Update: Perp’s Picture Missing Pregnant Marine Dead, Buried In Shallow Grave

January 11th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

BOL Issued
Be On The Lookout For: Cpl. Cesar Armando Lauren. Authorities want to talk to him in connection with her murder.

Jacksonville, NC-The missing pregnant Marine is dead, the Onslow County sheriff said in a televised press conference shortly after noon on Friday. Marine Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach has been killed and is reportedly buried in a shallow grave, according to a witness that Sheriff Ed Brown refused to identify.

The grave hasn’t been found. He said they are searching for the grave and the suspect in her death is the Marine accused of raping her. He said he wasn’t calling her death murder.

Lauren is said to be driving a black Ford pickup with NC license plates 1522.

Brown said he had originally thought that he had positive news and that he had only recently heard that she was dead and buried in a shallow grave in a heavily wooded residential neighborhood. He said there was physical evidence that Lauterbach was dead and the evidence linked her death to 21-year-old Marine Cpl. Cesar Armando Lauren who she had accused of raping her.

He told reporters that they could assume the child was dead, saying “right now I have nothing to challenge that assumption.”

Brown said the witness was not currently a Marine, just an average citizen who had information and wanted to do the right thing by coming forward. He also said that the suspect in the case was not in custody.


“The information that we have is what the witness would have been told,” Brown said.

The sheriff said Lauterbach’s car was found at the bus station because she had driven it there. He said she bought a bus ticket but did not redeem it.

A Marine Corps investigator said the information on Lauterbach had come from Marine sources. He also said that after Lauterbach filed a rape complaint that the she and the person she had accused had allegedly carried on a friendly relationship, but that she hadn’t dropped the charges and the investigation was ongoing.

The sheriff defended himself for not answering questions about the case yesterday because they still hadn’t been able to talk to the defendant and the suspect’s attorney was present listening to what he said.

“We’ve done a professional investigation,” Brown said.

He said he put out call for a nationwide manhunt for Lauren who had not been in custody and hadn’t been considered a flight risk. Lauren left town at about 4:30 a.m.

Brown said that he couldn’t pressure someone who refuses to talk without an attorney. He said he has talked to his three attorneys, won’t let him talk to suspect

Responding to reporter’s questions, Brown said that he didn’t know if Lauterbach had been raped or not and he also didn’t know the sex of her unborn baby.

While Lauterbach’s body hasn’t been found yet, the sheriff’s department is looking where she was supposedly been buried. She is reportedly buried in a shallow grave near Gum Branch Road, according to a key witness who Brown refused to identify. He said that investigators with dogs were out searching for the grave.

Brown said she was buried sometime before Dec. 20 and said he thought she was killed shortly after talking to her mother and sometime before the 20th. Brown promised reporters photos of Lauren as soon as he had it.


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9 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    They’re tossing rapists off cliffs now in Iran. I kind of like that idea for judgement of the scumbag that did this despicable crime.

  2. mindy abraham

    How sad :sad: about this-I hope they figure out exactly what happend. I DON’T hope that those who hate the military will use this case to show how brutal they are.

  3. Steve in NC

    capital crime, capital punishment

  4. MegaTroopX

    This was not what I was hoping for. Hopefully they turn the shitbag who did her in over to her fellow Marines.

    Drillanwr, I hope you’ll keep Dollard’s readers up to date with anything you can find out.

    And SGT WELSH, you can kiss my ass.

  5. Mike in CA

    Very sad ending for a troubled woman. May she and her child rest in peace :cry:

    In other news, O.J. is on his way back to jail :lol:

  6. drillanwr


    Drillanwr, I hope you’ll keep Dollard’s readers up to date with anything you can find out.

    Got a call around noon from my “contact” at Camp L. Not much outside of what went on on the TV just before the call. But IF I do hear any scuttlebutt different than what’s being reported … well, I’ll run it through my spider senses and see if it’s worth passing on.

    However, I am NOT a legal professional … But I AM having a real problem with this whole thing:

    [The grave hasn’t been found. He said they are searching for the grave and the suspect in her death is the Marine accused of raping her. He said he wasn’t calling her death murder.]

    It’s sort of flying in the face of Corpus delicti (”the fact of a crime having been actually committed.”)

    Now, I’m NOT defending ANYONE here … It’s just that they don’t have a body yet, and they are convinced, by ONE “witness” hear-say that this young woman is dead.

    And NOT to “dirty-up” this young female Marine who is still “missing”, but from what I have heard she had a REAL mental and bi-polar problem that also presented itself as a pathological liar (according to a report I heard on FNC after the Sheriff’s presser) … Her cell phone was found outside the base … Her car outside the bus station where she is said to have purchased a bus ticket (don’t recall to where …) … (Remember the Georgia “Run Away Bride” from a couple years ago?)

    ALSO, the Marine they are looking for who is said to be the rape suspect in her case, her pregnancy a result of the “alleged” rape … she had “reconciled with”?!? Yet, she didn’t drop the charges?? WTF is THAT about?

    LOTS of possibles are running through my mind on this one. A shallow grave in a specific area isn’t that hard to find. The fact that the Cpl. Cesar Armando Lauren has an 8 HOUR lead is quite puzzling too. (Could he be some sort of Richard Jewel here?) And possibly the two are AWOL? I dunno.

    Anyhow, I hope I’m right, and this has all been some sort of asshole ruse to avoid disciplinary actions by the Corps on these two for dragging this into such a circus … But chances are, I’m wrong and they’ll find her [grave] before the day is out.

    It IS of cluster-fuck proportions, however it turns out …

  7. Steve in NC


    I have a real problem with the media convicting people, so until we know, we don’t know. I do know if the suspect is innocent then he should lawyer up and come public.

    I know I would rather have seen nancy grace in a shallow grave. :twisted:

  8. Raz

    I was stationed at Camp Lejeune for 9 years or at least my family was, I was deployed most of the time. Ed Brown is a knucklehead. How that jackass has remained the sheriff of Onslow County is beyond me.

  9. REC

    Agree with RAZ.

    He is an egotistical, speak happy illiterate. A total embrassment

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