Fight Vid: Rollins Slams Wallace, Political Pundits, Washington, & MSM
Hume’s comment at the end: “Nice to get an interview with a Joyful Victor!” Heh heh…Rollins is old school…Reagan ‘84 and won 49 fucking states, LOL! I’m not convinced on Huck, yet, but I like that Rollins guy. He also made news the other day when he said he wanted to knock Romney’s teeth out.
Not a Fuckabee fan!
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:03 pmCould be a start of a new nick-name
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:04 pmAll I can say is FUCK the media in all its forms!!! (and I’m partial to FOX News). Let the people speak and get the fuck out of the way (I’m still undecided) I’ll vote when I vote.
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:07 pmI wanted to play this because of the slam on the msm pundits. I don’t think Huck has the balls to glass Iran so…he won’t get my vote unless he starts talking tough with regard to the Global War On Terror.
Its the one who does that, that will ultimately get my vote.
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:08 pmI’m with you Bash…
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:11 pmI’m no fan of Hucleberry Hound. The cartoon was funny…but the real deal sucks donkey dicks. He may want to move America “up” as he said on TV the other night. But his policies on Illegal Immigration and his non-GWOT strategy, don’t convince me that he’s not more than the sum total of his rhetoric.
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:30 pmI would never vote for Huckabee for any reason so I hope “America” can come up with something better or I will have to just do a write in . . . .
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:44 pmI think the Huckster is a media apparition, like say “global warming” or some shit. He may have some ‘hang time’, but like a silent fart, he’ll eventually disperse.
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:46 pmA silent fart - LOL - that is the best description so far!
January 3rd, 2008 at 7:50 pmThe only thing going for Fuckabee is the Fair-Tax, the rest is gas like LMcG said, we need true conservatives, not fair weather ones.
January 3rd, 2008 at 8:04 pmEd Rollins can fall off into the political abyss for all I care! He should know better than to work for a populist faggot who feels we should send all the mass murderers and terrorists on first class flights home from gitmo!! I hate his policies, his mannerisms, his politics, heck I wouldn’t stop at loathing him for destroying 2008 for the GOP. He is the JIMMY CARTER OF THE GOP and an Jackass at best.
January 3rd, 2008 at 8:08 pmHuckabee ain’t a bad guy, but I support my vets and McCain is one such vet who has my support. He was written off early by the MSM but the man does not know the meaning of surrender, and neither do I.
January 3rd, 2008 at 8:44 pmThe only electable Republican is Rudy, who transformed NYC from the murder capitol of the nation to the safest city in the country! Rudy did it in democrat NYC. Rudy beat the mafia up badly. He took on NYC’s bloated government and reformed it. It would give me great pleasure to watch Rudy straighten out Wash. DC and the bums in congress! Rudy is tough as nails and fears no one. That is why the terrorist have specifically asked us not to vote for Rudy. Rudy has said he would appoint judges like Roberts and Allito so what’s the problem with you conservatives? I think Rudy will be as good as Reagan was. The rest of the Republican field has changed their positions so much to suit their needs they can’t be trusted!
January 3rd, 2008 at 9:06 pmHey Bob, you might want to zip up your pants, your bias is hanging out. I’m not sure why people keep thinking only the “moderate” hawkish Republican candidates (like Giuliani or McCain) are the only ones who are going to be “electable”. My top three picks are Giuliani, Thompson, and Romney, but I really don’t think one has a better edge than the other against Hillary. But against Obama? Not so sure yet, and Giuliani may turn out to not be it. Like they say, don’t count yer chicks until…
January 3rd, 2008 at 9:56 pmWe are only talking about Iowa here. Other than Huckabee’s golden tongue, the only thing he has going for him IMO is Norris and Rollins. And it appears “likability” was a equally a factor for Obama. It sure wasn’t experience but then just who of the top 3 dems are experienced? Likeability is all they have to run on. There is that dem “change” mantra. As if change by itself is good. Haven’t been hit in the US since 9/11. Is that something we really want to change? I guess we’ll find out as the election creeps along.
January 3rd, 2008 at 11:34 pmI agree Bash. I’m only interested in a candidate that understands Islamofascism presently is the greatest threat to the world and if it comes down to additional regime change to stop the threat, so be it.
Huckabee = Pro-life Democrat
January 3rd, 2008 at 11:47 pmChris Wallace is very cool with the way he deals with those that try to talk over or shout down people. I do spend a lot of time with FNC on and they are one of the biggest offenders of letting things get out of control. We can sing together, but we can’t talk together.
