Huck’s Camp Snivels: “Thompson Made Us Lose”

January 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

fuck you

After Huckabee said all those nice things about John McCain in his SC concession speech tonight, he was followed by Huckabee “surrogate” former SC Governor David Beasley who said this:

“Fred hurt us in South Carolina,” Beasley began. “He had one goal and one goal only — to distort Mike Huckabee’s record so John McCain could pull it out. No ifs, ands or buts about it….

“Thompson came here and just went to the areas where he could gut Huckabee. I have no doubt in my mind, it was Washington politics at its worst.

“One thing about Fred; I love Fred, but Fred’s not stupid….I don’t think he had any intention in South Carolina but to hurt Mike Huckabee…. Had Fred Thompson not been in the race, this would have been an overwhelming, dynamic victory for Mike Huckabee.”

From an MSNBC article,

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7 Responses

  1. Mike in CA

    Well, what’d you know, a picture is worth a thousand words :beer:

  2. Beth

    WAAAHHHHH! Get out your crying towels, ladies!

    Actually, if it weren’t for Huckaboob, Fred! would have kicked butt in South Carolina. I don’t hear Fred’s campaign sniveling, though!

    I’m pretty disappointed in how things turned out for FDT, but I’m not gonna cry about it. I’ve been with Fred since before anyone was really talking about him running, but I’ve always known it’d be an uphill fight. Life goes on, though, and at least Huckaboob didn’t win SC today! :mrgreen:

  3. TBinSTL

    Yeah, boo fucking hoo!
    Fred has enough money to go on if he thinks there’s any percentage in it and if he does, I go on with him. I helped start the website last January and I have no reservations about staying in this until that last delegate is counted…and then beaten until he votes right! I’ve got too much time invested to just walk away. Some have been predicting a brokered convention(unlikely)for a while now and then all bets are off anyway.

  4. Cdoginyoeye

    Please read this…its fucking tear-jerking hilarious… :beer:

  5. RC

    Agree with Beth.

    Huck the smeister who is ignominious in defeat as he is shameless all round in general. He’d have to be the most convoluted, conniving, divisive GOP candidate that I’ve seen in my lifetime. This is a “man” who calls republicans shiites, is clueless on the constitution, and back flips daily on his weak policy ideas and very liberal history.

    Fred on the other hand walks tall everyday, a gentleman and a statesman who respects voters and shows them his true regard, whose understanding of conservatism and the constitution is unrivaled, who has busted his chops to provide white papers that make real sense and tackle difficult and complex challenges that confront our nation, and who doesn’t kowtow to any nonsense from the msm and moonbat liberals, terrorist, illegal immigrants, etc.. He panders to no one and leads with conviction - whether numb nuts get him or not.

    Carry on Fred and continue to hold a mirror to the rinos, in fact to each and everyone of us.

  6. Bob

    Smecklebee, Huckleberry, or Elmer Gantry It’s Your choice!
    Mc Cain was an S&L crisis Keating lap dog and didn’t support tax cutsa Repubican Traitor! Fred is looks life death warmed over! Romney is an empty suit. Go Rudy Go

  7. Zeke Eagle

    Yeah, go Judy go, straight to Hell, Mr. Gungrabbin’, terrorist ignoring, liberal crossdresser.

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