Debate Vid: Paul On Hormuz - Seriously Listen To This Guy - Whacked

January 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

McCain says WTF?

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29 Responses

  1. NV Sailor

    I just watched this jerk off blather on and on untill Brit Hume slapped his silly ass down…

  2. drillanwr

    That look on John McCain’s face is priceless …

    He looks as if he’s thinking, ‘If this guy EVER got voted into office I’d fooking leave the country!”

    Looks like the wheels came off the Paulmobile …

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The really scarey thing is that this mental midget believes his own rhetoric. This guy is too damned lost to be POTUS. I’d almost have to vote for a Dhimi before this screwball.

    Nah…Fortunaely, Rhue Paul is well on his way to the file 13 of history. He might want to get a checkup from the neck up on his way out. That’s one delluded wingnut.

  4. martymar

    I watched this as he said it and I almost fell off of my chair. This guy is so lost in his world he has absolutely no clue about even the most simple aspects of conflict. My god this guy is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. And so are his moonbat followers. Bring it on Paulites.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Brit Hume to Rhue Paul: “On the question of electability
    do you have any?”

    Me: LOL.

    Rhue Paul: Blah, blah, blah…yawn….

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    I can guarantee that the Paulnuts are calling for Brit Hume’s head on a platter right now, in their blogosphere (which is the entire www now it seems). Well at least my hated rivals, UVA turned out a respectable journalist in Hume–can’t say the same for Katie Couric.

  7. jim

    John McCain is thinking “is he trying to filibuster the debate?”

  8. 0311inOHio

    Pat Paulson… RPaul reminds me Pat Paulson.. :lol:

  9. John Goodrow

    :arrow: Dan (The Infidel)

    That question had me almost crying I laughed so hard. :lol:

    Paul is a dangerous fool.

    Three words McCain McCain McCain.

  10. 0311inOHio

    YouTube - Pat Paulsen for President
    From the archives of BS cactus Arizona’s favorite walking ..

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    @John Goodrow :

    Yeah…I was drinking a cup of joe and damn near spit out my coffee on my screen. Great line…. :smile:

  12. Jack

    Paul’s campaign is toast.

    You guys seen that stuff that came out the other day about all the racial bullshit he had been releasing in his political articles while he was between congressional terms? He claims he didn’t write it…but they all came from his office and were distributed under his name. David Duke associations, calling blacks “animals,” the works.

    “I don’t recall…” “I just don’t recall…” “can’t recall…”

    B S


  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    Oh look…the Paulettes are texting their small little heads off and trying to create the false impression that their boy (insult intended) won.

    Poor delluded fucktards….they only way that they can win is to cheat or lie. They really should switch parties and join the Dhimis.

    IMHO Huckabee and McCain came out on top.

  14. martymar

    It’s hilarious to me how all the support for Ron Paul is in the “virtual world”. I don’t see any of this turned into actual votes. Ron Paul and all of his supporters really do live in a fantasy. Either that or they are all sitting in their mama’s basements…oh excuse me…”dungeons”, and figuring out how to hack into voting machines. I definately know they won’t get their lame asses out to vote. And if they do, all three of them will have to try to vote like 10 million times. Ha! Nutjobs.

  15. One Shot

    The Paulnutz were busy as hell tapping in their votes. Hannity said it best…Paul did NOT win this debate tonight.

    This guy might get elected on Venus, that’s about it.

  16. Nevets

    Dr. Paul just got SERVED.

    he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere NEAR the White House.

  17. talitm

    LOL. He got owned by Romney at the end. :lol:

  18. Egfrow

    Paul’s other ventures are going well also, NOT!

    Bad Taste Warning:

  19. Logan

    Yeah, let’s go make fun of the man hard of hearing. That’s real rich.

    And now, why the hell do you people have to pull up excuses about the votes/fund raising this guy is getting? He is a legitimate candidate getting legitimate support. If you can’t handle that, then I’m sorry. I don’t support Ron Paul, but seriously, you guys are a joke when it comes to him.

