Breaking: Border Patrol Agent Killed By Illegals

January 19th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Yuma Border Patrol Headquarters

YUMA, Ariz. — A Border Patrol agent trying to stop a vehicle that had illegally entered the U.S. was struck and killed Saturday in southeastern California, agency officials said.

The agent was killed about 20 miles west of Yuma in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, a spot along the border that is popular with off-road vehicle enthusiasts and frequently used by smugglers.

The agent attempted to impede the vehicle’s progress before he was hit, but the Border Patrol did not immediately have more information, said agent Eric Anderson, a spokesman for the agency’s Yuma sector.

The name of the agent killed was not immediately released because his family had not been notified.

Witnesses told the Yuma Sun newspaper that agents were chasing a Hummer and a Ford pickup on Interstate 8 when the vehicles turned into the dunes and fled toward Mexico. The agent was trying to place spike strips in their path and was struck by the Hummer, they said.

The Imperial Sand Dunes are the largest dunes in California, extending north of the border for 40 miles and averaging five miles wide.

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10 Responses

  1. Egfrow

    McCaine/Huckabe 2008! This won’t happen under their watch. There won’t be a need for Border Patrol at all.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    We need to kick all these fuckers out right now and seal the border! It just keeps getting worse and worse down there. And how can you really expect good things from a person who starts their life in this country as a law breaker. think about it.

  3. Egfrow

    Kurt(the infidel),

    Not going to happen. There is not one lead candidate running that show’s any fortitude in doing anything like that.

  4. Gooddad

    I don’t hear anyone talking about land mines.

  5. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    It is useless . . . I am exhaused from trying to fight this

  6. RWC

    Believe me, I share the sentiments of the other posters here.

    But why does the headline say that he was gunned down?

  7. Pat Dollard


    Because yours truly is still on post operative percocet and literally can’t get his story straight.

  8. RWC

    Well Pat….I GUESS that is a viable excuse :-)

    ps - long time lurker, love your site and the YA vids. As well as the locals/regulars on the site.

    Glad you’re ok. Keep on fighting the good fight.

  9. Brian H

    Akshully, Pat was thinking the Hummer was gunned over the agent. See? It all makes sense … :razz: :lol: :beer:

  10. Phil N Blanx

    Percs eh Pat? I thought that might have something to do with your swirling dervish impersonation. Be cool bro…one word…Rush.

    As far as the article — Wasn’t this inevitable? If this blessed agent was a relative of mine I swear I would put on his tombstone; He gave his life at the pleasure of politicians seeking more votes.

    “No woman is illegal” - Hillary Clinton (I guess that only leaves men)

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