Final Debate Question: Would Reagan Endorse You? Why?

January 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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11 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Roanld Reagan use to be a Democrat. Ronald Reagan was at one time Pro-choice. He changed his mind on many issues. As he got closer to the Presidency, he changed some of his views.

    He was a staunch anti-communist. He was absolutely pro-US. He was anti-government and anti-taxes. He was a staunch defender and supporter of the US military. He was also not one to criticise his own party or party members.

    He would have campaigned for Republicans, but I doubt that he would have liked Paul or McCain on a personal level.

    There is no Reagan running this time around. The best the party will get no matter who the nominee is…will be sloppy seconds.

    These candidates should stop talking about Reagan. He was one of a kind. And there isn’t a man-jack one of these candidates that could hold a candle to RR. Not IMHO anyways.

    All I see in this crowd is a smarter version of Gerald Ford.


  2. John

    Its fact that Reagan accually endorsed Ron Paul when he ran for congress and he even said
    Of Dr. Paul, Ronald Reagan once said: “Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country.”

  3. Mike

    Of Dr. Paul, Ronald Reagan once said: “Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country.”

  4. Reagan T.

    @ Dan (The Infidel)

    I completely agree about Reagan being one of kind. No one is going to be like him and they should stop comparing themselves to Reagan.

  5. Kermit

    Yes and remember that RR got air time and gave speeches against the Carter era of giving away the Panama Canal.

    He sure did not do a Paul thing in the Middle East and against the Soviet Bloc.

    Ron Paul is the least like Ronald Reagan of all candidates that have run this time around, except all the Dems.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    If RR was alive today and heard the recent screwey ass pronoucements by Rhue Paul, he’d change his mind about supporting him.

    RR said alot of nice things about folks because RR was just a nice guy. But he wasn’t stupid. He would not support Rhue Paul today.

    BTW, RR endorsement of someone in the past WILL NEVER translate into a vote by me or any other Republican that I know.

    I do my own research on candidates and rely on my own judgement. I always supported RR. But never considered his judgement to be infallable. Good example was his Supremes picks.

    At the moment all the Repubs have at the top of the heat is the choice between a douche bag (McCain) and a shit sandwhich (Romney) as their leading candidates for POTUS.

    Rhue Paul and Huckleberry are also-rans who will go nowhere after Ruby Tuesday.


  7. Professor Bill

    And if Paul is the least like RR then McCain is next in line as the least like RR. If you read McCain’s comments regarding private enterprise and how he beleives some people on wall street should be put in jail and his deriding of the tax cuts going only to the wealthy he is definitely not like RR.

    I read some of his comments from last night and McCain truly scares me. I think he is power mad and I think he believes because he spent 7 years in the Hanoi Hilton he is owned it by this country. If he gets elected you can say goodbye to border security and ever deporting illegal aliens. I truly believe that America will be a much worse place if McCain is elected.

  8. Caligula

    Rhue Paul was endorsed by Reagan? The only information i can find on the issue is on pro Rhue Paul websites (with a single youtube video as PROOF)… therefore, from the technical savvy background of his supporters i would therefore question the authenticity of such a statement as “Ronald Reagen The Great endorses Rhue Paul”

    hell, if a video can be falsified of binladen showing his face, can’t one be done of the great RR?

    anyone have any CREDIBLE proof? news articles, book citations? anything other than rhetoric off Rhue Paul websites or that stinkin youtube video?

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    I cant believe the horseshit im hearing on this thread. there is absolutely no way that Reagan would endorse Ron Paul for president. RR would have never called the Iraq war illegal and wouldnt want to pull our brave men out while they are winning. They would be like night and day on positions. Some people make decent congressman but not Presidents.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    A google search on RR endorsement of the tinfoil wearer yields threse links:

    1978 » Chronicle Telegram, The (Newspaper) - January 22, 1978, Elyria, Ohio - Subscription - Chronicle Telegram
    1978 » Galveston Daily News, The (Newspaper) - February 3, 1978, Galveston, Texas - Subscription - Galveston Daily News, The
    1978 » Charleston Gazette, The (Newspaper) - May 6, 1978, Charleston, West Virginia - Subscription - Charleston Gazette, The

    Each link shows a tiny page. But I don’t see any actual article. And I’m not joining to find out.

    Someone else may want to delve a little further.

    No, I’m not defending Paul. I hate the little one-eyed munchkin king.

    Research is just my thing.

  11. Jeremy

    What do you people want from this country? Instead of takings, see what you can give. Ron Paul’s presidential platform is the constitution. Besides adopting the opinions fed to you on the mainstream media..what really is so disagreeable about Ron Paul? Reagan pulled troops out of Lebanon. Paul wants our troops out of all foreign nations. It’s a battle of ideologies really. The propaganda machine says they attack us because we are free and Christian. The CIA says they attack us because of failed foreign policy and occupation. Since both are by faith on what you choose to believe..choose wisely. The economic intellect of Ron Paul is the other reason a smart person should support him. I say a smart person because only a smart person has the ability to exercise critical thinking and conclude we can’t get something from nothing and that’s what we been doing economically since 1972 with the endless printing of paper money backed by nothing. We can no longer afford to maintain the empire. Ever think of that? The Keynesian theory of economics adopted by the united states requires continual credit expansion to survive. Credit contraction is the end over. We are in a credit crisis..IE credit contraction. Get it? He may not have all the answers but he knows what needs to happen. Stop fearing terror and be American again.

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