Liberal Douche-Bag With Another “Bin Laden: Fanatic Or Hero?” Piece

January 22nd, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


Why is it these freakin’ idiots in the mainstream media feel compelled to try and paint Osama Bin Laden as some kind of hero?

From a Newsbusters article by Geoffery Dickens:

On Tuesday’s “Today” show, NBC’s Ned Colt decided he needed to balance out the views of Osama Bin Laden, as he rhetorically asked about the al Qaeda leader: “Murderous fanatic or hero of radical Islam?” Colt even went on to relay a soundbite from the editor of Al-Quds who painted Bin Laden as the “little David” with the U.S. playing the role of “the mighty Goliath.”

The following is Colt’s set-up piece and the full interview as they occurred on the January 22, “Today” show:

MATT LAUER: He is the most wanted man in the world, Osama Bin Laden. The al Qaeda leader has been on the run for years now but his son Omar is speaking out. The 26-year-old says he wants to bring peace to the world. We’ll talk to him in a moment but first NBC’s Ned Colt on public enemy #1.

[On screen graphic: His Father, The Terrorist: Osama Bin Laden’s Son Breaks His Silence]

NED COLT: Murderous fanatic or hero of radical Islam? 50 year-old Osama Bin Laden is an icon of intense hatred and profound reverence.

ABDEL BARI ATWAN, EDITOR OF AL-QUDS: History will remember Osama Bin Laden as the man who challenged the American superpower. The little David who actually stand up against the mighty Goliath.

Read the rest of the tripe here.

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3 Responses

  1. jerr

    This is one of the changes barry obamamama is talking about.

    He’s going to change anyone’s mind who thinks America has the right to stand up for itself after being attacked and unite us all by proclaiming bin laden as the greatest american hero ever.

    Right after he gives up in the GWOT, apologizes to amadinejad, brings saddam back from the dead and puts him back in power and nukes Israel so the palis are happy.

    Oh, and he’ll make sure bin laden has health insurance.

  2. Jim

    Poncho Osama Bin Laden?

    H”istory will remember Osama Bin Laden as the man who challenged the American superpower. The little David who actually stand up against the mighty Goliath.”

    He will be remembered by the way he looks when we kill him

  3. 5.56Grave

    It’s unbelievable to think that someone might actually take those loons seriously. I agree with Jim. He will be remembered by his death-photo, as Zarqawi is.

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