Bad Day At Black Rock

January 21st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


1. CBS Tries To Make Cuban Elections Seem Legit
by Ken Shepherd at Newsbusters:

This election season, forget Mac, it’s Fidel that’s back. At least that’s the impression one gets from Portia Siegelbaum.

Here’s an excerpt from the Havana-based producer’s January 21 story, “Will Fidel Castro Be Back?”:

The results aren’t in yet, but most Cubans agree; the most famous candidate in Sunday’s parliamentary election - Fidel Castro - has won overwhelmingly.

If that is true, and there is little reason to doubt it, the Cuban leader sidelined by emergency intestinal surgery nearly 18 months ago is now eligible for election to the Council of State, which in turn elects the nation’s president from among its members.


2. CBS Airs Conspiratorial “Global Warming Special” By Jeff Poor at Newsbusters:

While most of the country was watching the Green Bay Packers play the New York Giants, CBS aired an hour-long, severely one-sided special about the threat of global warming.

The special was hosted by CBS’s Scott Pelley. In January 2007, Pelley was asked why he refused to include global warming skeptics in his reporting. He responded, “If I do an interview with [Holocaust survivor] Elie Wiesel, am I required as a journalist to find a Holocaust denier?”

The January 20 CBS special attacked the Bush White House for not being willing to sign the Kyoto Protocol after he was elected - furthering the common misconception that Bush has been alone in his opposition to it, as the Senate actually voted 95 to 0 to reject Kyoto earlier.

Pelley took a very conspiratorial tone.

“Dozens of federal agencies report science, and much of it is edited at the White House before it’s sent to Congress and the public,” Pelley said. “It appears that climate science is edited with a heavy hand. These drafts of climate reports were co-written by Rick Piltz for the federal climate change science program. But Piltz says his work was edited by the White House to make global warming seem less threatening.”


3. CBS Ignores Romney Win In Nevada
by Kyle Drennan at Newsbusters:

On Monday’s CBS “Early Show,” while co-host Harry Smith and political analyst Jeff Greenfield discussed both Hillary Clinton’s win in the Democratic Nevada caucus and John McCain’s win in the Republican South Carolina primary on Saturday, they failed to mention that Mitt Romney had won the Republican Nevada Caucus in a blowout. This just days after Smith interviewed Romney, when the former Massachusetts Governor discussed his expectation of a win in Nevada.


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