Hypocrite Watch: Study Shows Green Eco-Warriors Worst Polluters

January 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

These liberal greenies who parade around the globe like Chicken Little spreading their “The sky is falling because of man-made global warming” agenda are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world.

I think they honestly believe that because they are “Champions of the Cause” this exempts them from doing as they tell others to do.

Ride a bike around the country to all your speaking engagement Al, and you may gain some credibility. At the very least you’d get in shape.

A survey of travel habits has revealed that the most environmentally conscious people are also the biggest polluters.

“Green” consumers have some of the biggest carbon footprints because they are still hooked on flying abroad or driving their cars while their adherence to the green cause is mostly limited to small gestures.

Identified as “eco-adopters”, they are most likely to be members of an environmental organisation, buy green products such as detergents, recycle and have a keen interest in green issues.

But the survey of 25,000 people, by the market research company Target Group Index, found that eco-adopters are seven per cent more likely than the general population to take flights, and four per cent more likely to own a car. The survey found similar trends in France and the United States.

Geoff Wicken, the author of the report, pointed to David Cameron, the Conservative leader, as a classic eco-adopter because despite styling himself as a green warrior he also takes flights in private helicopters and planes.


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7 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    I’m going to buy me a restored 1968 Cadillac.

  2. franchie

    wether a cadillac or a heart :lol:

  3. majortom

    Do as I say not as I do.

    Gore is such a false prophet and has a big following in Europe.

  4. franchie

    hey majortom, not by us though :

    the goracle is a crook and his followers religious zealots

  5. A. S. Wise- VA

    They also pollute the world with their ideas, and pot smoke, goddamn hippies!

  6. ticticboom

    It took Catholicism centuries to come up with Indulgances. The new Climate Change Cult are fast learners, at least when it comes to corruption and hypocrisy. They sure as hell have demonizing opponents down to a tee.

    I can’t remember who said, “I’ll start believing Global Warming is a crisis when the people who claim that start acting like it’s a crisis.” Or words to that effect.

    Like that couple in England who piously said that not commiting the unforgiveable sin of *gasp* having a child means that they can jet off to South Africa whenever they want.

    Hey, if mankind is inherently evil and must be destroyed, why don’t you Greenies show us the way and kill yourselves.

  7. GF

    It always makes me chuckle when I see a beat up VW van/car belching smoke with a ’save the enviroment’ bumber sticker on it.

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