January 21, 2008

January 21st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Earlier “Deep Thoughts”

8:54 A.M.

Just woke up. Where am I?

9:17 A.M.

Can you imagine if Giuliani’s entire campaign craters because he banked it all on one state?

9:49 A.M

Haven’t seen Mary Katherine Hamm lately.

11:50 A.M.

I think my favorite part of holidays and weekends is that I have a lot less people calling and emailing to remind me how terrible my life is.

6:01 P.M.

What is it with me and Dallas? First I expose Mark Cuban on “Redacted” and now the whole Julie Shumney thing. I don’t mess with Texas, just with the messes in Texas.

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13 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    :arrow: 8:54 A.M.

    Just woke up. Where am I?


    Pat -

    When I figure out where the frozen Hell I’m at I’ll use the GPS for your location …

    Right now I’m reading Antarctica for me …

  2. cb10

    Rudy’s banking in all those north east snow birds to vote in both places. heh heh heh

  3. 007

    75 Deg in here Sunny South Florida. Hope you all up North have your fire places going, with a hot cup of Cocoa or a warm glass of Scotch. :cool:

  4. RVN68MIKE

    007–NOW I’m hoping Algor is right and the sea rises and swallows you up! I’m at 362′ elevation and if it will get you it can rise to 361′. And I never drink my single malt scotch till 12:01 in the afternoon unless I’m out on the sailboat where it’s always 12:01. 75 degrees, man I wish! Have a pleasent week down there with all the politicos.

  5. RVN68MIKE

    P.S. Is that the MKHamm I saw on O’reilly? If so she is a cute and charming young lass.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Pat, I know where i am and i dont like it. Its about 11 degrees at the present time with more snow moving in tonight. drillanwr knows what im talking about, the great buckeye state where the weather has many extremes which include the following 2 seasons: hot as hell and freezing cold.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    Oh and Rudy Guliani seems closer to the tank as we get closer and closer to Florida. I wish i knew what the hell he was thinking. The guy has just disappeared from all other states except Florida. That state is important, dont get me wrong, but you cant base your whole candidacy on one area and expect to win.

  8. drillanwr

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)
    drillanwr knows what im talking about, the great buckeye state where the weather has many extremes which include the following 2 seasons: hot as hell and freezing cold.

    Kurt, I think I’m recalling you’re in the southern part of Ohio … Up here in the (center) NE part, right smack next door to Pa., we break down into about 8 seasons.

    1) Lake Erie (sudden freak blast from Canada that sinks ships on the lake and covers the inland with wind/snow)

    2) Neptune’s winter (cold as a witch’s tits in a brass bra soaked in liquid nitrogen) ~ BTW, where we are now ~

    3) Lake Erie (sudden freak blast from Canada that picks up moisture from the lake that hasn’t frozen and covers the inland with wind/snow)

    4) spring (yeah, heh, for about a week)

    5) Venus hot as hell (stores sell out of fans and A/C units, while other folks find out their central A/C units need fixing from the over-booked heating and cooling companies who can fit you in by Sept.)

    6) summer (yawn)

    7) fall (pretty)

    8) mud (where’s the damn gun … I don’t think I can face what’s coming in seasons 1-3)

    Of course, Kurt, you know the State Bird is the orange road construction barrel …

    My reletives who took it upon themselves to transplant to Fla. in the 1960s do nothing but complain (about the weather) when they come up here. Yeah, you and I complain … But it’s our right. We actually LIVE it, survive it. I always tell them, “Ohio … Ya gotta be tough.” :beer:

  9. drillanwr

    Don’t know where that freakin’ :cool: came from but was supposed to be:

    8 ) mud (where’s the damn gun … I don’t think I can face what’s coming in seasons 1-3)

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah im in the southwest corner here. I also forgot to mention that we get a pretty strong tornado season like the tornado watch we had like 2 weeks ago, very strange stuff.

    And the state bird being an orange construction barrel is right on! I sure see more of them than I do the cardinal. We always joke about that. Its hilarious but unfortunately true. And then living in the Ohio valley part of the state we end up with some of the worst humidity in the country including 60 consecutive days of 90 last summer. Just a weird state weatherwise. and you definitely have to be tough to handle this. -20 wind chill 2 nights ago

  11. drillanwr


    I feel your pain, baby …

    I promise NOT to complain about the heat this Venus.

  12. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hey we can complain together :lol:

  13. Sandy

    This is as slowed down as I have ever seen you in the entire time I have been reading here. (This is not slowed down to the average person or to me.) For what it is worth, I think you are doing a great job. I believe your eye will heal well.

    I am glad you got Julie Shumney’s story out. With your help she will get the results she needs a whole lot quicker. God bless you (and Bashman, Cynthia) for taking Julie and her family under your care.

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