January 8, 2007

January 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Worked till 4 am. Tried to have a one hour nap before getting on plane, overslept, back in studio late. We turn in tomorrow, crashed car on way from airport to studio.

WAY too much other crazy shit going on.

When dB and I watched the whole episode last night and were truly speechless. Not much to say other than that we felt that this episode was what Emmys were invented.

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9 Responses

  1. Egfrow

    How about a private screening for your $upporters.

  2. drillanwr

    Pat, babe, would love to see “Emmy Winner” next to your name and “Young Americans” … but given the `state of awards’ these days, don’t hold your breath that something this raw, honest, and genuine with REAL purpose will get more than a gesture of a “nomination” from Hollywood.

    Your “award” will be the eternal recognition and respect the Marines and the other military members who worked so hard in this war will be giving you … not to mention your countless friends in Dollardville. :beer:

    I am glad you are finally seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel on this wonderful dream.


  3. 1madpittbull

    Keep it up Pat,

    We’re behind you all the way!

  4. Bob USMC

    Egfrow, with you on that one!

    Pat, are you still listing donors with associate producer credits? I’m sure it would seriously make every donor’s day to have our names roll by on such an important pro-troops video production! I know it would for me as a U.S. Marine veteran! I’m dying to see all of this!!

  5. 0311inOHio

    Adapt and overcome! :beer:

  6. RememberOurFathers

    Thank you so much for bringing our story to the American public Pat. I’ve never been more depressed, or felt so despaired as I did when I first got back from Iraq and saw all the negativity on the news. I felt like America would never see the truth. Now I feel like I am about to witness the tide turn against the anti-war camp that has saturated our media and the democratically controlled congress. Thank you so much for all your hard work and committment to this project to reveal the truth about Iraq. May God bless you and the work that you do. Semper Fi Marine. :beer:

  7. Bob USMC

    Hey RememberOurFathers,

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for your service!!!

    Never let those buffoons get you down man, NEVER. There’s many, many good Americans who truly appreciate and support our troops and their selfless service in this war. I refuse to let these idiots down our boys and I swear I better not ever see any lefty loon spit or disrespect one of our troops.

    And yes, I agree with you and think the tide can turn for sure, and that’s why the outrageously corrupt liberal mainstream media is trying to bury the good news from the war zone. That’s also why this video documentary and websites like this, Michael Yon’s, Totten, and others are SO important to the war effort as far as getting the real story out. The MSM has had a monopoly for 40 years but now they’re losing their grip on media thanks to the internet and they’re really, really scared so they’ll slant every damn thing they “report”.

    Semper Fidelis Marine! :beer:

  8. drillanwr


    Don’t you EVER despair! There are more here in America that know the truth and are grateful for you and your loyal service to the mission than you are being allowed to know. And those of us that do know the true stories of what you and your brothers did over there are spreading those stories far and wide by us 21st Century missionaries for the truth.

    Damn proud of you, is an understatement … :beer:

    WE got your back.

  9. Sandy


    There is none better! I would wish you luck today but you do not need it. Your work stands alone. They will be speechless.


    Nothing but respect and thanks for your service and sacrifice.

    There are many supporters out here but
    many do not get heard because of the screaching of
    the left.

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