Daily Weird Photos: You Write The Captions

January 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Write a caption for one, or all of the pics.

Photo 1…

Photo 2…

…and Photo 3.

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18 Responses

  1. Jack

    number 3 ->

    Is that Michael Jackson?

  2. Reign in Blood

    1)”Yuck, yuck, yuck…. I am he who walks behind the rows. Not as scary as you thought eh?”

    2)ET’s mother and sister.

    3)Clive Barker’s gay porn version of Hellraiser.

  3. brett rud

    1. I am Harry Reid, and I approve this message.

    2. Inside the wet dream of young Zarkawi

    3. Hao loh Ween

  4. DC

    1) I kin et kawrn on da cob thru a picket fence!

    2) Please don’t make me wear anymore tight necklaces!

    3) Will the real “pin-head”, please stand up?

  5. franchie

    1- ain’t no idea, woasa oil for iron horses ?

    2- I got an electric “blitz” with my copper necklaces

    3- leafting for dummies, or how to make your face look like a fakir ass

  6. Fight4TheRight

    #1: “I did NOT have sexual relations with THAT woman!”

    #2: 2008 Nobel Peace Prize Nominees

    #3: Surrogate Barack Obama voodoo doll found at Clinton estate

  7. cb10

    #1–Ethanol? yeahhh, we makes ethannnooll and the gubmnt paiz me fer it.

  8. 1madpittbull

    All three pics are of Ron Paul supporters who hand out leaflets at the gates of the subway…

  9. ticticboom

    #1: “Da gubment stole mah teef!”

    #2: Under Hillarycare, you can only go to certain chiropractors…

    #3: Never go to an acupuncturist who has a massive coke habit, high maintainence mistress, and gets paid by the pin.

  10. steve

    i live about an hour from that long neck karen tribe. i cant see one of those people in person and not feel totally freaked out. it is so uncomfortable being around them you cant even imagine.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    1)This here is my senior picture. Had it taken at the corn field.

    3)Herro, I rike rooking rike a pinhead.

    3) being called a pin head is better than being called a dickhead

  12. will

    #3 michael jackson ahahahahahahahah good one

  13. Phil N Blanx

    1 - I’m practicin’ to be a stalker.

    2 - And coming to the finish line they’re neck and neck for a photo finish.

    3 - Lately I’ve been on pins and needles.

  14. kevin

    1. Looks like Charles Manson has joined the Ron Paul rEVOLution!

    2. Why the fuck did I do this to myself?

    3. Why the fuck did I do this to myself?

  15. Jarhead68

    #1: Ray Bolger’s understudy found in “Field of Dreams.” Film at 11.

    #2: See, I TOLD you that it wasn’t only Budweiser that comes in longnecks.

    #3: They don’t call me “Needle Dick the Bug Fucker” for nothin’.

  16. HISWIZ

    #1 Signs - the sequel :lol:

    #2 Damn! I can’t see into this cup. Me either. :sad:

    # Does your face hurt? It’s killing me!! :mrgreen:

  17. allahlovesporkchops

    1. Ah’m asuein’ Bash fer copyrat afringin’.

    2. Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t straighten up!

    3. Dude? Is my part straight?

  18. sal

    #3 i will be the next x-men

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