Bin Laden’s Son Wants UK Residence As “Peace Ambassador”

January 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The fourth son of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, who attended terror-training sessions in Afghanistan with his father, may soon take up residence with his British wife at her English country home, where the two plan to have a child with a surrogate mother and become peace activists, if his recent request for a visa is approved.

Omar Bin Laden, 26, who met Jane Felix-Browne, 52, in September 2006 when the Englishwoman was vacationing in Egypt, has been interviewed by British Embassy officials in Cairo, the London Daily Mail reported.


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8 Responses

  1. Ranger


    WTF. OBL Jr. marries a 52 yr old Englishwoman? And he’s coming to stay in England? And use a surrogate mother??

    Ok, this is the lamest plotline for a sitcom ever (perfectly Hollywood) or another reason to hate old hippies.

  2. TerryTate

    I’m beginning to hate stupid white women…

  3. Sandy

    :shock: No F’n way!

    Are you sure the guy on the left is not Mark Cuban????

    This has to be a joke right Bash?!

  4. Fripp

    This is evidence that God really does have a sense of humor. C’mon, a guy from a religion that promises virgins marries a woman beyond menopause? Jesus must’ve won a bet with mohammed.

  5. Humble Janoslav

    Interesting…very interesting. I wouldn’t mind knowing how rich Jane is. Naturally, Omar must be fabulously wealthy himself but I very seriously doubt he has any objection to more money, or legal access to a country his father would love to destroy. I don’t care how horny this young son-of-a-camel is, there is no way in heck Jane could be so hot that he could ignore her age (let alone her inevitable sags and bags). I prefer to remember that Omar is the son of his father.

  6. John Cunningham

    Boy toy.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Is the Tower of London available? I’m sure England could find an old rack to make OBL jr feel right at home. Maybe read the AQ torture manual every night to him as a bedtime story, before the rack gets cranked another notch? :mrgreen:

  8. franchie

    yeah, as John, I would say, “boy toy” or “gigolo” ; apart of that, why women wouldn’t be allowed to get younger fellows while men do ? !

    as far menopause at 52, I would not be so sure, but problems to carry out a pregnancy, are the most envisageable ; anyway, the article says that they will use a “surrogate mother”

    didn’t Mohamed marry an elder bride though ?

    as far as Bin Laden family is concerned, numerous of its members are already settling in western world, Switzerland (convenient banks), some were invited in a certain Texas ranch…

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