Breaking: Hillary Wins Nevada Amidst Charges Of Dirty Politics

January 19th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“She’s just a devil, woman…with evil on her mind”

(AP) Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Nevada caucuses Saturday, powering past Barack Obama in a hard-fought race marred by last-minute charges of dirty politics. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney easily won the Republican contest.

The victory marked a second-straight campaign triumph for the former first lady, who gained an upset victory over Obama in last week’s New Hampshire primary.

Early returns showed the former first lady gaining roughly half the vote in a three-way Democratic race, with Obama at about 45 percent and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards placing a distant third.

Romney said Republicans had cast their votes for change—and that he was the man to provide it.

“With a career spent turning around businesses, creating jobs and imposing fiscal discipline, I am ready to get my hands on Washington and turn it inside out,” he said in a statement issued while he flew to Florida, site of the Jan. 29 primary.

The Republican caucuses drew relatively little candidate interest. Not so the party’s South Carolina primary, the second half of a campaign doubleheader, and a duel between Sen. John McCain and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Romney was gaining more than half the vote in Nevada, leaving McCain and Texas Rep. Ron Paul in a close race for a distant second place.

Obama had pinned his hopes on an ourpouring of support from the Culinary Workers Union, which endorsed him last week. But it appeared that turnout was lighter than expected at nine caucuses established along the Las Vegas Strip for the union membership.

The Nevada Democratic contest was intense, despite the absence of negative television commercials.

The Clinton campaign said their supporters in the union had been the targets of threats designed to keep them from attending caucuses. Obama’s camp said their backers were receiving telephone calls that made repeated reference to “Barack Hussein Obama.”

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2 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio

    Caption for picture of the day:

    Sure, come on, a threesome would great!

  2. Egfrow

    Would anyone expect less from the state that keeps electing Harry Reid?

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