Coulter Endorses Romney - “His Son Never Hanged A Dog At Camp”

January 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Leave it to Coulter to give me my first belly laugh of the day…I usually don’t get belly laughs listening to her, the occasional chuckle, sure…I have to believe she is sincere here, despite the swipe at Huckabee’s kid.

But here’s my disclaimer: I have not yet made up my mind as to who I am voting for (I guarantee you it won’t be a Dhimmicrat) so don’t read anything into where I’m leaning by some of the stuff, like the story below, I put out here. I just got a good laugh out of the column. Then again I’m sure there’s something Freudian in all of this.

From Ann Coulter’s story in WND:

Assuming any actual Republicans are voting for McCain – or for liberals’ new favorite candidate for us, Mike Huckabee – this column is for you.

I’ve been casually taking swipes at Mitt Romney for the past year based on the assumption that, in the end, Republicans would choose him as our nominee. My thinking was that Romney would be our nominee because he is manifestly the best candidate.

I had no idea that Republican voters in Iowa and New Hampshire planned to do absolutely zero research on the candidates and vote on the basis of random impulses.

Dear Republicans: Please do one-tenth as much research before casting a vote in a presidential election as you do before buying a new car.

One clue that Romney is our strongest candidate is the fact that Democrats keep viciously attacking him while expressing their deep respect for Mike Huckabee and John McCain.

This point was already extensively covered in Chapter 1 of “How To Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)”: Never take advice from your political enemies.

Turn on any cable news show right now, and you will see Democratic pundits attacking Romney, calling him a “flip-flopper,” and heaping praise on McCain and Huckleberry – almost as if they were reading some sort of “talking points.”

Doesn’t that raise the tiniest suspicions in any of you? Are you too busy boning up on Consumer Reports’ reviews of microwave ovens to spend one day thinking about who should be the next leader of the free world? Are you familiar with our “no exchange/no return” policy on presidential candidates? Voting for McCain because he was a POW a quarter-century ago or Huckabee because he was a Baptist preacher is like buying a new car because you like the color.

The candidate Republicans should be clamoring for is the one liberals are feverishly denouncing. That is Mitt Romney by a landslide.

New York Times columnist Frank Rich says Romney “is trying to sell himself as a leader,” but he “is actually a follower and a panderer, as confirmed by his flip-flops on nearly every issue.”

But Rich is in a swoon over Huckabee. I haven’t seen Rich this excited since they announced “Hairspray” was coming to Broadway.

Of all the Republican candidates for president, Romney and Rudy Giuliani are the only ones who had to be elected in pro-choice districts. Romney governed as a pro-lifer and has been viciously attacked by pro-abortion groups.

By contrast, Giuliani cleverly avoids the heinous “flip-flopper” label by continuing to embrace baby-killing. (Rudy flip-flops only on trivial matters like illegal immigration and his own marital vows.)

At worst, Romney will turn out to be a moderate Republican – a high-IQ, articulate, moral, wildly successful, moderate Republican. Of the top five Republican candidates for president, Romney is the only one who hasn’t dumped his first wife (as well as the second, in the case of Giuliani) – except Huckabee. And unlike Huckabee, Romney doesn’t have a son who hanged a dog at summer camp. So there won’t be any intern issues and there won’t be any Billy Carter issues.

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17 Responses

  1. Phil N Blanx

    Romney is OK by me.
    Ann’s overlooking of Thompson in this article seems to imply Ann thinks Thompson doesn’t stand a chance of getting the Republican nod. Interesting. Anyone heard Ann speak about Thompson?

    BTW Bash — C’mon, who you secretly rooting for dude? I’m thinking it must be Kucinich cause you got the hots for his wife :)

  2. drillanwr

    But here’s my disclaimer: I have not yet made up my mind as to who I am voting for (I guarantee you it won’t be a Dhimmicrat) so don’t read anything into where I’m leaning by some of the stuff, like the story below, I put out here.

