Empty Briefcase Kid Breaks Fundraising Record
Fox is reporting that Obama raised $32 Million in January alone.
So, maybe his briefcase is filling up, but not with good policy, just with cash.
When it comes to specific ideas and policies…his briefcase is still empty.
Interesting article about ackbar obama and farrakhan’s NOIse makers at www.debbieschlussel.com
January 31st, 2008 at 8:49 amIt’s remarkable that a minority kid whose grandmother still lives in a tribal lifestyle in Kenya can grow up to go to Harvard, be editor of the law review (have to be really smart), and run for president in this great US. That’s why Edwards is such an idiot, always whining about the “injustice” in America. Obama doesn’t have realistic policy positions. He is selling hope and optimism, and dems are buying it judging by his campaign donations. The dems are in a hard spot–try to elect someone they can believe in, whether he has any policies or not, or vote for Billary, the she-devil who they know is corrupt and wrong.
January 31st, 2008 at 9:14 am