LSU Beats The Ohio State University For National Championship

January 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

lsu vs osu
LSU linebacker Ali Highsmith, right, collides with Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman to force a fumble in the second half at the Superdome on Monday night.

38-24. Congrats to the Tigers.

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11 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Licking wounds here in NE Ohio, Bash …

    Next year.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Bah, we at Virginia Tech were humiliated at the Orange Bowl. Now it’s even worse, as LSU won. I hope we school the Tigers next season…

  3. Kermit

    No surprise here in Baton Rouge other than the Tigers (named, BTW, for the Tiger Zouaves from New Orleans in the Civil War, not the animal) did not get the 20 point spread that I offered several friends of mine in Orange County, CA (old Goldwater Republicans, much more than Reagan Republicans) and the upper Midwest. They all laughed at me, but no more.

    LSU had a severre case of the injury bug since the very first game. Not only that Ricky Jean Francois was suspended and could not play during the regular season. Didn’t anyone see him occupying 4 or 5 blockers most plays so that others could get to the ball carrier or the QB?

    The players are very well respected, with a firm hand, by the coaching staff. And what can you say about Miles, he has stood behind his team all year long, and turned down the Michigan job out of loyalty.

    After all, LSU hands down had the toughest schedule of the two. 10 points down was no big deal to them.

    Bring on the Pats!

  4. Goodbye Natalie

    @Kermit, The players are very well respected, with a firm hand, by the coaching staff. And what can you say about Miles, he has stood behind his team all year long, and turned down the Michigan job out of loyalty.

    I give LSU credit for “probably” having the best team and Dorsey and Co. seemed like good kids and class acts. But Les Miles is still a scumbag. Take it from an Oklahoma State alum with the inside scoop - that alleged loyalty, he’d have taken that Michigan job in a second except he’s smart enough to realize he’d be playing second fiddle again.

  5. Steve in NC

    Oh how I hate THE Ohio State

    Good Work LSU :beer:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Drill, im doing the same thing here in southwest ohio. I cant believe we made it to the big game and got beat again!

  7. drillanwr

    @Kurt(the infidel)

    Well, Kermit mentioned LSU’s tough(est) schedule … I have to agree. When I heard The OSU’s schedule I had a fit! Youngstown State University, Kent State University, where both my daughters attend(ed), and Akron University. What the hell’s THAT about?! We should have beaten Illinois, for cripesakes! But then, everyone I talked to was saying about how many upper classmen that left after last season. So, the team IS young. Having said that, our current quarterback TAKES TOO DAMN LONG! And I saw him run himself a couple times when he should have passed the damn ball. SHIT! I was such a huge Troy Smith fan … and I think The OSU really missed him last night. As usual, The The OSU shoots itself with penalties … the blocked field goal and the “roughing the kicker” penalty didn’t help either. And now I hear the NFL is seriously looking at six of our guys … I just don’t know if The OSU could handle a step back in maturity for next season if any or enough of them leave for the pros. Anyhow, LSU was the better team last night and deserved the Title. Congrats to them.

  8. Ken

    Yes, it was another disappointing game. Now we have to keep listening about how great the sec is even thought the game was closer than it seemed. If they catch the ball instead of dropping it in the endzone, and then block the punt… How he missed that when he was right there…you basically have a tie game. Oh well. Lsu played the better game. I do have to say though, a couple of those personal foul penalties were bogus.

  9. Birdddog

    It’s very quite here in Columbus today. :???: :sad: :cry:

  10. Birdddog

    quiet :sad: :cry:

  11. Kermit

    The crowd roared, “Don’t drop it!” when Miles held the crystal football above the crowd on Bourbon St. at 1:30 AM Tuesday. That place was packed with revelers until almost daylight.

    There are tons of reports of how great the OSU fans where in NOLA both pre & post game. Of course there was the friendly jostling between opposing sides, but it was treated as such in good spirit.

    FYI, LSU fans and players have been chomping at the bit for a game against USC since 2003.

    I have no idea about Miles at OSU (Oklahoma State). However, he has quite vocally supported the players. Possibly 2005 did something to him when the players dorms were full of family displace by the two storms. Perhaps having Bertman as AD helped a lot as well. After all, Bertman told the state to get the triage out of the PMAC (Pete Maravich Assembly Center) when the visitors began defacing the building. The state immediately reacted and the “triage center” was moved.

    FYI, A couple of young OSU alum from Nowata, OK told me that they were not concerned about Miles departure from there and glad that he was gone.

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