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16 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Yeah, the truth WILL get you into trouble these days. So, (probably) a very good cop is going to lose his job and retirement over this. Would be poetic justice if it were a [black] cop who is found to have said it.

    “Why don’t they give these kids something to do …” ?!?!?

    How the fuck about going to school, getting your ass(es) home, staying out of trouble … Get a stinking job flipping burgers!

    “GIVE these kids” ?!?!?

    How the hell much more are WE supposed to GIVE them? And how about their parents start GIVING them?? BOTH parents! Can start with a strong kick in the ass at an early age, for cripes sake!

    This shit really peels my epidermis …

  2. blastdad

    Speak the truth, lose your job…..what the hell is this country coming too?!!! :mad:

  3. heglbot

    Though this total sucks for the cop, he will probably find a position at another PD soon enough. This crap happens all the time and even cops who do genuinely shitty things get rehired in other jurisdictions. for example i was talking to my brother who is a police sergeant who works with a guy from Milwaukee, and it turns out the two cops who got fired over returning a victim to Dahmer (you know the naked Asian guy) are now police chiefs in some WI backwater towns some where.

  4. John Cunningham

    Same fucking shit here in Philadelphia. We’re supposed to be sensitive. Hope the fucking piece of shit rots in hell. Maybe the police will adopt a page from the “community” and not snitch. You should drive a taxi for 18 years. The same dumb shit I heard coming out of the mouths of the grandparents in the 70s is the same dumb shit I heard coming out of the mouths of the grandchildren in 02. Nothing has changed.

    Many have heard of Frank Rizzo, a former police chief and mayor of Philadelphia. He once said that he’s going to lock up all the criminals. You should have seen all the wigs and doo-rags popping. They labeled him a racist. He didn’t say he was going to lock up all the blacks, he said he was going to lock up all the criminals. He’s a racist.

  5. Hardball

    Has anyone stopped to think that the “reporter” for the newspaper may have made it up to sensationalize and sell some copy?

    Probably not. Agendas drive everything that you see in the media and have since the late 60’s. I wouldn’t doubt for a minute that a “reporter” was looking for a bit of recognition to separate him/herself from the rest of the turds.

    Then again, polish a turd…. it is still a turd….

    Oh, and I totally agree with the statement. The city is safer. He was, after all, 17, gangbangin, and carrying a firearm illegally. Survival of the fittest… He had a gun, yet was stabbed to death. How badassed was he? Evidently not very.

    Give the kids something to do? How about give the parents something to do like FUCKIN PARENTING… Oh, wait, that is a racist statement. Gotta think Politically Correct, but every time I do I just wanna beat the shit out of Bill Mahr.

  6. Frozen Tex

    “Asked the rank and file to identify the officer…”

    Yeah, fat chance of that happening.

    “Asked the reporter to identify the source…”

    See above response.


    how are these comments ignorant?
    how are they irresponsible?
    why is it insentient?
    how is it cowardly?

    isn’t the purpose of being anonymous is to avoid retribution

    the controversy is not why was this boy stabbed, but why not everyone is so broken up by his death

  8. NickD

    @Frozen Tex

    “Asked the rank and file to identify the officer…”
    Yeah, fat chance of that happening.

    “Asked the reporter to identify the source…”
    See above response.

    Damn right - any cop who has dealt with gangbangers a lot knows that most of them end up dead or in jail. I seriously doubt anybody gets fired over this - the rank and file won’t turn in someone for speaking the truth.

    Also - why in the hell is the NAACP involved? The comments made did not even touch the subject of race. If this kid had been a white gangbanger we’d have heard nothing of this.

  9. Jim

    Were not broken up about him because with his death a lot of other people are safe, alive and not afraid.
    One death can save a nation.

  10. jim

    Well I guess I’ll have to change my name

  11. Mark Tanberg

    And the truth will set you free - - - - from your job.

  12. Greg M

    That story is complete bullshit that community should be ashamed of itself and that cop should be praised for being the only person willing to speak the truth.

  13. latheman

    Freedom of speech is gone in this country unless what you say is what the left wants to hear

  14. Arthuraria

    Of course the entire story wreeks of PC, but notice the liberal mindset of all those questioned about the comments. There is a serious lack of personal responsibility going on here. The man at the end said, “instead of judging them, why don’t THEY give these kids something to do.” So it’s someone else’s fault this kid was a gangbanger because he wasn’t given something else to do? It’s the PD’s fault for not giving these kids something to do? Maybe it’s the parent’s fault for not raising their kids right. Maybe the kid’s old enough to know right from wrong. Maybe the kid could have found something better to do. This liberal PC mindset is not only dangerous because it suppresses free speech, but also because it leaves personal responsibility sitting on the sidelines. We even see this with the Presidential candidates. Clinton and Obama have repeatedly blamed “overzealous campaign supporters” for stirring up trouble, instead of taking responsibility for the people they hire.

  15. drillanwr

    :arrow: Arthuraria

    We even see this with the Presidential candidates. Clinton and Obama have repeatedly blamed “overzealous campaign supporters” for stirring up trouble, instead of taking responsibility for the people they hire.

    RIGHT! How many times did we hear/see how these same people demanded resignations of Rumsfeld, Rove, whoever … and then demanded the President take the personal responsibility … Hell, they demanded he do that for the government dolts in La., and the dumb bastards in New Orleans who weren’t “responsible” enough to get the hell out of the toilet bowl before it over flowed.

  16. Sandy

    Anybody that has a problem with what the officer said obviously does not have deal with the mindset and culture that the gangbangers run with and the damage they do.

    I guess for some ignorance is bliss and it is true evil to speak the truth about what a life of crime will get you. What that officer said was a public service. It should demonstrate that over and over again the end these “kids” meet is not glamorous or desireable to those who are considering or are on the same path. Maybe if more people were speaking the truth the sting of the words would reach some of them. Touchy feely is not always the answer.

    As far as giving the kids something to do . . . there are plenty of things to devote yourself to in this world besides a gang and runnin’ the streets. It is not anyone’s fault but the one making the choice. Many people have had a tough life and have come up rough, sometimes with everything against them, but not all choose to go the wrong way in life. It is most definately a choice they make and many times not because they have bad parent(s).

    {Also, parents in this society have been in many ways stiffled by the liberal’s interpetation of “parenthood” and their always nurture, never say no - just redirect, teachers should never give a bad grade, make everyone equals at any cost, never ever raise your hand to a kid, etc … it is a bunch of bullshit. Kids are growing up never learning that their mistakes and misdeeds are their own and not anyone else’s fault. Much of that message comes from the liberals who dominate in our schools, media/entertainment, etc, who continually tell them so. There is always someone else to blame so there is no need for accountability. Puke.}

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