  20. TJ (The kafir)

    other than his libertarian views, paul really disappoints me with his constant laissez faire oh dont rush to judgement rhetoric. I’ve decided i wont vote for him and I was considering it. this guy forgets that those little spped boats could have been packed with high explosives which could have done severe damage to a ship. Uss cole anyone. His naivete just makes me want to puke! :oops:

  21. jam

    It’s not about the ears as much as what’s between them. What is so hard to get about that?

  22. Logan

    @Jam, I understand if you don’t support him. That makes perfect sense.
    It’s just comments like what Dan (The Infidel) had made.

  23. ticticboom

    Friggin nut job.

    Here’s my view on what position each candidate should hold if they don’t get the nod:

    Rudy: AG

    McCain: Defense

    Fred: State

    Romney: Treasury

    Hunter: Homeland Security

    Paul: Counting paper clips in West Bumblefuck, Alaska.

  24. Dan (The Infidel)


    Glad you liked my comments. There’s plenty more to come. And jam is correct.

  25. Micah

    So how do you suppose we fund 100 years in Iraq, you who support McCain?

  26. Dan (The Infidel)


    Well let’s see…the Defense Budget is something like 2% of the GDP…We spend more money on entitlements than the war… It’s a paltry sum when compared to the rest of the budget.

    The focus is on the GWOT, not one theatre of operations. We cannot leave this fight unfinished and turn our backs on Islamo-facism.

    You don’t defeat facists by running or by playing westophobic games. Edward Said was dead wrong. You fight Islamo-facists on the battlefield.

    It is they who have given the west the options of submitting, converting or dying to Islam.

    I’m not doing any of the above. And the expenditures in monies so far is paltry when compared to what we spend on everything else.

    100 years in Iraq? That’s rich…Maybe ten years.. In 4 years Iraq will be on its own and we will be haggling over the price of oil and who gets the latest KFC franchise instead of where is haj and let’s go kill him.

    Fuck Ron Paul…

  27. Micah

    Well I believe John McCain tossed out the 100 year figure, so if you take issue with that, I would advise you to take issue with his assessment.

    We do not spend more on entitlements, unless you count social security as an entitlement. Conservatives feel that social security was taken from people by the government and must be repaid. Do you believe that Social Security is an entitlement, or an investment program mandated by the government?

    The second highest line item in the budget is defense.

    The defense budget is 2% of the GDP. The GDP is a measurement of the total value of a nation’s economy. Conservatives believe that the government does not have an inherent right to the entire wealth of a nation. Since you use the fact that the government only allocates 2% of the GDP towards the military, what methods of extracting money from the public do you suggest to increase this percentage? Higher taxes perhaps?

    Currently the war is funded by borrowing money. If you study economics, you understand that this increases the total amount of dollars in the economy. This is the cause of the high oil, gold, and food prices. There was not a 30% increase in demand in one year for oil and precious metals- there was a sinking of the currency due to government borrowing.

    Even if you believe that preemptively attacking all possible threats is a moral and wise thing to do, we must address the issue of funding. We are literally bankrupting our nation. Imagine a family man in a rough neighborhood borrowing money for a security system, round the clock guards, and satellite monitoring. He’ll be safe for a while, but what happens when the checks start bouncing…

  28. Reign in Blood

    Man, I don’t think I need to say a thing about this one. Ronnie Paulnuts (Paulie Walnuts cousin) pretty much is digging his own grave every time he speaks. :roll:

  29. Micah

    So I’ll take it that you have no answer to this issue?

    I understand some people honestly look to interventionism as a viable national defense strategy. The problem, beyond issues with effectiveness, is funding. No nation or empire can debase its currency for any reason and survive.

    I know you want to be safe, have nice roads, send astronauts to find Kucinich’s friends in outer space, etc etc.. the point is we can’t afford it and Ron Paul is the only one who understands that. Check my blog to see what has happened to our currency thanks to reckless spending.

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