Calif School Textbook Teaches “Jihad” Means Doing Good Works

January 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

nosing in

Camel’s nose edges ever inward…

An Islamic “jihad” is an effort by Muslims to convince “others to take up worthy causes, such as funding medical research,” according to a middle school textbook used in California and other states.

And even at its most violent, “jihad” simply is Muslims fighting “to protect themselves from those who would do them harm,” says the “History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond” book published by Teachers’ Curriculum Institute.

But a parent whose child has been handed the text in a Sacramento district is accusing the publisher of a pro-Muslim bias to the point that Islamic theology has been incorporated into the public school teachings.

“It makes an attempt to seem like an egalitarian world history book, but on closer inspection you find that seven (not all are titled so) of the chapters deal with Islam or Muslim subjects,” wrote the parent, whose name was being withheld, in a letter to WND.

“The upsetting part is not only do they go into the history (which would be acceptable) but also the teaching of Islam,” she said. “This book does not really go into Christianity or the teachings of Christ, nor does it address religious doctrine elsewhere to the degree it does Islam.”

She said the book’s one page referencing Jews “is only to convey that they were tortured by Crusaders to get them to convert to ‘Christianity.’ (It fails to mention that the biggest persecutors of Jews throughout history and still today are Arab Muslims). It gives four other one-liner references to the Jews being blamed for the plagues and problems in the land. It does not talk about the Jews as making a significant impact on the culture at large.”

“How can the writers of this text get away with this?” she asked.

Bert Bower, founder of TCI, said not only did his company have experts review the book, but the state of California also reviewed it, and has approved it for use in public schools.

He said the company tries to move history out from between the covers of a textbook and into students’ minds, and that is how the book was developed.

“Keep in mind when looking at this particular book scholars from all over California (reviewed it),” he said. “We have our own scholars who created the program, California scholars look at the program and makes sure [it] is accurate.”

Bash Note: Here is a sampling of the text:

The word jihad means “to strive.” Jihad represents the human struggle to overcome difficulties and do things that would be pleasing to God. Muslims strive to respond positively to personal difficulties as well as worldly challenges. For instance, they might work to become better people, reform society, or correct injustice.

Jihad has always been an important Islamic concept. One hadith, or account of Muhammad, tells about the prophet’s return from a battle. He declared that he and his men had carried out the “lesser jihad,” the external struggle against oppression. The “greater jihad,” he said, was the fight against evil within oneself. Examples of the greater jihad include working hard for a goal, giving up a bad habit, getting an education, or obeying your parents when you may not want to.

Another hadith says that Muslims should fulfill jihad with the heart, tongue, and hand. Muslims use the heart in their struggle to resist evil. The tongue may convince others to take up worthy causes, such as funding medical research. Hands may perform good works and correct wrongs.

Sometimes, however, jihad becomes a physical struggle. The Quran tells Muslims to fight to protect themselves from those who would do them harm or to right a terrible wrong. Early Muslims considered their efforts to protect their territory and extend their rule over other regions to be a form of jihad. However, the Quran forbade Muslims to force others to convert to Islam. So, non-Muslims who came under Muslim rule were allowed to practice their faiths.”

I have two words for the California Department of Mis-Education, and they aren’t “Good Job.”

From an article in WorldNetDaily.

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11 Responses

  1. Kevin M

    You want to know, for a FACT, what Jihad means?{6AA49466-2575-491F-B712-CEA90FCCCD0D}

    There’s your answer!

    CA Dept of Education, meet Mr. Baseball bat. Mr. Baseball bat, beat CA Dept of Education to death!

  2. Kevin M

    Sorry, link does not seem to work. At least the bat does.

  3. REN

    This book was probably the result of the politically correct reaction to a liberal definition of “Fair and Balanced” which explains why most of them HATE Fox News. LoL, the internet is bad enough, I’m glad I don’t watch television.

  4. Ivan the Kafir

    “The company tries to move history out from between the covers of a textbook and into students’ minds, and that is how the book was developed.”

    Isn’t this generally what we would call indoctrination? All Hail the Soviet State!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ignorance is bliss for the writers and acepters of this drivel. Jihad means struggle. It could mean internal stuggle, but every towel head in the ME knows damn well it means “quital” or military struggle.

    Jihad is codified in the Koranic Koloring Book and is the ONLY way that Muslims say that they can gain entrance to their Paradise in the afterlife (to kill or be killed in jihad).

    “It makes an attempt to seem like an egalitarian world history book, but on closer inspection you find that seven (not all are titled so) of the chapters deal with Islam or Muslim subjects….”

    Burn the books or shove them up the assholes of those jihadi punks in Club Gitmo.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here’s Maj. Coughlin’s view on Jihad:

    Get fucked CA and all you ignorant-ass PC tolerant Dhimis.

  7. cb10

    The day draws closer to “whacking the camel in the tent”. :twisted:

  8. Lamplighter

    You should see the Calif. textbooks. They learn things in elementary school that I never learned through 12 plus 4 plus 4 more years of education. They have chapters on Bhuddism and Hinduism in 6th grade world history. That’s not so bad, but they didn’t have a chapter on Judism. They teach a whole chapter on Kush “civilization” in Egypt. OK, what great accomplishment did the Kush tribe do? I know they have one famous metal sculpture to their credit. They study certain subsections of science in great detail, like geology/earth science. They type of detail you get if you major in the subject in college. Otherwise, who needs to know such details about rocks in elementary school? What about details about OUR civilization? Well, we haven’t reached that yet. No European civilization or culture in elementary school. NO US history after 1850 in elementary school. I guess you have to wait for high school or college and major in it, to get it. :roll:

  9. mindy abraham

    Are you kidding me? I am in favor of multi cultural education, but I think this is going too far… :???:

  10. REN

    Lamplighter: “You should see the Calif. textbooks. They learn things in elementary school that I never learned through 12 plus 4 plus 4 more years of education.”

    There’s an argument out there that it’s better to learn fewer topics, but each topic more thoroughly. If education becomes so broad that it also becomes superficial, what good will all of that information do? I don’t remember much of what they had us “memorize” when we were kids, but I do remember the more involved activities I participated in. Less is more.

  11. Paslode

    Public schools are not supposed to teach religion, so why give such in depth coverage on a Islamic teachings unless your attempting sway the minds of the young. You mention one word about Jesus Christ and the ACLU is beating down the door.

    I swear in 20 years we will all succomb by facing Mecca praying 7 times a day or we’ll be dead.

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