Muslim High School Track Team Member Cries Discrimination

January 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

burka burka

I’ve never heard of any shit like this being pulled prior to 2003. These fukn muzzies have got to just stfu and assimilate, or get the heck out of my country because this kind of crap is only going to escalate.

I just don’t see this kind of stuff ending.

WASHINGTON, DC – A DC track and field star says she’s been the victim of religious discrimination. Officials at the Montgomery Invitational track meet told Juashaunna Kelly she had to remove her Muslim head covering if she wanted to compete.

It was a roller coaster weekend for the 17 year old star from Roosevelt High School. On Friday, Gatorade named her DC Girls Cross Country Runner of the Year. On Saturday, officials at the Montgomery Invitational left her weeping.

“I knew she was about to say I couldn’t run,” says Juashaunna. “So I started crying. And she told me to calm down and everything. And I was just standing there crying.”

Since her sophomore year at Roosevelt, Juashaunna has worn a custom made suit that covers her head and neck as required by her faith. But officials at the prestigious indoor track told her it violated the rules. “And I told her, I’ve been wearing it for three years, why can’t I wear it now?”

“I said doing that would be almost like me sending her out there buck naked,” says Roosevelt track coach Anthony Bowden. “I can’t do that.”

Track meet director Tom Rogers insists it had nothing to do with what Juashaunna was wearing on her head. He says lots of runners wear hejabs. One was even officiating at the meet. He says it has to do with what was under her uniform. Association rules require undergarments be one single solid color.

“It started off with the hood,” says Juashaunna’s mother Sarah. “He didn’t say anything about an undergarment or shirt. He said the hood. The hood had to come off.”

The discussion got pretty heated.

“You need to back off,” Coach Bowden told an official. “‘I don’t want you in my face, cause you’re spitting on me.’ It got to the point where I just took my hand and put it in his face and pushed him back.”

Juashaunna’s convinced she missed a chance to shine for college scouts. There “was a lot of recruiters at this meet,” she says.

“I feel bad because I promised her something I wasn’t able to deliver,” says her coach.

The track meet is sponsored by Montgomery County Schools. Its director says a sanctioned meet has to follow the rules set up by the National Federation of State High School Associations.


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22 Responses

  1. Iacobus

    Half of Islam’s problems stem from its draconian restrictions. The other half stems from the batshit-crazy people that actually subscribe to it.

    Boo-hoo! If she shows her face it might be the end of the world. :roll:

  2. John Cunningham

    Running around getting all sweaty and insisting on keeping a stinking variation of a doo-rag around your head.

  3. Trindam

    Your right, we never heard anything like this before 2003.

    However, she was simply wearing some kind of hood that covered her head and neck.

    WTF is the big deal? Let her run with a stinking hood on. Who is it hurting?

    I do not agree with many things in Islam, however does that mean we need to turn into a bunch of intolerant ass hats that can’t allow someone to wear something on their head so their are in accordance with their faith?

    Regardless of whether or not we agree with that “something”, if it is not actually intruding upon others (which if you think someone wearing a rag on their head intrudes upon you get a back bone and learn some tolerance) they should be allowed to do it.

  4. John Cunningham

    Trindam, it’s now after 03, my right to laugh at a stinking doo-rag is as great as the doo-rag wearer and I’m going to exercise that right to its fullest. mooslums deserve to be humiliated and ridiculed at every moment possible. If she can’t stand the heat, take the doo-rag off and chill, and you too. I have the right to be as intolerant as they do.

  5. Trevor

    I don’t have a problem with someone competing with extra garments on. If you want to wear sweats under your track uniform, that’s fine with me. I did that when it was cold.

    AS far as the head scarf goes, as long as there are uniform rules and she abides by them, I don’t see any competitive issues. However, she shouldn’t expect anyone to *not* make any comments-appropriate or not-because she has chosen to look different from other people.

  6. Trindam

    Cunningham, I hope you remember that the next time someone is intolerent of what you do or say.

    The problem with intolerent individuals in many cases from my experience is that they expect people to put up with their shit, but yet will not put up with other peoples shit.

    It is your right to bitch, but like I said, don’t get upset the next time someone tells you that you cannot do something because of something rediculous or that they are being over critical of what you are doing.

    But sounds like for the most part we are on the same page Trevor.

    As long as she is following the rules and such, then let her wear the stinking thing.

    For the life of me I do not know why muslim women allow themselves to be degraded in the many ways that religion does, but that is their choice. However if the rules set aside forbid certain things that prevent them from participating they need to accept that as one of the consiquences of their choice.

