No Chitchat Between Bitter Clinton And Obama

January 28th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


WASHINGTON (AP) - So close, yet so far away—and so bitter.

Rival Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama came within a foot of each other just before President Bush’s State of the Union speech Monday night and managed not to acknowledge each other, and certainly not touch.

It was quite a feat, given the packed House floor, the customary bear- hugging and jostling among other members.

Clinton, clad in scarlet, crossed the aisle between their seats on the House floor. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Democratic icon who had endorsed Obama earlier in the day over Clinton, reached out his hand when she came close.

She took it; they shook. Meanwhile, Obama, dressed in a dark suit, had turned away.

The rivals then retreated to their seats, only the aisle and four senators between them.

It was the latest chapter in the increasingly nasty fight between the two leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination and capped a dramatic day.

Hours earlier, Obama received the endorsements of Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy, the brother and daughter, respectively, of President John F. Kennedy. They were joined by Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., the senator’s son.

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8 Responses

  1. martymar

    *caption* “Dis cracker bitch, I want to punch her in her wrinkled old face.”

  2. LftBhndAgn

    Caption for Photo:


    I’ll just take her for a drive.

  3. Judith

    I wish I could say my clever rejoinder to that photo but I would be flogged for expressing racial insensitivity. Maybe I can be sly: Looks like a person of unknown heritage and shadowy complexion has invaded a gathering of wood choppers stacking their wares. Anyone get my meaning or have I been too obvious?? :mrgreen:

  4. Judith

    Did my post get lost?

  5. Jihadi Slayer

    F Hellary & B. Hussein Osama. Osama has no chance in a
    gernal election if they make it about him BEING a muslim and anti-white. funny since his african daddy ran out on him and a white person had to raise the stupid little fucker!

  6. deathstar

    Shes thinking: That little boy could be my driver.

    Hes thinking: That dumb cracker could be my bitch.

    Ted Kennedys saying: You want that Obama? You could so hit that if you want.

  7. shortfuse

    If this country gives Barry (Bullshit) Obama a thought about being President, then the assholes who put him there deserve what they get–a threat to their own safety and security. The demoshits don’t have an American in their list of nominees, and they haven’t had one for years.
    No way we can allow the demoshits to win the White House.

  8. Monkey3531

    All this talk about how much they dislike each other is ridiculous. I’d bet that they are bangin each other (he probably has the rug burns on his knees and elbows to prove it). They are like two little kids in elementary school, you know how little boys are mean to little girls and all…any one else picking up what I’m putting down?

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