New York Times Attacks Al Gore On Global Warming

January 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The new year is beginning with some very serious shots being fired across the bow of the manmade global warming myth and at alarmists using it to advance their deplorable agendas.

Moments after Investor’s Business Daily presaged that “2008 just might be the year the so-called scientific consensus that man is causing the Earth to warm begins to crack,” the New York Times of all entities published a rather shocking piece…


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14 Responses

  1. Augustine

    Holy crap the end of the world is here

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Manbearpig is getting dissed by one of his own? Guess the goracle hasn’t paid his union dues this month huh? :roll:

  3. Brad W(the infidel)

    My guess is that since he is making more money than ever before, and not properly donating it to “the cause”, and that he has dissed his people by not running for POTUS, that is why he is getting sniped at…

    If only more of this for once honest stroy show up…

  4. jam

    So Chicken Little gets outted…I love it!

  5. Gary in Midwest

    Any predictions on Gore getting de-Nobel-ed?

  6. POD1

    Occasionally the NYT does goes off script.
    Its a shame of coarse, they do intentionally.
    Down the road they’ll point to this article as “proof” they’re not biased.

    Same tactic the ACLU uses.

  7. NickD

    …and the forecast for hell today, light snow with flurries in the afternoon. Accumulation possible.

  8. POD1

    Thats sham not shame. oops:

  9. jerr

    Hey! The sky is blue, and it’s gonna get blue-er if you don’t give me billions of dollars.

    You have to be blue neutral and leave a smaller blue footprint.

    And the only way you can do that is to give me billions of dollars. Give me money dammit. Give me money or the world is going to end! Gimme money!

  10. Jon

    Thomas Sowell wrote a great book several years ago titled “The Vision of The Anointed”. It outlines the liberal playbook of creating a crisis to justify their place in politics, essentially, “You need us so we can save you”. Al Gore is a glaring example.

  11. KBar

    There was a BBC documentary that came out a while back that had many of the scientists from Manbearpig’s “Inconvenient Hidden Agenda” or whatever that work of fiction was called. These scientists were saying that their findings, interpretations of data, etc. were takien either out of the intended context, or twisted around completely to imply a catastrophic global calamity. I will try to post the link later. Maybe USMC Beans still has it available, as he is the one who sent it to me. :beer:

  12. Richard Quinn

    Funny the camera didn’t pick up the sign Goracle is holding in his right hand - “Follow me! I’m the head lemming!

  13. Lamplighter

    Maybe that NYT writer decided he needed to be objective. I know he’s taking alot of heat from the Global Warming Religion members.

  14. just posting

    twilight zone doesnt even describe this

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