    However if there are no rules forbidding certain things such as it appears in this case, then there is no reason for her to not be able to wear the additional clothing.

  7. mindy abraham

    Why not let her wear it? As long as it does not interfere with the competition, this seems to be a fairly minor thing.

  8. danielle

    I’m starting to hate Muslims more every day. :(

  9. John Cunningham

    Trindam, I’m 60 years old, how much intolerance do you think I’ve dealt with? Go fuck yourself.

  10. devildog2278

    Muslims are a poor stupid group of people. They cannot tolerate others but now we have to tolerate their shit and what their religion requires them to do or wear. Fuck them. I cant wear m y cross or brown scapular when running, then the little muslim bitch cant wear her berka or whatever the fuck its called and complain about it. Its because we as a society outside of the middle east have accepted or tolerated muslims and what they wear just cause we know that they will piss and moan about it if we tell them otherwise. Trindam and Trevor, do the rest of the world a favor and learn how to think things over. Dumb asses

  11. Big Sarge

    I just can’t get all Hillary about this. Am I suppossed to feel sorry for her because for the last 3 years no other school had the balls to point out the rules? And now, finally, 1 school does and it’s discrimination? Get bent. You want to talk religious discrimination? Where oh where have the 10 commandments gone, winter festival anyone, Nativety scene? No sir, that’s our 4H program, etc.
    Rules are rules. You don’t like the rules, you don’t play the game. I

  12. rockin robin

    John, kudos to you brother! Devildog, you are exactly right! Trevor and Trindham, you obviously haven’t been paying attention to everything that is going on in this country. Before you issue your speech of tolerance, I suggest you start researching what these peaceful, loving, morally enlightened individuals (gag) are doing in and to OUR nation! You can start with reading Michael Savage’s complaint filed in federal court. Go to his website - he’s got it there. Go through all the articles on THIS website and others regarding Muslims. Read up on Jihad and what it REALLY means. I too believe that one should be free to practice their religion. HOWEVER, when that religion ALLOWS its follwers to harm and repress others, among many other IMMORAL acts, they should not be allowed to practice their religion in OUR (get that?) OUR country. I can’t help but wonder how anyone could be tolerant of a religion that would just as soon see all non-muslims die?

  13. rockin robin


  14. Ivan the Kafir

    1. What the HELL is a Muslim doing on a track team in the first place?! I thought they were supposed to be busy breeding more “freedom fighters.”

    2. Wouldn’t a full-body “bubble-boy” suit tend to make one that much less competitive?

    3. If it is actually only the head and neck being covered, what ever happened to her legs and arms? (This is to say nothing of her eyes - which should also be covered (and she should hope she doesn’t trip over her own two feet or her burka)).

    4. If her custom-made running suit does handicap her, it would logically require that all the other runners be handicapped. In short, she’s a major liability to whatever team she runs for and whatever event she attends.

    5. Why don’t they simply have Muslim-only sporting events? Perhaps camel racing, target shooting with AK-47s, demolition derby with actual explosives (pun intended), or a prostration-to-Mecca contest.

  15. Ken H

    Dress codes are dress codes. If you don’t want to conform, don’t participate. Some places insist you wear a tie, or no sandels, some jobs prohibit jewellry in your face etc. An SS uniform would probably not be accepted in a synagogoue. A Fuck muslims tee shirt would not be welcome in a mosque (let alone a jihadikiller tee shirt) :lol: . If you insist on wearing whatever, find a place that accepts it.

  16. James

    I have personsally seen 3 young Muslim woman who drowned and their lifeless body washed up on the beach just because they wouldn’t wear a bathing suit and expose their knees. They go into the ocean wearing jeans that become very heavy and prevents them from swiming or escaping from a strong current that sweeps them out to sea only to get pounded by heavy surf. very very sad….victims of the cult of islam.

  17. Dan (The Infidel)

    Mooslems everywhere are attempting to impose their draconian lifestyle and beliefs on free societies. The rules of free societies should be plain and simple: Asimilate or take a fucking hike. Dhimnitude or kow-towing to these 7th century psychopaths in any way, shape or form is unacceptable.

  18. Vanessa

    Devildog is right.
    They tolerate no one and demand everyone conform to their needs. They are hell on earth and that is the absolute TRUTH.

    Backwards, ignorant, selfish, inconsiderate, vain and more is Islam.

  19. cb10

    Keep it simple: Fuck off and die islam.
    The more, the faster, the better.

