Huckabee Vows To Deport All Illegal Aliens

January 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


From an article by Stephen Dinan in The Washington Times:

— Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee yesterday continued to move to the right on immigration during this year’s presidential campaign, signing a pledge to enforce immigration laws and to make all illegal aliens go home.

The pledge, offered by immigration control advocacy group Numbers USA, commits Mr. Huckabee to oppose a new path to citizenship for current illegal aliens and to cut the number of illegal aliens already in the country through attrition by law enforcement — something Mr. Huckabee said he will achieve through his nine-point immigration plan.

“Some would say it’s a tough plan. It is, but it’s also fair and reasonable,” Mr. Huckabee said.

Mr. Romney campaigned in South Carolina fresh off his Tuesday win over Mr. McCain in Michigan’s primary. And though he held a lead here earlier last year, he tried to lower expectations yesterday, telling reporters that the pressure is really on Mr. McCain, who now leads in the polls here.

As the front-runner, Mr. McCain finds himself playing defense. Yesterday, he had one surrogate challenge charges on abortion and other issues from Common Sense Issues, a Colorado-based group that the Associated Press said is conducting push-polling here, and had another group of surrogates respond to charges from a group called Vietnam Veterans Against McCain.

The McCain campaign said the veterans group is circulating fliers that say Mr. McCain turned his back on fellow prisoners of war in order to receive special treatment while in captivity in Vietnam.

One issue that continues to hurt Mr. McCain here is immigration. Many voters say he supports amnesty for illegal aliens, and they point to his partnership with Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, to try to pass a bill to legalize illegal aliens.

Mr. McCain has said he “got the message” from his bill’s defeat last year in the Senate — when a majority of senators voted to filibuster his bill.

He says that as a senator from a border state, he knows how to secure the borders and says border governors would have to certify that fact before a guest-worker program and legalization could go forward. But Mr. McCain still supports a pathway to citizenship, and it’s not clear how different his new stance is from the bill that failed.

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19 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    His record up to this point doesnt stand up to tough action against illegals. But i swear I would vote for him if there was a way of knowing for sure he would do this. No need in fighting the war abroad if we cant even seal our own damn borders.

  2. Professor Bill

    This is nothing more than political posturing. This is from the same guy that said a few weeks back that he would use the golden rule as his guiding principle in dealing with our enemies around the world. I think he is in damage control mode and saying anything to gain traction but his record does not support his statement.

  3. cb10

    This is the same guy who as Gov. set up a “drop house” in the Arkansas capitol for the Mex. govt. for $1 buck a year, to run interference for the illegals going to Arkansas to work.
    Just one more ass clown out of Arkansas.

  4. jim

    The Democrats will pork barrel the gazillions out of any Bill to make illegal aliens, illegally illegal :shock:

  5. Mart (just another infidel)

    Huckabee is not being truthful when he says he will deport them! He is talking about a touchback program where they would be allowed to come back within days or weeks at the most. Here is a link to what he really means:

    Damn it, I am so sick of being lied to by these back stabbing prick politicians I could vomit! :mad:

  6. Sandy

    We can only judge by their track records. Words do not mean squat.

  7. CJW

    Huckabee is whoring for votes and is not much of a Republican anyway. Just coming from Arkansas is a major strike against him as we’ve already had a governor from Arkansas in the White House. Arkansas has had their quota for at least 100 years. It’s some other state’s turn. :shock:

  8. John Cunningham

    It’s a shame we can’t believe anything any of them say. Washington is a city with a bunch of pretty buildings.

  9. Dannyboy

    Don’t trust him for a minute. He’s just as bad a McCain when it comes to this stuff, and he has the record to prove it.

  10. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    I am so tired of illegal immigration and I want something done! BUT, what is wrong with Huckabee? He is acting MENTAL — He will do or say anything to get your vote. He is like a prostitute or something . . . I don’t believe him for a second . . . and that is sad because he is supposedly a man of God.

  11. John H

    I vow to be a multimillionaire by next year.

    But do not hold your breath.

  12. Wendy

    I am becoming a Fred Head. The more I read about him the more he represents what I want in a president.

    Just a few recent.

  13. Indy

    Compared to the rest of the Rinos, Fred or Hunter are the only conservatives worthy of the presidency.Huckster can’t open his mouth without lying.The only thing conservative about McCain is his position on the war.Romney is a flip flopper and all Rudy knows how to say is 911, and is a social liberal at heart.If the top three are the best conservatives can come up with,we may very well end up with a guy named Hussein or the Shrill. :cry: Makes me sick to think about it. The only bright spot, Mark Levin seems to be leaning hard for Fred.Even Rush has good things to say about him.It could be to little, to late. :sad:

  14. Wendy

    It is never to late, look a little over a month ago McCain’s campaign seemed to be dead in the water. People need to pay attention to what every candidate is saying and not what the main stream media is saying, as we know they all have their own agenda

    Fred on the Military:

    “We Must Take Better Care of Our Soldiers”
    Posted on November 14th, 2007
    By Sean Hackbarth in Military

    Yesterday, Fred spoke at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. As well as speaking about the need to increase the size of America’s military he mentioned the need to give the best care to those serving in the military:

    …we must take better care of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. They are the life-blood of our defense establishment. Whether they are active duty, Guard or Reserve, they are entitled, as well, to expect the best pay and benefits our country can afford, including a modern GI Bill with educational assistance that will help us recruit and keep our nation’s finest in uniform. They also deserve the best healthcare and the best support possible for their families.

  15. Marc

    I am a Naturalized Citizen a member of a family of LEGAL Immigrants to this country, and I would not vote for this opportunist PERIOD!

    I receive alerts from NUMBERS USA in my email and they have been a great organization in dealing with the plight of ILLEGAL immigration. In the lead up to the declaration of each candidacy the Only three that scored in their EXCELLENT catagory, THOMPSON, HUNTER, & TANCREDO. All the others that have come into the fold have seen the “opportunity” written on the wall.

    I like McCain for his past service to the country, but his dismissive attitude to constituents at town hall meetings on the subject just rubs me the wrong way. He comes across to me as he believes that it his right to president and how dare anyone call him out on the issues.

    I am praying Thompson comes out ahead in South Carolina, he because he has been the only one from the get go that has been consistent on all issues. He has a plan not only for Immigration, reforming Social Security, and stomping the guts out of the Jihadi pigs to name a few. Plus he is the only one that has a consistently conservative record from what I can find out about, and I am not just talking abortion, I could care less about that it is a matter of settled law as far as I am concerned and there are bigger fish to fry.

    I am not going to sit out this election if Thompson doesn’t get the nominee, but I don’t think that will be the case (fingers crossed), it is just too important to do that, I won’t ever vote for HILLARY, OBAMA, or PRETTY HAIR.

    Whomever wins I will not slack up on the pressure in resolving ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. If you are interested in doing the same you can go to

  16. rockin robin

    Marc, I totally agree . . . Fred or Hunter.

  17. RememberOurFathers

    I like Fred Thompson, but the more I watch him, he seems to be sidling up to McCain, who I also like, because regardless of how much you guys hate him for his immigration
    bill, which was a bill of compromise, he is still the only one with a strategy to win the war in iraq and afghanistan. McCain/Thompson ‘08!

  18. RememberOurFathers

    Wow, that was a very poorly written post. Sorry. The point was made though I hope, McCain/Thompson ‘08!

  19. Kurt(the infidel)

    Dont put me on the shit list just yet. I said if there was a way of knowing for sure. we all know those are just words, there is no way of knowing for sure.

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