January 4th, 2008 at 3:32 amRollins is an ass! Have you read about his little restaurant episode? He’s a complete and utter ass. And Huckabee will be in trouble if Rollins ignores WHY much of the more intellectual media have panned Huckabee ~ it’s because Huckabee’s experience and rhetoric are quite empty and unimpressive. Rollins has to shore up those weaknesses, and keep his OWN personality from showing through in Huckabee’s campaign.
Huckabee is really a Republican In Name Only (RINO) and has a very pathetic foreign policy understanding and stance. One of my older brothers, who thought he’d be voted Democrat this time around, told me just the other day “I really like Huckabee, he just seems so down to earth and trustworthy.” (paraphrased)
Well, that tells me a few things immediately:
ONE - A Democrat leaning voter likes Huckabee? THAT’s interesting! Like I said, he’s a RINO. You might read comments like my brother’s as being “moderate” or centerist support, but I read it as, Huckabee isn’t really much of a “conservative”! And that’s dangerous for a Republican Presidential candidate in the running for the nomination. This will catch up with him.
TWO - Huckabee’s appeal is largely seated in his perceived “likability” and “honesty”? Well, he’d better tread lightly then, because Rollins appears to be letting him drop the ball on those points a bit. Huckabee’s Romney response, the non-attack “attack” ad, which he said he’d pulled, but it still ran (through the media and internet, even on TV on New Year’s eve), even though he said it wouldn’t and that nobody would get a copy, is one of the things that’s going to hurt him.
You can’t talk through both sides of your mouth when the world is watching, unless you’re Yasar Arafat or another Arab world “leader”. But, those guys aren’t very popular with most conservatives either. Again, not a good sign for Huckabee.
THREE - This Baptist, evangelical, base support is nice and all… reminding me of why and how George W. did so well, by appealing to the religious right, but it can’t WIN IT for him alone. Again, this is where Huckabee’s “have his cake, and eat it too” approach is going to bite him in the ass if he’s not careful. And I think Rollins isn’t the kind of guy that this same religious base would support, which doesn’t mean much EXCEPT Rollins is the one advising Huckabee, and probably behind much of the media stunts which will ultimately undermine Huckabee’s campaign. Huckabee better learn to control Rollins and his own defensiveness, because this “base” can shift, especially when they realize Huckabee may not be the best candidate to face off with the Democrats.
There’s more, but I’ll stop for now… if Huckabee is going to be it, I hope he’s got some smart guys hiding behind Rollins. No matter what Bash “likes”.
January 4th, 2008 at 4:16 amRen:
Zip up your pants? WTF is that? No Repub at the moment has emerged as the front runner. I got even money that says that any Repub (minus Paul) is more electable than any Dhimi.
Seens that in this election cycle, more people are registered Republican than are registered Dhimi. The odds favor the Repubs…no matter who they nominate.
Rollins may be an ass…but he’s a pretty successful ass. Good for him. But Huckleberry Hound won’t be the nominee in the end.
On the other hand, lets say that the Dhimis nominate their Oprah-fied Osama Obama. And the Repubs nominate Huckleberry.
Then the US voter has a choice….should they vote for a guy with a hick name? Or a guy that shares OBL”s first name?
That would be an interesting choice.
In any event Caveat Emptor people…and REN zip up your own damn pants.
January 4th, 2008 at 5:41 amYo Ren! I witnessed what Rudy did in NYC and am supporting him for Pres. What is wrong with that, you fence sitter! Don’t let the fence top poke you where you think (your but)! You sound like a MSM or a dem interloper!
January 4th, 2008 at 8:31 amHuckabeen & Rollins deserve each other, two thin skinned and angry political donks. The best case is they will team up to sabotage this candidancy!
January 4th, 2008 at 9:52 ambush/cheney/rumsfeld in 08/// their the only ones that do as they say and say as they do out of the whole bunch,, maybe ad lieberman to the bush team,,
January 4th, 2008 at 10:17 amI state for the record that none of the headline Republican Pres. candidates thrill me and haven’t since about 1984. I suppose as an Evangelical Christian, I should be thrilled with Mike Huckabee but the closest one I’ve heard that would represent most of my viewpoints is Duncan Hunter and he will be out soon.
Two reasons I don’t want Huckabee: (1) I think Dannyboy put it best when he called Huckabee a pro-life Dimocrat; (2) I am not sure Huckabee is electable this round and I don’t want to risk the nominated one of the three stooges being the next President.
It pains me to say this because there are many things I choke on when I think of Rudy G. as commander, but if he meant what he said about his nomination of SCOTUS nominees, I’ll go with him. I think he’s the one sure R nominee that wins.
