Convicted Jihadi Preacher Free In Jamaica Warning Christians “Beware”

January 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Abdullah al-Faisal.

A radical preacher has declared his version of Islam as the future for Jamaica after being deported there from the UK following his imprisonment for inciting to racial hatred. Abdullah al-Faisal has warned the Christian leaders of Jamaica to “beware” as he sets off on a preaching mission to see “Jamaicans renounce Christianity and become Muslims”.

In his first interview since his deportation in May, al-Faisal brandishes Christianity as “false” and “blasphemous”.

Speaking to presenter Ian Boyne on Television Jamaica’s (TVJ) Religious Hard Talk, the firebrand preacher states that “Christians are pagans because they worship three gods”.


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7 Responses

  1. Reign in Blood

    Time for a retired/active marine fresh from Iraq to take a vacation down in Jamacia. Make a visit to this guy’s house and eliminate the threat.

    No more bad guy. I am sure that marine could spend the rest of his time vacationing and not have to pay for another meal or Mai Tai. I know I would buy a few for him or her. :beer: :beer:

  2. JJIrons

    What do you expect from a guy that wears a dress and has a strainer on his head?

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Well shitbird, at least Christians don’t worship the moon-god or his child-molesting false prophet like you do. A thousand dicks in your religion punk. I can also say it in Arabic in case you don’t understand English.

  4. Fripp

    This is precisely why treating this threat like a civil crime will not solve the problem. You cannot just imprison these people for x number of years and then set them free thinking “that’ll teach them.” Instead of spending tax dollars to imprison them in the first place, they should just be made to “disappear.” I think the Mariana trench could use some shallowing.

  5. Steve in NC

    Not good, ’cause I love Jamaica

    Fripp is right, we have to deal with reality and quit being naive and remove them.

  6. TJ (The kafir)

    YOu are all saying what we all know: when a guy tells the world his plans to spread the filth of islam so it will dominate, the world or just one man must enact street justice. This guy is of african descent , he understands what street justice is. I would love to confront this punk, ask him directly what hios intentions are, and when he says world domination, I treat him like I treat anyother wood be tyrant. :eek:

  7. MegaTroopX

    I couldn’t help but think of this guy.

    This “firebrand” is about that threatening.

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