Historic Fact: Winner Of South Carolina Has Always Gone On To Win GOP Nomination

January 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Miss South Carolina
Speaking of South Carolina, Miss South Carolina is Lauren Caitlin Upton. You remember her?

heh heh…

Iowa, New Hampshire, fuggedaboudit…

It is a fact that the winner of the South Carolina primary (January 19th) has always gone on to win the Republican Party’s Presidential Nomination.

So what do the polls say about that today?

Haha…I’m not sure it really matters what the polls say given the recent New Hampshire primary. Polls had the Bitch trailing Obama by double digits right up to election day.

It really is anybody’s guess as to who will get the GOP nod, but a RealClearPolitics poll for South Carolina, as of today, has it like this:


Huckabee 31%
McCain 21.7%
Romney 16.3%
Thompson 9.3%
Giuliani 7.7%
Paul 5%



McCain 25%
Huckabee 18%
Romney 17%
Thompson 9%
Giuliani 5%
Paul 5%

You can go find another poll, or make one up, I don’t think at this point it factors in except to give ulcers to the candidates and their campaign staff.

heh heh

And maybe a trip to South Carolina might be a good thing?

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4 Responses

  1. Caligula

    that fact might be the case… but is it coincidence? or is there some reason for it?

    if its coincidence that the winner of SC always gets the GOP nod… then it’ll break eventually

    this election cycle is bizzare enough that this might the one… i wouldn’t be surprised if ron paul surged ahead next, or gilligan for that matter!!! :shock:

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Polls schmolls, they don’t know shit. The history of the S.C primary is acurate…but who didn’t know that? There’s always a first time that the results of the SC primary could be wrong.

    At the moment it looks like a Huckleberry or McCain race.
    Incidently, have you ever heard McCain’s wife speak? You think Kerry’s bitch was a tad screwey? Man you, ain’t seen nothing yet…if McCain gets the nod.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    PS: Nice pics. Too bad beauty and brains don’t always go together.

  4. Brian H

    Events always track historic precedent, until they don’t. :roll:

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