Update: First NH Votes To Be Cast At Midnight Tonight
The Balsams Grand Resort, site of some of the first New Hampshire voting…I’d kick back there for a weekend.
And the Winner is:
McCain 4 votes
Romney 2 votes
Giuliani 1 vote
Rest -0-
Obama 7 votes
Edwards 2 votes
Richardson 1 vote
Clinton -0-
Rest -0-
DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H.- Voters in two small New Hampshire villages prepared to cast the initial ballots after the stroke of midnight Tuesday in the nation’s first presidential primary.
Sixteen people were registered to vote at The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel. Another 29 people were prepared to vote at the Hart’s Location town hall, about 75 miles away.
The middle-of-the night votes are closely watched, and the results are flashed worldwide moments after they are tallied.
State law allows towns with fewer than 100 people to open at midnight and to close as soon as all registered voters have cast ballots.
While most New Hampshire residents have to wait until around daybreak to vote, those in the two far northern towns have been going to the polls at midnight for decades. The Balsams, located about 20 miles from the Canadian border, has been holding its early bird voting since 1960. That’s when former owner Neil Tillotson, who died in 2001, arranged for early elections by having Dixville incorporated solely for voting purposes.
Hart’s Location began midnight voting in 1948 because most residents were railroad workers who had to be on the job during normal polling hours. Townspeople, weary of the media attention and the late hours, did away with it after the 1964 election but revived the practice in 1996.
In Dixville this year, there were three registered Republicans, one Democrat and 12 who were undeclared. Hart’s Location had eight Democrats, eight Republicans and 13 undeclared.
With more candidates on the ballot - 42 - than voters in town, longtime Hart’s Location town clerk Marion Varney, 86, wouldn’t venture a guess Monday on how the voting would turn out. In 2004, Wesley Clark got the most Democratic primary votes in Hart’s Location and Dixville.
“I don’t even know for sure who I’m going to vote for,” said Varney. “I think I might just close my eyes and mark the ballot.”
Mr. Varney, why don’t you just go to bed and leave the important work to folks who are able to makeup their minds. There should be an IQ test before you’re able to vote. People like him make me NUCKING FUTS!
January 7th, 2008 at 4:14 pmThe WWI generation has lapsed into dimensia. Way too many of them vote like this idiot…or they cling to the stupid ass belief that the Dhmi party is still the party of Roosevelt. This old codger needs to go back to the old folks home and take a pill.
January 7th, 2008 at 9:31 pmI meant WWII not WWI.
January 7th, 2008 at 9:31 pmIf you are in the market for a vacation, The Balsams is a pretty cool place to go for Christmas. They have their own ski mountain and a culinary school on site so the food is AMAZING. It is in the middle of nowhere, but a nice place to take the wife for a little quiet time. Kinda like the resort in “Dirty Dancing”… old money. And you can see the room where they do the vote. Pretty cool, they have pictures up of former Presidents hanging out there while people cast their votes.
January 7th, 2008 at 10:45 pmI am taking bets on how long before the Ice Queen finally divorces the cigar sucking Slick Willie Sax Machine if she ends up in the crapper on this political caper she soooo thought belonged to her …
January 7th, 2008 at 10:53 pmGoooolly, I think I’m just gonna throw a dart at the ballot and see where it lands. Shucks, I just don’t know what to do.
January 7th, 2008 at 11:43 pmRon Paul supporters were very disapointed with the results. They figured they have not spent enough money on crazy stunts. Not to be out done they all gathered up their monthly paycheck and set out to by the world’s best billboard.
They may not eat this month, but damit! You will google Ron Paul!
January 8th, 2008 at 12:22 am