January 25, 2008

January 25th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

7:41 A.M. PST

Just got up. Head wasn’t down at all yesterday. Crazy busy day. Very good friend just got out of jail. Spent some time. Good friend in Baghdad let me know that they’ve only been mortared twice in two months, which is no more dangerous a thing than walking around most neighborhoods alone here in L.A. at 3 AM.

It was not cool, but at the same time very cool, or to point a finer point on it, absolutely astounding and surreal to report yesterday that we had our first Marine casualty in 100 damn days yesterday in Iraq. Absolutely surreal, absolutely terrible the Marine died, absolutely wonderful that the peace has broken out so far, wide and impactfully.

My thoughts and prayers for his family.

The Republican Party seems thankfully to be coming out of some weird electoral alcoholic blackout, looking at McCain like a wildebeast in bed next to them, and saying “My God, what have I done?”

9:16 A.M.

I’m trying to remember what young Iraq war hero’s death got as much attention as a nice young junkie who got overpaid to make entertainment and drugged himself to death.

5:57 P.M.

Bush didn’t destroy the Republican Party. The Republican Party damaged the Republican Party by chickening out about the Iraq war when the going got tough.

11:43 P.M.

The country surrounds the city.

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20 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    One Marine in 100 days, i read that and its just amazing. God bless the Lance Corporals family. but there are neighborhoods near my city where you cant walk around at night or you would get your ass shot off. wonder when the dems will start addressing that issue. maybe we should pull out of those cities in America?

    Still wanna hear the exciting news about YA Pat. ill be checking in on that one :smile:

  2. Phil N Blanx

    “The Republican Party seems thankfully to be coming out of some weird electoral alcoholic blackout, looking at McCain like a wilderbeast in bed next to them, and saying “My God, what have I done?””

    Write on Pat…

    Keep your fucking head down today hero!!!

  3. medfly

    I couldn’t agree more. McCain is a disaster waiting to happen.

    Where did all the conservatives go? By that I mean the fiscal conservatives. Christian Conservatives are destroying the Republican Party. Abortion, drugs, video game violence. Get out! Stick to controlling GOVERNMENT, leave the PEOPLE alone.

    Cut my taxes (permanently) and leave my guns alone and we’ll all get along just fine, thank you very much.

  4. John Cunningham

    Patrick, do you read the e-mail? I e-mailed yesterday that for a few days I’ve been getting this strange response when I comment. It puts up an old unrelated comment, some as far back as Sep 07. So I hit refresh and the comment comes up but it’s framed by “You may click your name and comment to edit”. I click and it says ’save’ or ‘cancel’. Wassup?

  5. Pat Dollard


    Weird, dude, I’ll have to foreward to Chadwick.

  6. tanicacid

    Your 9:16am entry made me think of Tet, ‘68 and later in the year seeing what a mess the mdeia was making of the USA. Some of us brought up the question, “Was the current USA worth our sacrifice?” Where the media and anti’s questioned wheather Vietnam was worth the sacrifice. (We thought they had the questions backwards). After some nay’s because of the media coverage of the rising commie factions and media celebraties, we decided our friends and family were still worth the efforts. We then classed the rest of the misguided and wimpy citizens into the “dead weight” catagory. I’m sure most of the readers here have run into such people at work or elsewhere. Nowdays the media pushes the maladies of the celebraties etc.. Still, the dead weight has to come with the country and people we love, and the Lance Corporal’s still sacrifice for them.

  7. drillanwr

    :arrow: Pat -

    9:16 A.M.

    I’m trying to remember what young Iraq war hero’s death got as much attention as a nice young junkie who got overpaid to make entertainment and drugged himself to death.

    Well, surely NOT Lt. Michael P. Murphy USN who was awarded the Medal Of Honor after losing his life (along with almost ALL of his Navy SEAL team) trying to save his men while fighting in Afghanistan (I know, you said Iraq)…

    No, guess Lt. Murphy wasn’t “sexy” enough for the fucking MSM and press …

    I posted this response on Matt Sanchez’s site on the “actor’s” thread:

    The guy (Ledger) was 28. He had the whole world within reach of his finger grasp. And he did this … whether accidental or suicide.

    And then you have troops, younger than this bloke, who put their lives on the line everyday who don’t have the world within their finger grasp(s) back home. Hell, many of them are just hoping their girl/wife is burning the candle and waiting faithfully and prayerfully for them to return safely.

    What a blinding contrast, eh?

    BTW … Lt. Michael P. Murphey was 29.

    The names of those who fell with him that day in that unkind, rocky, sandy, alien corner of the world called the Hindu Kush mountains:

    Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Danny Dietz

    Sonar Technician (Surface) 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew Axelson

    Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (SEAL) Marcus Luttrell was seriously wounded, but rescued days later …

    Every one of these men, individually each, worth more than 10,000 Hollywood actors so filled with themselves and their “perceived” pains and self-pity.

  8. Steve in NC

    >> “I’m trying to remember what young Iraq war hero’s death got as much attention as a nice young junkie who got overpaid to make entertainment and drugged himself to death.”

    It was already a discussion at my dinner table, reviewing reality vs media BS

  9. Chad

    Re: EDITABLE COMMENT ISSUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Has any body else been having trouble with the editable comments?
    I think the ajax script that loads your comment without a page refresh isn’t playing nicely with it. I know that alot folks appreciate being able to edit their comments, so I might drop the ajax comment loader, if more than one person is having John’s problem.


  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    Chad, Im seeing the same thing John wrote about on mine. once you hit submit it shows some older comment from an unrelated story. I dont see it as a problem because once i hit refresh my comment shows up and everything is fine. The edit comment thing is a great tool

  11. drillanwr

    Kurt -

    Same here. Freaked me out the first time or two, then realized I just click on [Main] choice to go back to the site’s front page and I see I’ve added to the post tally for the thread. And on the new edit feature.

  12. Erik Marsh

    Ditto Kurt’s feedback.

  13. Reagan T.

    Same thing is happening here but if I just refresh it then my comment will show up so no big deal

  14. Bob USMC

    Chad, same thing here in seeing an unrelated comment by someone else after I post a comment. It clears up after a second or two.

  15. Bob USMC

    Forgot to add, the edit thing is kool feature to have.

  16. Bob USMC

    Ok, just posted twice and an old post of mine from GOE rally in September came up.

  17. Egfrow

    Keep the head down. Maybe you can get a bench press bench and make some sort of head lay the LCD monitor on the floor facing up. Then you can work on editing laying face down. ;-)

  18. LadyAngler

    I’ve had the same thing going on when I would post also. It seemed a little funky. So I chilled out on posting… and I’m sure everyone has been crying into their pillows every night over it. :cry: Actually… it’s a pretty nice feature. Not that I ever make errors. :lol:

    BTW: I think McCain is way too liberal for my flavor, but I’ve said that several times before. Nothing new. I will vote for the Mormon on SuperTuesday unless his skin peels off and he’s really Pelosi or Reid or some shit. :evil:

  19. Jim

    Edit feature is nice!

  20. Brian H

    Yeah, the ghost comments disappear with a refresh. They seem to come from other threads entirely. Sounds like a fun debugging job! :smile: :cool:

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