Top Five Favorite Weapons Redux: Weapons You Have Actually Used

January 12th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

well do ya?.....punk?
I like the Fat Boy and Little Man choices by RTLM.

But let’s talk about the weapons you have actually used.

And make it your Top 3 Favorites of all time.

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35 Responses

  1. Cdoginyoeye

    1) M-16 A4 with M-203 and ACOG sight
    2) Mk-19
    3) M-2 .50 cal
    4) :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. dbo

    3. I loved shooting the M1 garand. It is truly a mans rifle; the way it kicks, the power it puts out, how heavy it is!

    2. I love any revolver type pistol. .357 magnum is my fave. I love the power combined with the single action. Makes for really accurate stopping power.

    1. MK19 is the pinnacle of weapons greatness. The whole experience of the quickly increasing “tunks”, the explosion, and then the subsequent wall of sound “woosh” oh goodness, i need a cigarette

  3. dbo

    oh sorry, for those that dont know, the MK19 is an automatic grenade launcher.

  4. Big White Hat

    Funny you should choose that picture. The model 29 is the greatest pistol of all time.

    I love my Barretta Stampede .45LC.

    My favorite DAA is still the 1911a.

  5. wolfpack

    M-14 with a scope/sweet
    M-79 I have to brag/drop rounds into 55 gal barrels at a few meters away
    M-60 MG/good ol’ pig

    Was going to add the Stinger from a scout helicopter but the “actually used” nabbed me, only dry runs. chuckkkssss

  6. Big Sarge

    1. M249
    2. M2 .50 cal.
    3. Mk19

  7. DC

    1) Barrett, light .50
    2) M-1 Garand
    3) Remington 700BDL .308, 4X Leupold

  8. Tony

    Springfield Armory M1A
    Sig Sauer P229
    Sig Sauer P228
    H&K Compact
    Sig Sauer P226 Navy

  9. Rustyb

    Actually Used

    Smith & Wesson model 59, 9mm.

    While working as a Police Officer in the late 70s, a armed robbery suspect attempted to shoot me, but I was faster and scored a head shot. I also fired a few rounds down range at the bad guys with a S&W 5906 and Remington 870.

  10. Dave


  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    You read my post? Great idea huh?

    1. 81mm mortar
    2. M110A1E1 SP
    3. M72 Law
    4. M203
    5. M102 105mm howitzer

  12. Chad

    Springer 45 1911
    Ruger GP-100 357
    Bushmaster AR-15
    Marlin 30-30

  13. devdok

    1) M40A3
    2) MP5
    3) M-14

    Bonus: COMM

  14. BlueOval8950

    1) M-14

    2) M-1 Garand

    3) 1911-A1

  15. a Golden BB

    Steyr Stg-58 (FAL) Easy to strip and clean, adjustable gas valve and of course 7.62×51NATO (.308Win)

    Thompson M1928, wow is that fun

    Para Ordinance Hi-Cap 45acp trigger is smooth as a baby’s butt

  16. One Shot

    Same list as before :)

    1) Rem 541T with integral AWC suppressor w/CCI Mini-Mag
    2) Armalite SDM rifle with AGOG sight and MK262 Mod 1 ammo
    3) H&K MP5 SD 3A with factory sound suppressor & any Nato 9mm ammo
    4) M4 Carbine with AWC Thundertrap suppressor w/MK262 Mod 1 ammo
    5) AWC Amphibian w/Rem Target ammo

  17. Bret

    1. M-240G

    2. M-60E3

    3. M-16A2

  18. Rudemeister

    Part of my arsenal

    Armalite M15A2
    Remington 870
    Remington 700BDS Stainless 30.06
    Kimber .45 Stainless target
    Dessert Eagle .44

  19. azpatriot

    1. FN F.A.L.
    2. K98k Mauser
    3. Blackhawk 45 LC

  20. NickD

    No particular order on these, but I like them all.

    1. M-1 Garand
    2. Springfield XD subcompact
    3. HK MP5, full auto

    Too many in our family to list them all, but I also LOVE shooting my brother’s Dan Wesson .357 and Springfield 1911-A1.

