Photo Of The Day: You Write The Caption

January 14th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


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21 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    :::phone rings:::

    Fat lady answers: “Hello, “hold on a minute Jim, bob is around here somewhere”..”ill get up and look for him for you”.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Where’s the wet spot?

  3. Fight4TheRight

    “Yes, poor thing…it was a breech delivery”

  4. Phil N Blanx

    Did you mean that ‘I can’t get it up’ remark literally or figuratively?

  5. Jarhead68

    Dan and Fight,

    Most excellent, dudes. ROFL.

    My attempt: Looking for love in all the wrong places.

  6. latheman

    it seemed like a good idea at the time

  7. 0311YutYut

    We have word that Zarqawi has met with the first of his virgins in paradise. Allah has been kind enough to give us a photograph of this great event in order to inspire jihad around the globe.

  8. Dave

    Till the Fat Lady Sings!

  9. John Goodrow

    Here we see a view of Rosie O’s good side.(puke face here)

  10. Wolfman

    This guy asked a genie that he could have the most of a woman in bed…..

  11. TJ (The kafir)

    Question: who makes underwear that big?

  12. Howie

    Dan the wet spot is only five or six folds towards the center. Good luck on the safari to find it.

  13. Ivan the Kafir

    1. Rosie broadens her horizons by attempting to have sex with a Middle-Eastern man…but not before wearing panties over her head as protection against disease.
    2. Ahmadinejad visits the US on a peace visit to smooth diplomatic relations and finds himself kissing major ass.
    3. Mahmud, a particularly well-endowed jihadi, decides to test his package to the ultimate test while still on earth to see if he’s really up to the challenge of 72 virgins.

  14. franchie

    hey, that’s a fake from the ace of photoshop :razz:

    just select a gif of whatever fat thing that you adjust on the man pic, the reverse is also possible

    hey, look at the man, he is asleep : ;

    dunno if he is dreaming of the “G” spot though :oops:

  15. brett rud

    Big Blubberment caught with its “male between her legs”

  16. Pat

    When water boarding fails, there’s always plan..

    The last surviving screen cap taken from destroyed CIA interrogation tapes - guaranteed to squeeze info out of any terrorist :!:

  17. Sandy

    :lol: for everyones comments! Can hardly type :mrgreen:

    Can ya feel me now???? Gross!

    :arrow: 0311YutYut

    We have word that Zarqawi has met with the first of his virgins in paradise. Allah has been kind enough to give us a photograph of this great event in order to inspire jihad around the globe.


  18. IP727

    Only 71 more virgins to go.

  19. Reign in Blood

    Mmm Mmmlummfph mmm Mmmfumf mmuummphulm phulmmmssuphum umm mffphump. (muffled speach)

    What was that honey?

    Mmm Mmmlummfph mmm Mmmfumf mmuummphulm phulmmmssuphum umm mffphump.

    Rolls off….What was that?

    I think I found a sandwich in here. It was half eaten but appreciated none the less.

    Rolls on……ummmphhhh!!!

  20. Caligula

    “i’m gonna do to you, what hillary wants to do to the american people!”

  21. LftBhndAgn

    Further proof “Crack Kills”

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