Debate Video: McCain & Romney Get Into It

January 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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7 Responses

  1. Jim

    I like both of these guys..Romney more than held his own, I was impressed

  2. trustme1013

    You know — I was actually enjoying that until I had to see Anderson Pooper.

  3. (CAPT-DAX)

    i like Romney’s coolness under fire.
    he doesn’t get rattled and turn red like the old man.

  4. Erik

    It could go all the way!!!!

  5. Gary in Midwest

    I’m sorry but when you have to work so hard at trying to make an accusation stick by pulling bits and pieces of a statement out of context it showcases your weaknesses.

  6. Gandalf

    Romney has it right and McCain is full of crap. This is how it shapes up on every issue. The MSM/DBM will not diseminate this information clearly. They will snippet the conversation so that Romney doesn’t show positive. This situation needs to have every one of us spread the word for Mitt and snitch on McCain between now and next Tuesday. Otherwise we will get a Demo in the White House. Frankly that is enough to have me opt for chasing the ring down the hole in Mordor.

  7. Fact Checker

    Candidate Watch
    McCain attacks Romney on Iraq

    Shaking hands in Boca Raton, Fl., Jan. 24, 2008

    “Gov. Romney wanted to set a date for withdrawal [from Iraq] similar to what the Democrats are seeking, which would have led to a victory by al Qaeda in my view.”
    –John McCain, rally in Fort Myers, Florida, Jan. 26, 2008.

    John McCain is trying to shift the debate back to Iraq from the economy. He lumped Mitt Romney with the Democrats, saying, “if we surrender and wave a white flag, like Senator Clinton wants to do, and withdraw, as Governor Romney wanted to do, then there will be chaos, genocide, and the cost of American blood and treasure would be dramatically higher.” The former Massachusetts governor has hit back, accusing his rival of “dishonesty,” and distorting his position. So who is telling the truth?
    The Facts

    There is no doubt that McCain has shown greater consistency on Iraq than Romney. The Arizona senator has always been opposed to establishing timetables for withdrawal from Iraq, although he has talked about “benchmarks” for the Iraqi government to meet. The McCain camp has cited an interview that Romney gave on April 3, 2007, to ABC News, in which he talked about the need for “timetables and milestones.” Here is the full exchange, which you can also see here:

    ROBIN ROBERTS (ABC NEWS): Do you believe that there should be a timetable in withdrawing the troops?
    ROMNEY: Well, there’s no question - but that the President and - Prime Minister al-Maliki have to have a series of timetables and milestones that they speak about. But those shouldn’t be for public pronouncement. You don’t want the enemy to understand how long they have to wait in the weeds until you’re gonna be gone. You wanna have a series of things you wanna see accomplished in terms of the strength of the Iraqi military and the Iraqi police and the leadership of the, of the Iraqi government.
    ROBERTS: So, private? You wouldn’t do it publicly because - the President has said flat out that he will veto anything the Congress passes about a timetable for - troop withdrawals. As president, would you do the same?
    ROMNEY: Well, could you, yeah - well, of course. Could you, could you imagine the setting where, where during the second World War we said to the, the Germans, gee, if we haven’t reached the Rhine by this date, we’ll go home, or if we haven’t gotten this accomplished, we’ll, we’ll pull up and leave? You don’t, you don’t publish that to your enemy, or they just simply lie and wait until that time. So, of course, you have to work together to create timetables and milestones, but you don’t do that with the, with the opposition.

    Romney expanded on his remarks in a June 7 interview with the Associated Press, in which he said he was opposed to the Bush administration’s vision of a decades-long U.S. military presence in Iraq, similar to South Korea, and called for “public benchmarks” to gauge progress. The Associated Press then quoted him as saying:

    “I think we would hope to turn Iraq security over to their own military and their own security forces, and if presence in the region is important for us than we have other options that are nearby”…Romney said the Bush administration would be wise to publicly disclose some goals for success in Iraq to restore public confidence. Benchmarks that would tip off adversaries, however, should remain private.

    Talking vaguely about “timetables and milestones” is not the same thing as setting “a date for withdrawal,” from Iraq, as Senator McCain has tried to argue. And while Romney has talked about secret understandings with the Iraqi government, that is very different from promises by Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates to remove most U.S. combat troops from Iraq by the end of 2009.
    The Pinocchio Test

    McCain has distorted the meaning of a nine-month old quote from Romney. While Romney has mentioned “timetables and milestones” to be met by the Iraqi government–some secret, some public–he has never proposed setting “a date for withdrawal.”

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