info on “The Project”.

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15 Responses

  1. DC

    Correct….as usual! Good info Bash!

    BTW….couldn’t help but notice the portrait of “Bob”, over your shoulder. I wonder how many readers know about the “Church of the Sub-Genius”!

  2. Bash (the infidel)


    heh…Bob is Louie’s thing. Louie likes Bob.

    :lol: :beer:

  3. Steve in NC

    J. R. “Bob” Dobbs!

    ? a commentary on the sub-genius church of the goat fuckers?

  4. DC



  5. Steve in NC

    I have had conversations regarding this topic with some people who think this idea is just way over the top, that it is never gonna happen.
    Now they are going to have to see the vid.

    Thanks Bash, now go get a job

  6. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Good Job, Bash - Simple and to the point . . .

  7. Leatherneck

    I see the propaganda everyday & I know they’re workin’ at it 24/7 but….their fathers execute their own daughters. These animals can’t even maintain a family let alone world domination.

    You simply cannot conquer the world by blowing up even your own kind. As soon as Israel pulled back from Gaza, the Hamas & other terrorist organizations were literally ripping the hearts out of each others bodies & parading around in the streets.

    As if they weren’t doing that sort of thing back in the Babylonian/Philistine era…

    It just goes to show you how fucked-up these people are when they actually GET something they want.

    We’re not going to let them GET our country.

    Brilliant work on the vid Bash.

  8. drillanwr


    And might THIS be the bridge you want to sell them if they don’t believe you?

  9. Bill

    Bash, while your message is the God’s honest truth, . . . it won’t make it to the folks who need to hear it the most. Can you make a Video that says this as passionately and as clearly as you do here - just without the profanity? THEN challenge FOX and / or O’Reilly to air it.

    DUDE - You’re righteous, but not enough folks know. Get one good shot on TV and YOU, PAT DOLLARD, IGGY, RIGHTHAND GIRL and the whole cast WILL BE HEARD! Make sure the screen displays “” during your “Clean” version. You will help many people reach Pat for donations and maybe, just maybe some of the previously brainwashed, regular working stiffs will see the light. More will get it when they visit online. Ramp up your servers, cause you’ll need to (By a factor of 100 times what you have now).

    It’s worth a shot. I know you can do it. Just use your BRAIN and not just your balls.

    With faith in your communication skills,
    Northern NJ

  10. Sandy

    Another work of art Bash! I thought you were rather reserved in this one but still laying it out as simple as possible.


    It would be really cool to see the whole Dollard Team on T.V. together. Funding and readers would increase.

  11. LftBhndAgn

    Thank you Bash. Especially for the Front Page “Project” article.

    I have to tell you I have always been a fence sitter in regards to Muslims and Islam in general. I always gave them the benefit of the doubt that they (the ones here) came here for a better life for their children and for freedom. As I look around and see & read more & more, I am coming to the conclusion (QUICKLY)that they are NOT. They have NOT done enough here. They have not done enough worldwide to stop what is going on in the world today. They have had far to many chances in as many years to change the situation with radical Islam and they FACT it has hijacked their religion and they sit and do nothing. WHICH tells me 2 things. #1 They don’t WANT their religion to change. #2 They are sympathetic to the cause of Radical Islam.

    The two points I have just made, cause me to fall over the fence and finally say with all my heart, If you are not going to stand up and change what the Radicals have done and are doing all over the world with YOUR collective voices (Muslims), why in the hell should I stand up for you?

  12. Top Ward

    LftBhndAgn, I’m hearing you brother. Being a good Christian, I’ve tried to apply my Western logic to Eastern thinking and I’m DEAD wrong. We (the West/Christians) cannot continue to allow the Radical Islamists to go forward with their plan. We must DEMAND that they assimilate into our culture. If they want to retain their religion, fine, but they must ammend their thinking on their dealings with us.

    Otherwise, we MUST become modern day Crusaders!

  13. ticticboom

    Great vid, Bash.

    People ignored what Lenin and Hitler said, to their sorrow. The useful idiots think because even they don’t believe most of their own rhetoric, everyone else must be full of shit, too. The very concept of a hundred year plan is unfathomable to them. They can’t even see past the next election cycle. As has been said, they won’t open their eyes until they feel the dull blade at their throats, if then.

    They want to doom themselves, fine, but I’ll be damned if I sign a suicide pact.

  14. dadeo

    I wonder how we created a sub-culture (in the U.S.A.) that hates itself and America so much that it not only aids and abets muslim aspiration; many liberal minded Americans have overtly joined the muslim cause as well.

    Think about it. The left openly denounces all things religious EXEPT for islam. What the fuck is that about?

    More importantly, what is to be done about it?

    Great vid Bashman!

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    Too bad you didn’t mention Sayyid Qutb one of the key founders of modern jihadism.

    No discussion of the Islamic threat is complete without a thorough study of this evil fool.

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