Is Europe Waking Up To The Peril Of Islamization? Poll Says Yes

January 27th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


Let’s hope this is a sign that they are waking up to the threat of Islamization, and let us also hope, at least for some countries in Europe, that it is not too late.

“Most people in Britain expect anyone who comes here to be willing to learn our language and fit in with us.”

From The Daily Express:

AN “overwhelming majority” of Europeans believe immigration from Islamic countries is a threat to their traditional way of life, a survey revealed last night.

The poll, carried out across 21 countries, found “widespread anti-immigration sentiment”, but warned Europe’s Muslim population will treble in the next 17 years.

It reported “a severe deficit of trust is found between the Western and Muslim communities”, with most people wanting less interaction with the Muslim world.

Last night an MP warned it showed that political leaders in Britain who preach the benefits of unlimited immigration were dangerously out of touch with the public.

The study, whose authors include the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, was commissioned for leaders at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

It reports “a growing fear among Europeans of a perceived Islamic threat to their cultural identities, driven in part by immigration from predominantly Muslim nations”.

And it concludes: “An overwhelming majority of the surveyed populations in Europe believe greater interaction between Islam and the West is a threat.” Backbench Tory MP David Davies told the Sunday Express: “I am not surprised by these findings. People are fed up with multiculturalism and being told they have to give up their way of life.

“Most people in Britain expect anyone who comes here to be willing to learn our language and fit in with us.”

Mr Davies, who serves on the Commons Home Affairs Committee, added: “People do get annoyed when they see millions spent on translating documents and legal aid being given to people fighting for the right to wear a head-to-toe covering at school.

“A lot of people are very uncomfortable with the changes being caused by immigration and politicians have been too slow to wake up to that.”

The report says people have little enthusiasm for greater understanding with Islam and attempts to improve relations have been “disappointing”.

And with the EU Muslim population expected to reach 15 per cent by 2025 it predicts: “Any deterioration on the international front will be felt most severely in Europe.”

But leading Muslim academic Haleh Afshar, of York University, blamed media “hysteria” for the findings. She said: “There is an absence of trust towards Muslims, but to my mind that is very much driven by an uninformed media.

“To blame immigration is much harder because the current influx of immigrants from eastern Europe are by-and-large not Muslim.

The danger is that when people are fearful of people born and bred in this country it is likely that discrimination may follow.”

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6 Responses

  1. ECM

    This is nice and all, but the fine folks in Brussels will make sure that nothing ever comes of this sentiment.

  2. TBinSTL

    My fear has always been that Europe won’t wake up to the threat until it is so great that they will lurch into the arms of the Nationalists. Things will get very, very bloody and many people that don’t deserve it will be killed or hounded from their homes(read: Jews). France, in my estimation, will be the first to go the full cycle. If Britain wakes up first it may be in time to prevent total upheaval.

  3. devdok

    Unless the populace unites and speaks out they are screwed. If you say anything negative about Islam or Muslims your racists and discriminating. If your muslim it’s ok to bash everyone else. If your muslim and respond violently it is because you are reacting to the discrimination.

    Western culture is at war, until we recognize this and take action we will continue to surrender our way of life a piece at a time.

  4. drillanwr


    It’s gonna get bloody …


  5. trustme1013

    It’s like the four horsemen are right around the corner or something, and in order to corral them, Europe’s going to have to do a lot more than “poll” and sit and smoke and drink coffee and feel important. For God’s sake, get up an do something about it.

  6. franchie

    The study, whose authors include the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, was commissioned for leaders at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

    that’s seems a very serious team, LMAO

    this survey (that I really would like to see) is toilet-paper for unuseful , unaware, upper-class donkeys, that want to get a life :evil:

    It reminds me the kind of people in De gaulle times that were talking equal shit on the communists threat


    take your hands off, your either eys or ears :!:
    go to the comment n°29 :arrow:

    It’s gonna get bloody

    we are not gonna give night movies to the patrons, you’ll have it already as home screen

    have a look at the st Barthelemy’s day, we know already how to get rid of the “religious perverts”

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