Babe Photo Of The Day: You Write The Caption

January 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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24 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    This one is easy…A Full House

  2. Jarhead68

    Dearest, I said, “Blow me; not blow me up.”

  3. Jarhead68

    By the way, Bash, not fair blocking out the naughty bits, ay what?

  4. Ivan the Kafir

    Her eyes are showing! :shock: Such lack of modesty! She should put some clothes on, for the love of Allah!

    But seriously: “Muslim Idea of Sexual Fireworks”

  5. Bash


    Now now…I didn’t want to be responsible for corrupting you.

    :lol: :beer:

  6. DC

    Da beoch is da bomb!

  7. TBinSTL

    Did you feel the earth move?….wait a second..

  8. Snooper

    I vant to blow you up.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    Jarhead68, you stole my thoughts on that one :lol:

  10. wolfman

    those “bombs” are just for show…what really happens is that the first to push the button gets to have her :lol:

  11. jgee

    AP: Iranian woman, Boobies Bin Al Awesome, has decided to take up arms against the U.S. for stealing her husband Mahmoud Amadinejad’s labido. She claims U.S. pressure has forced her husband into late night planning sessions with Ayatolla Khomeini. “My husband goes to his (Khomeini’s) house every night with his care bears sleeping bag. When he returns in the morning, he walks with a limp, is unable to sit down, and refuses to perform his husband responsibilities to me in the bedroom.” Amadinejad’s office refused to comment.

  12. dopecop

    Haji chastity belt!!!

  13. franchie

    nah, that are only batteries

    for a hooked penis to clip on :lol:

  14. mungpie

    Mooslum blow job….

  15. mungpie

    mooslum bJ

  16. Mark Tanberg

    IS IMPOSTOR, IS IMPOSTOR, fools this is not jihad i wench this is western impostor, see skinny model legs, they would snap on the way to target. Boobs not real, silicone will interfere with cell reception to backup detonation. FOOLS

  17. ticticboom

    Behold the most fearsome weapon in the jihadi arsenal. These brainwashed babes jump at the chance to escape the hell on earth that is life as a Muslim woman. Able to walk right up to their targets while guards and troops are stunned, only one fact has kept the tide of the war from turning: that the U.S. military actually has women who aren’t lesbians.

  18. old11B

    “The First & Last of the 72 Virgins”

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    Achmed the dead terrorist’s girlfriend now wishes to join him.

    -Or -

    Jihadi version of the blow job.

  20. Big

    The shrapnel tassels were a nice touch…

  21. Tink


  22. trustme1013

    “I’ve got some tricks that’ll blow you away…”


    “There’s nothing safe about sex, stud.”

  23. Jim

    “You want we should use the hair dryer instead :?:

  24. Turambar

    “I’m canceling the subscription to Arabic Cosmo”

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