PhotoGate: Hillary Cozy With Obama’s “Slumlord”

January 25th, 2008 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

Remember at the Democratic debate the other night, when Hillary accused Obama of carousing with a “Slumlord”?

We told about Obama’s connection to the “Slumlord” but…

Look what has bobbed up to the surface…


Hillary cozies up to “Slumlord” Antoin “Tony” Rezko. Something tells me this bitch has done so many shady deals and caroused with so many fucking criminals that if she ever goes to trial, I might actually believe her if she said “I don’t recall”.

Hmmm…nah, I wouldn’t believe a thing that ejects from her mouth.

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6 Responses

  1. Phil N Blanx

    “I wouldn’t know him if he walked in the door.” Hillary Clinton

    Bet you could recognize his checkbook in a dark room though.

    How is it “the smartest woman in the world” chooses to hang with some of the world’s sleaziest?

  2. John Cunningham

    They’re both lawyers, they’re both whores.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    There are no limits to the sleaziness of the Clintons. They use people until they are no longer needed then throw them under the bus. everyone is expendable unless your bill or hillary.

  4. John Cunningham

    “They’re both whores”, I was referring to Hillary and Obama.

  5. Lamplighter

    Just wait to the general election–remember Chinagate (exchanging US secret technology to China via Johnny Huang in exchange for Lippo Group/Riady money, Charlie Trie, Norman Shue, Johnny Chung, Billary telling Commerce Secy Ron Brown he has to sell trips with him on trade missions for $50k campaign donations, 577 people being sold a night in the Lincoln bedroom 1994-96, dead bodies former squeezes of Bill Suzanne Coleman and Paula Grober, boyfriend Vince Foster “suicide,” etc….

  6. dad3-7

    john,,, it should be illegal for lawyers to be politicians.. they are trained liars…in a trial one of the lawyers is lying at any given time,,and the judge is a lawyer toooo..the whole dummyrat party is sleeze,, even my staunchest diehard dummyrat friends say they could not in good faith vote for hellery or oslimea…

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