Brits Realizing They Fund Palestinian Terrorists To Kill Brits

January 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

pali piggie

MILLIONS of pounds of taxpayers’ money is being poured into financing terrorist propaganda, it emerged last night.

Some of the cash is even being used to fund school textbooks which teach children in Palestine to worship violence and hate all non-Muslims.

The money has also been spent on school books praising the “insurgents” killing British troops in Iraq, a report revealed.

Tories and Jewish leaders expressed outrage at the revelations and called for an urgent investigation into how the Palestinian Authority has used £47.5million in British aid over the past year.

Shadow Foreign Office Minister David Lidington said he was “disturbed” by the findings of the TaxPayers’ Alliance report. He added: “It is imperative that future generations are taught a message of reconciliation and mutual understanding.

“I have contacted both the Palestinian representative in London and the United Nations Relief Agency to discuss the issues the TaxPayers’ Alliance has raised.”

Former Tory home security spokesman Patrick Mercer said the way the money was being used was “grotesque”.

“It worries me deeply that taxpayers’ money is being used, quite improperly, for destructive purposes,” he said.

“While aid needs to be directed to the needy, its abuse for terrorist purposes is grotesque.”

Former Labour MP Lord Janner said the report was “concerning”.

Lord Janner, a previous President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, added: “It’s vital that Palestinian children are not indoctrinated with anti-Jewish and Israel hatred.”

But the report, by analyst Matthew Sinclair, says that British aid “is helping to fund ‘hate education’ and promote violence.” It gives examples of programmes on the Palestinian Authority’s official TV station.

One sermon on November 10, 2006, proclaimed: “We want to kill the Jews. Kill them one by one, make their children orphans and their wives widows.”

Another attacked anyone who refused to become a Muslim. It said: “God’s enemies are the enemies of the religion! Count them and kill them.”

Most shockingly, a Palestinian Authority pre-school education programme in 2004 included the following exchange: Girl: “If a boy comes in front of your house where a tree is planted, and cuts it down, what would you do?”

Tarabisho (a puppet): “I’ll fight him and make a big riot. I’ll bring AK-47s and I’ll commit a massacre.”

One textbook justifies executing those who leave Islam because “Islam has to protect itself.” A history book praises “a brave resistance to liberate Iraq”.

A spokesman for the Department for International Development said: “We don’t fund the Palestinian Authority directly and therefore don’t fund textbooks.

“UK aid is spent on helping Palestinians to pay doctors and teachers, maintain water and electricity supplies and support refugees. It’s certainly not spent on promoting violence and extremism – we undertake stringent checks.”

But the TaxPayers’ Alliance said that, by funding worthwhile activities, Britain was freeing up funds which could be spent in more sinister areas.

(Daily Express)

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5 Responses

  1. jim

    “funding worthwhile activities, Britain was freeing up funds which could be spent in more sinister areas”…WHAT? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll:

  2. Dave

    We are probably funding as much crap to the Palisitians as anyone, no more funding to any of these turds.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Another attacked anyone who refused to become a Muslim. It said: “God’s enemies are the enemies of the religion! Count them and kill them.”

    More rantings from devout Moose-lems eh?

    If anyone is God’s enemies it is these servants of the most low-god.

    They are like the brute beasts described in 2 Peter 2:12, more animal than godly…

    They are dogs which after making a big show of getting rid of corruption among them and vomiting it up, they cannot leave well enough alone; they just go on sniffing around the same vomit again.

  4. TerryTate

    Why so shocked…

    Its like when you find out that a welfare recipient used the money to buy a big screen T.V. instead of food and shelter.

    Go figure…


  5. hegelbot

    wow tories sounding like tories, i forgot there was a conservative party in the UK, where have you gone john majors our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo woo woo.

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