Iran Calls Bush “Unimportant”, Says U.S. Troops Having “Nervous Breakdown”

January 29th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


(AFP) - Iran on Tuesday brushed aside US President George W. Bush’s warning over “threats to US troops” in his State of the Union speech, the official IRNA news agency reported.

“Unfortunately we have been hearing Bush’s baseless and unimportant accusations about Iran for the past seven years,” foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini was quoted as saying.

“We advise the US president for the remaining time (of his tenure)… to deal with the real worries of his people harmed by the US economic stagnation… and the severe nervous breakdown the (US) military men dispirited in the occupation of Iraq.”

In his speech Monday, Bush warned that Washington will “confront those who threaten our troops, we will stand by our allies, and we will defend our vital interests in the Persian Gulf.”

His message echoed US warnings over an early January face-off between US and Iranian vessels in the Strait of Hormuz and came as Washington pushed for new UN sanctions against Tehran over its disputed nuclear programme.

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10 Responses

  1. Jim

    Baghdad Bob

  2. Evestay

    “Unfortunately we have been hearing Bush’s baseless and unimportant accusations about Iran for the past seven years,”
    I sure hope Bush makes him eat those words!

  3. Joe

    “We advise the US president for the remaining time (of his tenure)… to deal with the real worries of his people harmed by the US economic stagnation”

    Hahahsaha…and how about you stop getting your panties in a bunch and look at your own economic problems. You have sky rocketing fuel prices and fuel shortages. Your continuning arrogance is getting your country economically sanctioned by the UN and your people hate you more because of it.

  4. drillanwr

    We really DO need an “Insert Laugh Track Here” link when posting this guy’s dribble …

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    This guy is a tool..he has a shitty economy at home, or should i say an almost non existent economy in his country and from the video we saw the other day a laughable military force. Bring your military out of the 1980s then you can run your mouth there Ahmed

  6. Uncle Sam

    LOL! The Taliban had the “Talk the Talk”…look what happended to them….Saddam had his “Talk the Talk”….look what happenede to him…and now Iran is doing the same….Arabic and/or Persian wannbe tough guy “Talk the Talk”…..and the USA does the “Walk the Walk” and opens a cann of whoopa**! Those people just know how to talk, when it gets down to real fighting they whine and make excuses and the only thing they got is their desperate and coward suicide “I want my 7 virgins” idiots. :beer:

  7. danielle

    Ugh he pisses me off. GWB can vaporize him.

  8. ken holton

    One flash and you’re ash. Allah akbar

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Nice imitation of Achmed The Dead Terrorist munchkin king.
    Can you also sing “Jingle Bombs”? And get a shave goat-boy…You fucking slob.

  10. Mike

    He sounds like Harry Reid and Dick Durbin.

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