  21. NickD

    RustyB -

    You’re right, the Remington 870 is a lot of fun to shoot, too…can’t believe I left that one out earlier! There’s one in the safe right now - should have remembered it.

  22. schlitz

    2.M249 SAW/MiniMi

  23. RVN68MIKE

    M-60 mg
    45 Grease-Gun (From my tanker days in the NG after my army days - I wanted to see what it was like riding instead of humping - way better!)

    Extra big gun fun
    105mm SABOT at 2,000 meter moving target :beer: :beer:

  24. korndawg

    #1 Daisy “Red Rider” BB gun
    #2 Super Soaker

  25. RememberOurFathers

    1. MK-19 (When I first fired the MK-19 at MCT I was dumbfounded at the sheer destructiveness of this crew served.)
    2. M2.50CAL (Another mean machine thats been around since before WW2. If it’s not broke don’t fix it right?)
    3. M16A2 (Very accurate and easy to lug around although it is a little high maitenance, but its not like you got anything better to do in the field, except maybe beat it.) :beer:

  26. RTLM

    Top 5 actually used:

    Savage 12 gauge (riot issue)

    .300 Winchester Magnum

    Baretta 9mm

    .38 Smith & Wesson


  27. RTLM

    Heh! didn’t read the by line by Bash - name THREE dummy!
    Thanks for the acknowledgment. (and a friendly fact check on the Japan bombs: Its actually Fat Man and Little Boy)


  28. Tom

    Ruger 10/22

    Springfield XD-45
    IMI Desert Eagle (mine is .41 cal)
    Colt 1911

  29. jim

    Hmm, out of the weapons I’ve been issued, used or owned
    it would depend on my role with the team…

    The weapons I enjoyed using the most are the same ones I would have reloaded my own ammunition

    1) 7″ kbar or my mk-3 (for up close and personal)
    2) Rem 870 3″ mag with a modified or open choke barrel (for
    up close and personal)
    3) m16a2 w/todays optics as my DMR
    4) My own Remington 742 modified w/ todays optics for (shoot and scoot)
    5) m60a1 105mm with a behive round
    6) nike gels in case I have to run like hell

  30. Kermit

    Mine have all been for hunting, so here goes…

    Sheridan Silver Streak - Dad said it could not do anything but first shot killed a rabbit from 20 yards with a shot up the ass.

    Marlin 20 gauge, bolt - killed my first goose, what an orgasm. A very sentimental moment for me.

    Remington 1100 12 guage - a lot of waterfowl dropped with this one. Lead shot was still legal then. Sure helped when I shot in a high arch and rained lead around a guy who scared off a large body of geese that I had been crawling up on through a wet rice field for 500 yards and had less than 30 yards to go to be in range. That sorry sack of shit ran like hell. Only man I ever shot at but he damned sure deserved it and would do it again in a heartbeat.

    Remington 870 Super Mag - got to love the 3-1/2 mag shells

    First three are the favorites, they broke my virginity in three different ways. As a weapon though, the 870 is the real favorite.

  31. Kevin M

    1. Marlin 39A .22 lever action
    2. Springfield .45 TRP
    3. Henckle 6″ chef’s knife

  32. A. S. Wise- VA

    1) M1 Garand

    2) M16A2/AR-15

    3) Remington Model 700 bolt-action rifle (various calibers, but favorite is .300 win. mag.)

    4) Remington 870 pump-action 12 gauge shotgun

    5) M1911A1 .45 ACP pistol (mine is a Rock Island Armory make)

  33. Joe in MD

    I realized I have to put in two categories: Military and Hunting.

    1) F-18
    2) M-16/AR-15
    3) M-14/M1A (If I didn’t have to carry it all day, I would put it at number 2).
    4) MP5
    5) M-1 Garand

    1) Ruger M77 7mm Reg Mag
    2) Remington 1100
    3) Remington 700
    4) SIG P226
    5) S&W 586

  34. TRM

    1. Ultimax 100 LMG
    2. Remington 870
    3. MP5

  35. MegaTroopX

    Fat Boy and Little Man

    Shouldn’t that be “Fat Man & Little Boy”.

    Unless you were being funny.

    In which case, :lol:

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