January 4th, 2008 at 2:04 pmDan: “Zip up your pants? WTF is that?”
Oh shut up, you guys know what I meant. Bob’s Rudy cheer-leading post, on a Rollins/Huckabee thread, with absolutely NO mention of Rollins or Huckabee, fucking bugged me. So I made the open zipper, bias comment in jest. Anyway, my question still stands, what’s with people convincing themselves that their guy is THE only “electable” guy? Especially where McCain and Giuliani are concerned? It seems to happen more with them than any other Republican candidate. Why? Because they are the “moderates”?
Bob: “You sound like a MSM or a dem interloper!”
Interloper? Bob, don’t fucking piss me off with no good reason. My first post on Pat’s site was made quite a long while ago, dating back to at least February of ‘07. I am hardly an interloper, or a drive-by Dem, or any of that shit. Up until a few of these political articles and stuff on Bhutto popped up, I wasn’t posting much. I read more than I post, which is why many readers here don’t necessarily know me. And I am hardly a “fence sitter” and know exactly who I would vote for given certain scenarios, but I’m not here to convert you guys to MY choice(s). I will say that I can hardly stand Huckabee, as I think he’s a duplicitous little shit.
January 5th, 2008 at 4:35 amRen, say hello to Stimpy for me! You are the one who implied I was in the tank for Rudy! Yes I am trying to convince you and others that Rudy is the best man for Pres. I do so because I witnessed his miracle work in NYC FIRSTHAND and am sick and tired of people marginalizing these accomplishments. All of his critics are trying to stop his run with LIES that make headlines but the retractions clearing him are printed in the back of the paper! I suspect that clinton surrogates are responsible because they fear him most. I’m sorry I called you a dem or interloper. I was pissed at your classless remark! Let’s not let our passion for our candidates cause us to destroy the others or insult each other. We will all be on the same side 11/09.
January 5th, 2008 at 9:09 amI have to say I think many here are wrong about Huckabee. Originally I didn’t like him either, heck just in another thread a day ago I went off on him. But my wife heard me ranting and made the simple comment. “Have you actually rea dor looked into any of the accusations?” So I did. Honestly after reading more about him, his past his positions etc, I find I like him more and more. Rush said economically he was a liberal…so I accepted it….why I don’t know. But after looking at his time at Governer he doesn’t look any more Liberal economically then say Reagan….sure he’s no Newt….but he’s hardly a liberal economically.
Romney accused him of cheap shotting him for being Mormon….sorry i found no cheap shots, rather i found several cheap shost coming from Romeny’s campaigns against Huckabee, and also against Ministers in iowa that recieved rediculous threats.
Before you accept the “hype” good or bad about any candidate I challange you to look closer, and read up…I still prefer Duncan Hunter…..Who has no chance…..and I still think there are others i might prefer over Huckabee….but after reading up on him I certainly would prefer him to either Romney, Giuliani, etc….
No he doesn’t have a service record, but hey neither did Reagan….JFK did have a service record, and unlike many since he was an honest to God War time HERO, but I think he was a screw up when it came time for Cuba…..I still don’t trust McCain, his stance on torture is naive, and rediculous, and so was his plan for the border…..
So I dunno….my top choice? No But Huckabee right now looks more comfortable speaking then the majority of the Candidates, and all teh accusations against him upon further review seem to be false.
I think what it boils down to is even most conservatives these days are some how afraid of the word “Christian”.
January 5th, 2008 at 10:35 pmBob,
We’re good. Please forgive my earlier comment(s). But, I would have liked to see more about the Rollins/Huckabee and less about Giuliani. Anyway, it doesn’t really matter much now.
I made my own mind up by watching Huckabee’s campaign myself. His pulled ad, and the show he put on with it, was the perfect example of what I am talking about. At this point, you can’t do much of anything for Huckabee’s image, for me, only Huckabee can do that.
January 7th, 2008 at 1:35 amBob,
I thought Rudy was really REALLY good on the ABC New Hampshire debate. And McCain a bit archaic and quite snippy in comparison. Are they really are going to just tear each other down in the hopes that they will be the only ones left standing in the end? It makes me sick in a way. And Huckabee is as guilty as Romney, McCain, and Thompson (who I initially liked, but am finding infantile in his taunts and responses sometimes). Ron Paul and Giuliani seem to be steering clear of it the most, and I respect them for that. But, it’s only helping Giuliani in my mind, as RP won’t ever get my vote, no matter how Libertarian he is on the economic and domestic government issues (it’s still the GWOT that kills him there).
January 7th, 2008 at 7:21 am