January 28, 2008

January 28th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

12:06 A.M.

Griff Jenkins did a very good job filling in for Gutfeld on “Red Eye” this week.

12:51 A.M.

God bless the New York Times. Or damn them, I don’t care which. Just change them, somehow. Had a big headline up on the front page of their website all day “In Bush’s Legacy, Weak Economy Moves Up Front”. Yeah, we’ve all been broke for years, and the NY Times knows what the state of the economy will be almost a year from now.

1:52 P.M.

How did Giuliani screw all this up? Why did McCain suddenly begin to shine?

4:02 P.M.

At least McCain and Romney are arguing about their positions on issues. With Hillary and Bill and Obama it’s all personality, race and sex.

4:44 P.M.

Why would anyone vote for a Democrat for President? Haven’t they learned anything from this Congress?

6:22 P.M

Somebody’s not sounding like a very lame duck. Someone’s sounding lke the only guy in charge, and the only guy with vision. It’s been so long since I heard a political speech about issue and policy specifics, I forgot it could be done.

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6 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    Said it early last fall it would be the economy stupid, the talking down was started by the MSM and d’rats as soon as it became public that Iraq was progressing at measures that could not be hidden.

    Todays Wall Street Journal editorial says economy is really ok:


  2. John Cunningham

    Six percent of those with mortgages are having problems. No mention of the fact that 94% are paying their bills. You’d be led to believe that everyone’s out on the street.

  3. drillanwr

    Steve and John -

    I would say a lot of the perceived problems with the economy is folks who depended to heavily on the ease of pulling out the credit card (GUILTY!) … for us (me) that, coupled with a couple medical bills balances from nearly two years ago that the medical center graciously is allowing payments on.

    It’s NOT that no one has money … It’s that they have/are spending money they just don’t have … and possibly for things they really don’t need.

    But you won’t really hear that explanation in the NYTimes, et al.

  4. drillanwr

    Brian Wesbury in the WSJ: ‘The Economy Is Fine (Really)’


    [Quote] : It is hard to imagine any time in history when such rampant pessimism about the economy has existed with so little evidence of serious trouble.

  5. KBoomr113

    The most important issue for me is victory in Iraq. I think McCain, Giuliani, or Romney will all lead our country to the correct conclusion there. I hope us republicans choose the correct one that can beat the democrat, or else victory will be Al Qaeda’s.

    The NYT probably got confused and was talking about their own economy which must be in the shitter.

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    Speaking of “Red Eye”, here’s Leeann Tweeden’s latest appearance, talking about her latest USO tour! Amazing woman and Patriotic American!


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