Imam Opens Iowa Legislature Prays: “Victory Over Those Who Disbelieve”

January 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I shit you not.

Not only that, but he also prayed for:

“Protection from the Great Satan.”

And we all know who muslims believe that is…

Nods to Bryan at Hot Air for this Pilot Tribune story. Here’s an excerpt:

The Iowa Legislature started just over a week ago and some people were upset before the first issue was ever addressed.

When the session began, a Muslim Imam began the prayer in the Iowa Legislature. This is where the controversy begins.

The prayer asked of “Victory over those who disbelieve,” and “Protection from the great Satan” among other things.

Pastor Steve Smith of the Evangelical Free Church in Albert City is among those concerned about the Muslim prayer. Rev. Smith admits that he doesn’t know about all the levels of Muslim but knows that the Jihadists believe those in the U.S. are the great Satan.

Khan’s prayer lasted about four minutes and he closed with a few words for legislators.

“On behalf of the Muslim community of Des Moines and Iowa, I wish you all the success in this year for making the right decisions for us,” Khan said. Khan was the guest of State Representative Ako Abdul Samad of Des Moines, who is also a local Muslim leader.

Representative Gary Worthan of Storm Lake said that he agrees with the concern being shown over the Muslim prayer.

He said that he has registered his concerns with the proper authorities.

As the father of two sons who have fought terrorism in the military, Worthan said the phrases mentioned earlier also jumped out at him and he said he shares concern for the same reasons as the constituents he is hearing from.

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17 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ignorant westerners. Don’t they know that the “Great Satan” is a reference to the US? This mustifoon should’ve had his ass kicked.

    Victory over those who disbelieve? As in quital in jihad. How about fuck you punk.

  2. drillanwr

    “On behalf of the Muslim community of Des Moines and Iowa, I wish you all the success in this year for making the right decisions for us,” Khan said.

  3. Jim

    HAHAHA…Who ever allowed that shitlam Imam to speak “should be taken out and shot like a dog” (forgot the name of the movie)

  4. Birdddog

    Red flag :???:

  5. Birdddog

    hehe I found this funny.

  6. drillanwr

    Birdddog -

    Fooking figures, eh?

  7. Gary in Midwest

    “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”

  8. John Cunningham

    Another jailhouse mooslum telling us all about it.

  9. Ivan the Kafir

    Muslims…*sigh*….these are people who are so bloodthirsty it would make Dracula green with envy.

  10. Judith

    While Rome burns, Nero fiddles

  11. GF

    What in the hell is going on in Iowa?

  12. Lee__

    I wonder if the “schoolmarm” aka Carolyn Washburn at the Des Moines Register would like to ask for a show of hands if they understand jihad talk in the Iowa statehouse.

  13. cclezel

    A Dutchman with a real set of balls. This man is dead on and it may just cost him his life. Let’s hope not. Flames?&acc&US&-1&News&132&&&new

  14. Caligula

    aren’t there any peace-loving muzzies? why do they all have to speak in violent terms of things such as “victory” “non-believers” “the great satan”

    i’m catholic and we don’t even speak in such violent terms against ourselves… unless theres a nun about to kick your ass :sad:

    infidel, jihad, victory… what a fucked up militant group… i wanna hear 1… 1 imama or cleric NOT speak in those terms…

  15. Lil Mac

    investigation ???
    Interagation ???
    Deportaion !!!!
    Hello GITMO !!!

  16. Lamplighter

    Can we stop importing these people? That “prayer” was a violation of Iowans’ civil rights, because it was prejudiced–slighted “disbelievers.” Also, everyone knows “the Great Satan” is the US.

  17. Jimi April

    What would you expect from a Muslim cleric, HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU? Now maybe the Iowa state legislature can come to it’s collective sense and free the Chicago cop, Officer Mette, who was so unjustly imprisoned late last year for “self defense.” You can put the cleric in the clink in his place.

    Jimi April

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