January 2, 2008

January 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

12:58 P.M.

Sorry for the quiet; state to state travel every day, feverishly finishing last couple of days of editing…

2:21 P.M.

Literally on my way to the airport to get to the LA editing room, when dB talked me into turning around and getting editorial stuff finished from home while he took care of doing work that we knew needed to be done on a few sections. The reason mostly was that all this no sleep, constant travel, constant editing, constant sorting out of business details has left me with either a bad case of bronchitis or a mild case of walking pneumonia. Both dB and Julie Shumney could hear it in my voice. I can use the time here at home to review source tapes for any missed nuggets of golden dialogue that should be cut in, and take care of a myriad other things like the script I’m writing for 20th Century Fox and a book proposal that my agency is supposed to shop. I’m also being interviewed on Saturday by Matt Sanchez for World Net Daily, I have a radio show coming up, and then there’s my appearance on Tom Green’s tv debut of his new talk show on Tuesday. Plus dB and I have two 13 hour edit days ahead of us tomorrow and Friday, so….working “lightly” at home today is probably the best way to get out from under the weather.

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8 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    Hot tea, with whiskey. Preferably Jamesons.

    Happy New Year, brother. :beer:

  2. REN

    If it’s gotta be Jamesons whiskey, you might as well use some Guinness and a shot of Bailey’s instead of tea! And have an IRISH CAR BOMB!! My wife hates beer, especially dark beer, but will drink this drink every time. :beer: :cool:

    Yes, happy new year and our best to you in these final days of editing!

  3. ticticboom

    That’s my cure for the cold, and the flu, and broncitis, and pretty much everything short of cancer.

    Down at the bar, I’m a Guinness man. Not a fan of car bombs; that gets me drunker faster than I like. I tend to cruise on a buzz instead of seeing how quick I can get shloshed. Can’t say I ever cared for Baileys. A bartender got on my nerves not too long ago, on a cold, wet day. I asked for an Irish coffee as soon as I sat down, and she made it with Baileys.

    An Irish coffee should be coffee, Irish whiskey, preferably Jameson, sugar, preferably brown, and whipped or frothed cream. That’ll cure most what ails ya. :cool:

  4. Laura (no longer liberal)

    Please watch it… antibiotics may be in order. There are too many weird bacteria out there these days!

  5. RememberOurFathers

    I hope you’re feeling better Pat, we need you out there, you’re our great Right hope!(hehe, yea I know, it’s a lil cheesy):wink: BTW, What channel is Tom Green’s new talk show on Pat?

  6. Jeanet


    Listen to Laura, see a doctor and get a prescription AB.

    We just can’t have you in a hospital with a double phneumonia.

    (Where’s my passport and some money for an air-ticket? After my radio-intervieuw this afternoon I might as well drive to Amsterdam Airport….)

  7. Faith of Judas

    Beware of 4chan when you’re on with Tom Green. they have a way of ruining everything that Tom Green attempts.

  8. REN

    Yeah, I wouldn’t make the Irish coffee with Bailey’s. I’m just not convinced alcohol is the best answer for an illness anyway. LoL. I tried to stop a cold with an old Russian recipe of a double shot of Vodka with Pepper (”vodka s peretsom”) right before going to bed and bundling up, and my cold only got worse. But I guess if you’re feeling like shit, especially with a headache from sinus pressure, then why not mellow it out with a little buzz? *snicker* Not really.

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