Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Terror’s Door: Osama’s Security Chief Captured

January 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


From the great Bill Roggio’s “The Long War Journal”:

A senior al Qaeda commander has been reported to have been captured in the Pakistani city of Lahore, according to a Pakistani newspaper. Dr. Amin al Haq, the security coordinator of Osama bin Laden’s Black Guard, “was apprehended from Lahore couple of days back,” The Nation reported, citing “credible Afghan sources.” Al Haq is said to be “under interrogation” at an undisclosed location.


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17 Responses

  1. GF

    Bucket of water. Check.
    Cloth over face. Check.

  2. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    I wish they could catch that American piece of shit - Gadan - or whatever is shit name is . . .

  3. TerryTate

    Waterboard, waterboard, 1, 2, 3…
    Give up Osama or its
    straight to hell with thee

  4. Steve in NC

    How can you guys suggest the use of torture on this child of God?

    Sorry I was channeling Obama then.

    I bet this guy is tougher than the waterboard. Do we have any other tricks in the black bag?

  5. Goodbye Natalie

    @Steve I bet this guy is tougher than the waterboard. Do we have any other tricks in the black bag?

    My motto is always keep it simple. I’ve heard waterboarding has never failed but in the case you’re right, and there is a first for everything, I’ll bet a car key and an automotive coil wrapped around the camel’s scrotum is pretty effective.

  6. allahlovesporkchops

    “Dr. Amin al Haq, the security coordinator of Osama bin Laden’s Black Guard…”

    Threaten him with a stick of Right Guard.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Power drill…check

    car battery…check

    hot iron….check

    red ants….check

    The hell with waterboarding.

  8. ticticboom


    I like the way you think. :twisted:

  9. Steve in NC

    For speed, is a waterboard the best? That was my concern.

    You could find out if he is a true believer if you found his family and brought them in for a ‘discussion’ in front of him.

  10. Trindam

    Remember, this guy is a Muslim Extremist. Lets keep it simple. Threaten to make him clean shaven.

    Then he will no longer have a “clean” or “pure” beard and he will be shamed.

    That might do it.

  11. GBU43

    You guys are forgetting the chipper shredder.

  12. RememberOurFathers

    Give him a bacon bath

  13. jim

    Forget the water, just jam the board up his arse :shock:

  14. jim

    :arrow: Dan (The Infidel)

    I like your style Brother!

  15. jim

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    Thats what I’m talking about…ie “discussion”

  16. 007

    Send In Hannibal Lecter.

  17. Brian H

    How about just one half of his face and head? Then give him a razor and let him decide what to do with the other halves. :razz: :smile: :mrgreen:

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