MSM Won’t Mention: Iowa Loss Devastating For Hillary

January 4th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


Regardless of whether or not winning Iowa is a good indicator of who will get their party’s nod, one thing is for sure:

It was a devastating blow to the Klinton campaign, and you won’t hear the MSM talk too much about how devastating it was to her.

Haven’t had a lot of chance to check out all the outlets yet this morning, but I’d be willing to bet they’ll spin it somehow as not being that important, and tout how many people who never won Iowa ended up getting the nod (which is a valid point).

But in Hillary’s case…I honestly believed that if Hillary was going to end up being the Dem nominee, she would have to win Iowa, South Carolina, or New Hampshire. Some may disagree with me here, but that’s OK, I’m not a real big politics guy.

Look at all she did to try and win Iowa, heavy ads, lots of appearances…the Hill-O-Copter.

Fuggedaboudit, if she doesn’t win, and I mean first place, in New Hampshire or South Carolina, I’d say her “lock” on the nomination is long gone, and the road is wide open for Obama. And if the road is wide open for Obama, then we’ll have a Republican in the White House in ‘09.

And we still haven’t seen the “Woodward/Bernstein” story on Hillary that I think will be surfacing within the next 9 months that will torpedo her campaign.

Good. Fuck her.

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9 Responses

  1. deathstar

    ‘Fuggedaboudit, if she doesn’t win, and I mean first place, in New Hampshire or South Carolina, I’d say her “lock” on the nomination is long gone, and the road is wide open for Obama.’

    Fuck her but fuck obama worse. Hes the cocksucker who has publically stated that he was against the liberation of Iraq from the start. He also has his head so far up his shitter that he thinks OIF was “unjust and immoral”.

  2. jam

    I predict Gore jumps in right after the Hildabeast takes a drubbing in NH. Gore is a shark…a big old nasty, weird-looking hammerhead.

  3. stormin1961

    i was so happy to see the bitch come in third. everybody thought she was going to be the New England Patriots of the democratic nominees and she fell flat on her ass in the opening game. she may do better in NH but i think she’s going to have a bad showing in SC. one thing to take out of all of this is that she is beatable.

  4. Steve in NC

    OBAMA ‘08!!! go baby go, get the nomination!


  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    No candidate and I mean NO CANDIDATE for POTUS has ever gotten elected with the high negatives that the Hildabeast has. She may well go down in flames. But the Klintonista political leg-breaking machine isn’t done yet.

    I agree that if the bitch loses in SC, the Dhimis can stick a fork in her ass, because she’s done at that point.

    Obama would be the best thing to happen to the Repubs since Mikey Dukockeye.

  6. Steve in NC

    headline news has been running a story on candidates who were third and still won the nomination

    klinton inc will not go quietly

  7. drillanwr

    Bash -

    Seems MSDNC’s Chris Matthews completely lost his turkey mind last night in declaring the Obama win was a “rebuke of Bush” …

    Note to Matthews … Even if he switched to the democrat party George W. Bush CANNOT RUN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN! So, his name wasn’t anywhere to be seen in Iowa!

    It was a fucking rebuke of Clinton!

    Check it:

  8. Trindam

    I was also quite happy to see Hillary in third in Iowa. I honestly doubt she will take South Carolina, but I’m not sure about New Hampshire.

    I honestly don’t think Obama will do well in New Hampshire, but we will see. Even if he doesn’t I am hoping for yet another terrible outing for the Klinton Klan.

  9. Lamplighter

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. OK, I get my gloat in, because Billary must be fuming. She showed her nasty side on TV today, commenting that Iowa didn’t matter that much. She could have just said, “win some, lose some, we’re moving forward to get our message out…” whatever. But her careful scripting can’t cover up all the nastiness–it’s going to leak out now. At any rate, Iowa hasn’t chosen a president in 32 years. But it sure looks good seeing her lose! Yeah! :cool:

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