Locals Save Soldiers From Booby-Trapped Houses

January 13th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



TIKRIT, Iraq – Multi-National Division - North Soldiers destroyed three booby-trapped houses in Himbus Jan. 11 during Operation Raider Harvest, which is part of the countrywide Operation Phantom Phoenix.

Local Iraqis told Soldiers of Company I, 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment the location of the buildings being used by al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The Soldiers inspected the buildings and identified them as booby-trapped.

Two of the buildings contained explosives and copper wire leading to all the doors.

The explosives were arranged to collapse the buildings.

The third building was in the process of being prepped as a house-born improvised explosive device.

An ordnance explosive team destroyed all three buildings in a controlled detonation.

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15 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    While the apostates of Islam (the irhabis) can’t even get out of Phase I of guerilla ops, the US is rapidly moving from Phase I to II and III…..

    Is Gen Petraeous a genious or what?

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Oh yeah, “American Can’t Win their Hearts & Minds!” Thanks for posting this, and thank you Iraqi Civilians! :beer:

  3. Phil N Blanx

    Rep John Murtha D(feat) - “The time has come when 80 percent of the Iraqi people are saying that they want us out of there.”

  4. Dan (The Infidel)


    LOL at the Defeatist Murtha comment. That guy just makes shit up as he goes along don’t he? :beer:

  5. Fripp

    speaking of the defeadems…notice you haven’t heard a peep from them or the vestigial media about Iraq in weeks. I guess good news doesn’t fit the agenda or make the front page.

    One General changing the course of an entire war. Sounds Patton-esque to me. I was beginning to wonder if God would ever send another like him.

  6. Phil N Blanx

    Yeah Dan, Murtha abandoned the common-sense, conservative values of his district in favor of fucking Code Pink Cunts from elsewhere. And all Murtha’s meteoric descent from marine to maroon earned him was a shiny pink peace award with some pink flowers from Code Pink and a defamation case against him from a slandered Haditha marine (won’t find mention of either on the maroons website).
    I hope the people of the 12th district in Pa wake up this November and vote for a real military man, William Russell. But unlike Murtha’s jihadist friends, voters in Murtha’s district just want the pork and don’t seem to care about the lack of character of the disgraced pig that brings home the bacon for them.

    Stand up guy William Russell’s website (interesting read) — http://www.campaignsitebuilder.com/sitebuilder/templates/displayfiles/tmpl108.asp?SiteID=1628&PageID=30073&Trial=false

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    @Phil N Blanx

    I like that guy Russell. Great BIO. He’ll easily cancel out the REMF “BS war hero” crap of Jackass Mutrtha’s campaign cronies. I’ll be paying close attention to his campaign.
    Thanks for the info.

  8. Sandy

    The Iraqi people are brave and know who their true enemies are and the enemy is NOT our Marines and Soldiers!!!

    God bless all the Iraqi that have given their knowlege and assistance in this WOT!


  9. dad3-7

    i have talked to hundreds of parents all over the U.S. one dad told me of his sons MARINE unit was on patrol when they came upon a little girl sitting and crying in the street. she was holding a doll the MARINE gave her the day b4.. she was sitting so the patrol couldn’t go around her, the son of the guy i was talking to got out of his hummer and approached the little girl and asked her what was wrong.. she pointed to 3′ away fm where she was sitting, the was planted an IED.. she saved those MARINES fm death and injury.. this dad was crying while he told me of his sons ordeal.. that little girl placed her life ahead of the MARINES….SEMPER FI mr lying murka

  10. Dan (The Infidel)


    Great story. Just shows how cowardly the irhabi mustifoons are. They would stoop so low as to use a small child to lure Marines to their deaths.

    I hope they they gave that little kid a party.

    Something tells me that the Marines and soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have suceeded in recruiting an entire generation of Iraqi children to their side. It bodes well for the future of Iraq.

  11. dad3-7

    my son just back fm ramadi tells an entire different story than what is in the MSM.. i have never heard a negative story fm any of the hundreds of parents i have talked to..the little girl was there on her own to protect the MARINES.. i don’t think she was there to lure them,, but to save them,, and she did that…

  12. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Love stories like this - With you guys on supporting William Russell! He is a true patriot! Send a little money if you can. He really appreciates it when he hears from out-of-state folks!

    I pray the voters of Pennsylvania will come to their senses and vote out Murtha this time, but it is going to be hard to beat his fat pork-ass.

  13. mindy abraham

    @ dad 3-7 great story-I love that the girl loved our Marines so much-they really are the good guys huh? I am glad these things are happening-I think if these keep up, our guys can come home to victory. :mrgreen:

  14. dad3-7


  15. Sandy


    That is a beautiful story and I am glad the little girl was aware enough not to get herself blown up and was able to stop our Marines from from the same. What a sweetheart. The fear that is there in other ways did not stop her from taking that action for those who have been good to her. That is very powerful stuff.

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