    You know, the MSM has us on this “tick-tick-tick” fever to make a choice. We aren’t even at the primaries YET. They’ve been harping at this bull shit for nearly a year. Oh, and BTW, if you’re not sure who you’d vote for let us persuade you by (eh hemmm) pointing out OUR favorite (McCain … Huck) simply because we believe if either of these two win in the primaries we (the MSM) feel a hell of a lot of conservative republicans will stay home next November and not bother to vote for a RINO in the general election …

    Don’t fuck with me, MSM … I had algebra, trig, and a year of Calc … chemistry and physics. I know a g.d. “formula” when I see one.

  3. jim

    Your alright with me Ann, BUT, maybe you should put 1/10th more thought into what your writing so your endorsement doesn’t read so flippant.

  4. drillanwr

    Electile Dysfunction - the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

  5. dave

    Excellent definition

  6. ticticboom


    Electile Dysfunction - the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

    Good one! :beer:

  7. CJW

    Romey/Thompson ‘08 !!!


  8. CJW

    I missed a letter — I hate keyboards.

    Romney/Thompson ‘08 !!!

  9. Joe

    I hope you have done your research into Mitt Rommney then. His flip-flopping ways put Kerry to shame. His mis-management of Massachusetts was horrible. Although, the current governor is somehow even worse than him. You can point out it was a republican governor in a democrat state but it would be a much more complex field if he became president. He is willing to fore go his responsibilities in order to promote himself. He would make a terrible president in my opinion.

  10. Joe

    Additionally, so what if the MSM keeps pointing out that Rommney flip flops…it’s true. They got something right for once, I just wish they would expose more of his mis-management in Massachusetts. (Oh and by the way, I do live in Massachusetts and no I am not a democrat or insane liberal)

  11. Mr. Standfast

    Joe, you are like a broken record… I’ve seen you post this same garbage over and over again. Put some facts on the table. Let’s vet this thing out. Being the paranoid that I am, I’d guess there are more like you out there contaminating “conservative blogs” with the same tripe against Romney.

    Personally, Romney is a little too slick for me. But the Huckster? Just another slick willy from Arkansas. Rudy, too much gun control for me. McCane, does manchurian candidate mean anything to you? :twisted:

    In the best of all worlds, the republican convention gets dead locked and nominates Newt. :mrgreen:

  12. Tom in Texas

    Ann flip-flopped from supporting Duncan Hunter.

  13. Mark Tanberg

    Using that same reasoning I can’t vote for the one they are bashing because it might be disinformation, so I will have to vote for the one they are ignoring as he would be the real threat. Fred

  14. Joe

    Joe, I believe you! (I think Mitt’s a phony, too, as well as being a liar and flip-flopper.)
    My vote’s going to Rudy and/or Fred: the only real men and real Conservatives in this race!

  15. Professor Bill

    Just a question, does anyone else think that Joe likes to talk to himself? Maybe a closet huckster or tinfoil hat wearer.

  16. Jim

    :arrow: Professor Bill

    Thats funny…may be a different joe

  17. Arthuraria

    Anyone here who says they are a true conservative but doesn’t vote for Duncan Hunter is a sellout. The whole point of the primaries is to vote your conscience. To vote for the person that most closely resembles your views. Duncan Hunter is the only true conservative in the race. Deciding not to vote for him because you think he has no name recognition and no chance to win, is like deciding not to go to college because you’re happy with your ten dollar an hour job in high school…It’s just stupid. Duncan is sticking in this race simply to make a point. At the end of it all, he’s going to say “You people had a conservative right here, and yet you still drank the kool-aid the MSM poured for you.” And anyone here who says they want to vote for person most likely to beat the democrats has lost their way. Conservatism is a grass roots movement. It always will be, because it’s purpose is to minimize the role of government in our lives. One cannot minimize the role of something by making it larger. This idea of mainstream conservatism is being spoon fed to us by the MSM trying to blur the lines between the parties. A true conservative candidate will never have great name recognition because their goal was never to be the most powerful person leading the most powerful government. It was to be the most humble person leading the freest country.

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