  20. Trindam

    Everyone that is doing the lovely little Knee jerk reaction of MUSLIM!! Kill or Fuck’m.

    Well all it the problem is that they are wearing some kind of hood. Eh, fuck’m, they need to die anyway.

    That is what you guys sound like. So lets see, where I have I seen and hear such narrow minded thinking before??? Oh ya, muslim extremists. Their not muslim? Kill them!! is what they say. Your saying, their muslim? Kill them!!!

    So you sit there and call Trevor and myself dumb asses and that we need to think about things. Hmm, it seems to me that those of you that make those comments need to actually do some thinking. Do some thinking instead of doing one of the things that will help the jihadists.

    By just jumping to their muslim, fuck’m attitudes in situations such as this girl faced does not represent the US well, or what our ancestors and soldiers fight for.

    You start with fuck muslims as a whole, why not fuck Jahovas Witnesses, or Mormons, or any other religion you do not happen to agree with.

    Also for John Cunningham, thank you for confirming what I said about intolerant people not accepting others being intelerant of them.

  21. rockin robin

    Trindham, first of all Jahovah’s Witnesses, Mormans and other religions DO NOT INSIST that anyone who is not of their religion either conform to their ways or be killed. That statement in and of itself completely proves that you don’t know what the hell you are talking about and that you have not been paying attention.

    Secondly, it’s the “tolerant” attitude of individuals such as yourself that helped cause our national security to be at a HUGE risk . . . remember 9/11?

    Even Jesus got pissed off when a temple was being desecrated and kicked everyone out. What’s the difference here? OUR nation is being desecrated by a religion that promotes hate, death, oppression, among many other immoral acts. They are using OUR constitution to spread hate toward America. WHY SHOULD WE TOLERATE IT? WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO? We start cowering down and bending the rules (no matter how small they may seem), we put ourselves at risk of losing everything this country stands for - everything our ancestors fought for.

    Those of us who actually care about this country and everything it stands for are putting our foot down and saying no more. It is our right to do so and that right was given to us by the BLOOD of our ancestors. So yea, what John and Devildog said.

  22. fran122

    This had nothing to do with religious and/or racial discrimination. It was a uniform violation, nothing more. It has totally gotten out of control due to the W Post’s irresponsible journalism.

    NFHS Responds to Maryland Track Situation
    Contact: Becky Oakes
    INDIANAPOLIS, IN (January 17, 2008) - Last Saturday, Juashuanna Kelly, a runner on the girls track team at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Washington, D.C., elected not to compete in the Montgomery Invitational indoor track and field meet in Maryland after meet officials advised her that she would need to replace her undergarment because it violated track and field playing rules published by the National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS).
    The NFHS issues the following statement regarding this incident:
    “The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), the national leadership organization for high school sports and fine arts activities, writes playing rules in 17 sports for boys and girls competition at the high school level, including track and field.
    “Rule 4-3-1-d of the NFHS Track and Field and Cross Country Rules Book states that ‘Any visible garment(s) worn underneath the uniform top or bottom shall be a single, solid color and unadorned except for 1) a single school name or insignia no more than 2¼ square inches with no dimension more than 2¼ inches and 2) a single, visible manufacturer’s logo as per NFHS rules.’
    “Using preventive officiating, meet officials at the Montgomery Invitational checked uniforms prior to the events to make sure they complied with NFHS uniform rules. Since Kelly’s one-piece undergarment was multi-colored (blue, orange, white), it was in violation of the uniform rules. The meet officials did not disqualify Kelly; they informed her she would have to replace the multi-colored undergarment with a single-colored undergarment, an option which she declined and, thus, did not compete.
    “The head covering, which was a part of Kelly’s one-piece undergarment, nor the length of the undergarment were in violation of NFHS rules. She could have worn the same style of undergarment, with a head covering, as long as the undergarment was one color throughout the entire piece of clothing. The NFHS track uniform rule was put in place for consistency across the board and for ease in identifying runners at the finish line. Multi-colored undergarments cause greater identification problems for track officials.
    “The track uniform is a point of emphasis by the NFHS this year in an effort to have more consistent and widespread enforcement of the rule. Because of her Muslim faith, there were reports that her uniform undergarment was ruled unacceptable on religious grounds. While Kelly’s faith requires her to cover all parts of the body except her hands and face, a single-colored undergarment with a hood would have been acceptable both from an NFHS rules standpoint as well as meeting the requirements of her Muslim faith.

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