How Would You Say Bob Dole Is Holding Up?
I saw Bob Dole last night at the State of the Union Address, and it was the first time I had seen him in what seemed like years.
Forgot all about him!
My initial thought was, “He looks like Death warmed over.” Hope he’s doing alright…sounds like he’s wanting to push a package through for veterans.
Anybody else see Bob?
Bash -
I saw Bob too. It had been a while since I last saw pictures/video of him also, I really didn’t notice much difference (people DO appear older to the eye after a stretch of time being out of view) … but did note his inability to applaud (which MIGHT be normal for him with the lame hand).
January 29th, 2008 at 3:05 pmHell every day Bob Dole has drawn breath after surviving an a hit by a Maschinengewehr-34 (MG-34) in the Big One is bonus. Hell of a man to not give up on living after such a personal encounter with Hitler’s buzzsaw.
January 29th, 2008 at 3:08 pmBob Dole is the man, I didnt notice him last night but im glad hes still with us.
January 29th, 2008 at 3:15 pmHe looks great I have always admired him. A true blue American. May God Bless him.
January 29th, 2008 at 3:26 pmTrue Kansan and true American.
January 29th, 2008 at 3:27 pmYes I did see his attempt at applause good hand against the hand with the perpetual pen.
The man served his country well 60 years ago and continues to serve. His appointment to serve head up the reform of VA though possibly as a figurehead at least allows him to speak from experience.
He is a damned good man married to a damned good woman.
I have not seen one of his Viagra commercials for some time now. Also, he lost without malice to Clinton in 96, thanks in large to Perot who syphoned off a big chunk of the conservative vote.
January 29th, 2008 at 3:35 pm“looks like Death warmed over”?
Bob Dole was at Anzio. Show a little respect.
January 29th, 2008 at 5:41 pmC’mon Bash in 8th grade I made a “Vote for Dole” poster to spite my liberal teacher in class, which featured him getting all shot up and saying “Vote for Dole, He’s got guts!” rofl
January 29th, 2008 at 8:31 pm