Debate Video: McCain On Immigration

January 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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8 Responses

  1. Jim

    That works for me…Everybody is in agreement :beer:

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    McCain still hasn’t figured out that shamnisty is unacceptable. He’s talking the opposite of what he was when he supported shamnisty for illegals. So fucking what? He’s pandering to the choir.

    He’ll get my support only if he’s the Repub nominee. And I’ll hold my nose when I check his name off on the ballot. But, I still don’t like him.

    McCain is a divisive piece of work. Just go ask his old shipmates. He’s all about number one and he’ll do a number two on the American people if he becomes POTUS.

    His stance on waterboarding is unacceptable. He’s a damn fool to take that tact.

    BTW, it doesn’t take an ex-military guy to be strong on defense. Reagan chased away the ghosts of VN and gave the military their dignity back to them. That military is the one that won Gulf War I and is now kicking ass on two fronts.

    His military background is a who cares issue. Romney would do fine on defense as well….so would Huckleberry. Not so with the bitch and the magic negro.

  3. Jim

    McCain has also been smeared enough in the past with a bunch of BS…I’ve read all the rhetoric, some bad, some really fucking stupid.

    Dan I can’t tell what the fuck your saying as for what I know about the man but I get the gist of your opinion…but The “Magic Negro” is pure Gold..can’t stop LMAO

  4. Dan (The Infidel)


    You can’t tell what the fuck I’m saying? Oh c’mon even you aren’t that dense.

    I did my own investigation of McCain by talking to guys who served on ships he was on. They in turn interviewed his shipmates.

    That was many years after I wore his POW/MIA bracelet for a year when I was a kid.

    I defer to my Navy friends who know more about this guy than I do. I don’t like him.

    He was a dickhead as a Naval officer. He was a dickhead on immigration, campaign finance reform and on waterboarding.

    I say again: McCain is all about number one…himself…and he’ll do a number two on the American people and the Republican party, if he gets elected.

  5. Jim

    Dan a for density, well I’m sure that’s all relative to the subject matter…

    Like I said before “I get the gist of your opinion”. As far as anything else, refer to the above :beer:

    BTW Dan as far as your work for the DoD…are you employed as a contractor and do you hold any clearances?

    Just wondering per our last conversation…I’m over at Socom

  6. Dan (The Infidel)


    “Dan a for density, well I’m sure that’s all relative to the subject matter…” WTF?

    “BTW Dan as far as your work for the DoD…are you employed as a contractor and do you hold any clearances?”

    me: Not a real smart question to ask if you want to survive at DOD. What I do and where I work is not for public duscussion or disclosure.

  7. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    “I will have the border state governor’s certify that the borders are secure” . . . Rick Perry doesn’t want the border secured.

    Juan McCain, indeed.

  8. Jim

    :arrow: Dan

    Not a real smart question to ask if you want to survive at DOD…

    Riiight Dan, survive what?

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