Harry Smith The Tactless Idiot

January 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


OK, obviously I will not be voting for The Empty Briefcase Kid (Obama), and Ted Kennedy fills my throat with bile.


My parents were staunch democrats in the 60’s, and I vividly remember them campaigning for Bobby Kennedy in 1968. I was 6 years old, but I remember sitting in that campaign office, watching my mother stuff envelopes and I had all these campaign buttons and fake straw hats and red, white, and blue stuff everywhere.

I remember very clearly how devastated they were when Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

It upset me greatly. Not the kennedy part, tragic as that was. But the effect it had on my mother.

I don’t remember the JFK assassination. One of the few who was alive but couldn’t tell you where I was when he was shot. I was 13 months old. More than likely crapping my (cloth) diapers.

And even though I disagree with my parent’s politics, the death of two Kennedy’s within five years, and then King…

That really messed with a lot of people.

I said all of that to bring this up…

Harry Smith had Ted Kennedy on The Early Show today…from Newsbusters:

I’m measuring my words carefully. Harry Smith has raised the possibility that Barack Obama’s life could be in danger.

The Early Show anchor interviewed Ted Kennedy this morning in the wake of his endorsement of Obama yesterday. Smith’s initial broaching of the subject of danger to Obama was very cryptic.

HARRY SMITH: When you see that enthusiasm [for Obama] though, and when you see the generational change that seems to be taking place before our eyes, does it make you at all fearful?

Kennedy understandably had no idea what Smith was driving at, and gave an innocuous answer about people’s desire for “a new day and a new generation.” But Smith’s follow-up left no real doubt as to what he had in mind.

SMITH: I just, I think what I was trying to say is, sometimes agents of change end up being targets, as you well know, and that was why I was asking if you were at all fearful of that.

When you tell a man with Ted Kennedy’s family history that “you well know” about politicians becoming “targets,” the implication is unmistakable.

This time, Kennedy [to his credit I would say] chose to ignore Smith’s suggestion, giving another bland answer about Obama being a candidate for change.

What could possibly have possessed Smith to raise this specter?

I mean, don’t get me wrong, who hasn’t had that assassination of Obama thought cross their mind? I have. I have also thought a weary eye of suspicion should be tossed over the Klintonian way in that event. But I digress to conspiracy theories…

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3 Responses

  1. BILL

    Harry Smith is an ASS! Kennedy is a bigger ASS for not punching Smith in the mouth just as a matter of point!

  2. John Cunningham


  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    The 60s were turbulent times, indeed. FYI, those of you familiar with “Band of Brothers” book or miniseries, may know that one of their officers, Lt. Lynn “Buck” Compton, was the one that prosecuted successfully Sirhan Sirhan. Well it just so happens, he is now a conservative commentator too:


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