January 23, 2008

January 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

8:16 A.M.

Off to the Dr. for my second follow-up after first week of healing. Key check-up, will find if surgery is “taking”.

11:44 A.M.

Alright, so I got an “A” from the doctor, even though instead of the requisite 4 hours a day with my head down on a table, I’ve been averaging 25 minutes. I think the fact that I have been solidly sleeping face down each night has compensated enough. I’m going to really try the four hour a day route, because although he said “so far, so good”, it’ll still be another 6 weeks before “the glue dries” and I’ll know if I’m out of the woods. He had a patient he was rolling into surgery as I left because the guy had screwed up.

What have I missed since I was gone?

12:58 P.M.

With so many important things going on in Iraq, it is sickening to note how Iraq coverage has disappeared from the MSM just because the news is good.

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15 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Much luck and prayers today, Pat.

  2. medfly

    Good Luck! I hope all goes well for you.

  3. Laura

    I’m hoping and praying for the best, Pat.

  4. Scirus

    Hope all went well at the doctor’s. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep us posted.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hope it goes well buddy. keep us posted

  6. Iacobus

    Thoughts and prayers.

  7. Laura

    That’s great news, Pat. The six weeks will fly, especially if you spend 4 hours a day with your head down dozing!

  8. 1madpittbull

    Don’t worry Pat, you’re not missing much.

    Just Dems shouting at each other trying to show the US “who is the bigger Commie”…

    Add to that, Soros is busy trying to rig stuff once again.

    Take Care and Go Easy,

    Pit Bull

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: 1madpittbull

    Don’t worry Pat, you’re not missing much.

    Just Dems shouting at each other trying to show the US “who is the bigger Commie”…


    Next dem debate I expect to see an actual pissing contest between Hillary and Obama … strutting around the stage, and [other] dem candidates, lifting their leg(s) and marking everything.

  10. Jeanet

    Pat,I think the guy being rolled into surgery for having screwed up did the trick for you :shock:

    I’m in between 2 funerals. One found place today, the other one will be tommorow.

    I’m trying to cope with things, doing alright in this but man……it’s difficult to be a human these days :cry:

  11. Phil N Blanx

    Damn Pat, that’s the best news I’ve heard all day.

    Six weeks? You can do that standing on your head…at least for four hours a day….ha. Be one with the glue LOL.

    Seriously, six weeks with great odds for a full recovery or start all over from square one with a far less chance for full recovery — no brainer…don’t blow it now bro.
    Hang tough and keep us posted if there are any changes.

  12. Vanessa

    Just keep the young men who you went to Iraq to tell their story in your heart. You will do them no good if you don’t do everything the DR SAYS.

    Damn it put your head on the table for 4 hours like you are told. I hope you were just kidding about the 25 minutes because that is just not funny.

    You would be telling any of our Warriors to do everything the DRS tell them to heal and recover ASAP.

    I really believe that this is all good and necessary and even though we cannot see it because it is interupting your plans….it is all good. You will see.

  13. drillanwr

    Okay, Pat and Bash -

    WHY I stopped listening/watching local news here in Y-town, Oh. (I actually live in a `burb/township outside the city limits):

    FATAL FIRE: Dispute over cell phone was motive, sources say


  14. Pat Dollard

    Vanessa -

    Unfortunately I wasn’t kidding about the 25 minutes. I’m superhuman. I will heal fine anyway.

  15. Bob USMC

    Pat, you are NOT superhuman, and you’re lucky to still be alive as it is. QUIT tempting fate and do what Nurse Vanessa says dammit! We need you in this fight against the evil cancer that is liberalism, and we need you in tip top physical condition for it. You WILL regret it should you lose your eye. QUIT fucking around with that!!

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