Graphic Video: Kenya Descends Into Civil War

January 27th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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5 Responses

  1. Bash (the infidel)

    Check out the dude at 1:43, his hand is moving, he’s still alive?

  2. John H

    We lost a friend there a few weeks ago. I knew him simply as Gigi. He was a local leader in his town. You could not help but smile when around him. He was in his 50-60’s, dreadlocks, all smiles, and devout Christian who supported the local church. He was also an ex General, and had access to guns, so when someone was being abused or attacked, he would often be asked to settle disputes. He didn’t really choose sides in politics much, he just tried to protect the people in his town from thugs.

    He had such a positive attitude, and wonderful outlook, but once when he was here in the states he simply said. “The people here, take for granted how good they have it”. He didn’t say it with animosity, but more sadness…..and he wasn’t talking about materialism. We take for granted that in our daily grind it is unlikely that we might be shot, or hacked simply because of the town we are from, or the last name we carry, or because of the candidate we support.

    Gigi, had many attempts on his life, all had failed. But not a month ago men came onto his farm, and attacked him, I was told he shot a few of them, but eventually they got him, and hacked him up cutting off his head arms, and legs….leaving his small town without a guardian. He was simply one of the best men in Africa you could know. Peopel see these stories and say, “oh well that’s Africa for you”….but there are alot of GOOD people over there desperately trying to carv out a peaceful life, ther’re not just face son the news once you meet them……it’s heartbreaking.

  3. mindy abraham

    :sad: I don’t get it-kenya was one of the more stable countries. Are they really going to become another country in africa torn apart by ethnic violence?

  4. allahlovesporkchops

    mindy, Kenya will be another country torn apart by shitslamists.

  5. John H

    This has more to do with tribal differences then any religious or political ideology.

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